
  1. MJV15

    Torch coral help

    So I wanted to get some input from some more experienced reefers. I’m currently battling Dino’s at the moment so I’m on hyper alert. My torch suddenly retracted into its body today and I noticed some dark strings coming out of it. Doesn’t look like brown jelly, I had that kill one of my Duncan...
  2. M

    Clownfish ich?

    Dear reefers, Yesterday i was looking at 1 of my clowns and i sawe somenthing odd, there are really small white dots on his side. I cant rembember that he had the white spots from te beginning. i've been looking at his behavior but he acts normal and eats well. I dont know if it are white...
  3. BabyShark

    Dead rock flower anemone

    I’ve had a few rock flower anemones for a while and they’ve been doing great in my tank. I recently got a new one from a company that’s been giving me trouble last week and it appears to not be doing so good. What are signs that a rock flower anemone is dead? Also what steps should I take if it...
  4. grantor

    What's wrong with Marty?

    I got Marty, a Pink Spotted Watchman Goby, about a week ago. I was watching him while feeding earlier and noticed he has a rough patch of blackened scales and it appears there is some kind of parisite moving under his skin (see attached video). What is wrong with Marty and how can i treat him?
  5. sarahgo

    Identify sickness, if any??

    Hi guys sorry to post as I’m sure many do about these things but I’m worried about my clownfish. Got the pair before Christmas and I’ve noticed some odd behavior in the female and some spots maybe developing? It’s hard to tell at this point, but maybe I’m being paranoid? I attached a pic from...
  6. Dommerguy


    It happened again almost a week later on the dot fish swimming a bit off and white in the face help me and my fish
  7. Jessicaray94

    Tang has cloudy eyes, white specks all over & has white stringy poop

    Help!!! My zebra tang has white stringy poop that looks like worms, has cloudy eyes & has white specks all over its body, almost looks like a film is covering his body. Anyone know what kind of sickness/parasite he could have? & how can I treat him & possibly the entire tank? Attached is a...
  8. Lcoxon11

    Ocellaris clownfish acting weird

    My tank has been established for several months I have two clownfish that I bought together about a week and a half ago they get along just fine. One is very active, so active I named him “turbo” the other just sits at the bottom of the tank....Stationary swimming. He doesn’t have much of an...
  9. W

    Dead bubble tip anemone?

    I bought a bubble tip anemone last night at my LFS attached to a live rock as the employee couldn’t get it off. The rock had bristleworms on it so I removed the anemone and soaked the rock in tap water overnight per LFS request. This morning I found a white fleshy blob on the rock. The LFS said...
  10. Emi2852

    Zoanthids aren't opening.. and look strange with how they are closed.

    Hey, I'm hoping some one on here can help me determine what is going on with my Zoas. I have had these frags for about three months and have been doing fine until this past week. I have been using Fluval's salt mix, and have been dosing magnesium occasionally. Also last week I found a 1ish inch...
  11. Emi2852

    Found odd white things on base of coral and frag plug

    When my Torch coral closed up for the night I noticed some odd white growths. (Not the white curly worms... I don’t know their name) but I’m wondering about the larger white tube like things. Sorry for the quality my phone refused to focus on the plug. Does anyone know what these are and if they...
  12. Jud

    Sick Rainbow BTA Bounceback

    I’ll be the first to admit that my tank (at four months old) was too new for a BTA. However, the salesman my LFS here in Chicago was convincing. My second tank, an AIO, and weekly 30% water changes - I thought I could master this one. After 1+ months of thriving in the tank, came home to a...
  13. InCodWeTrust

    Sick Anemone?

    Should I be worried?
  14. PrimaryQwilfish

    Please HELP! Flame hawkfish dying?

    My flame hawkfish is acting extremely weird, panting and flailing as if sick but fully colored, no abrasions, signs of ick, or fungus. He is in a 8 month old tank, no ammonia, no nitrite and nitrate ~10. He has lived with his two tank mates for months - a valentinii puffer and a springeri...
  15. Perpetual Novice

    Tag went from fat to deathly skinny overnight. How?

    I woke up this morning and found all of my fish breathing heavy. Especially my blonde naso. I found my bubble tip anemone had finally died and poisoned the tank so I transferred the gasping fish to my observation tank and did a massive water change. The other fish all worked up fine but the naso...
  16. nightmarepl

    Yellow tang back fins cut up

    hey guys i have a yellow tang that is suffering some minor ich trying to keep it in check, noticed his back fins are really looking cut up wondering what is causing this i have water in check, fish mates are 2 clowns and a yellow tail damsel any ideas is it the ich taking a toll?
  17. Nolan Shinn

    Snowflake eel tumor?

    Hello, I’ve got an 18” snowflake eel, who seems quite healthy, except for something that looks kinda like a tumor on the roof of her mouth. Seems to be growing. Still eating and doesn’t seem to have changed behavior. Anyone know if there’s anything I can or should do?
  18. stevepaynr84

    Sick goby?

    Had these engineer gobies a out 3 years or so now and in the last few weeks they started behaving strangely and I've now noticed these marks on their tails (sorry the pic is crap had to zoom in a lot on phone) they also seem very lethargic and not eating at all. Any advice appreciated.
  19. damselindistress

    Help again please - sick trachy...fungus??

    **Admin/Mods** I accidentally posted this in the soft coral forum, can you please delete from there?** a few weeks back I posted about this same trachy, whether to reposition him or not - ultimately I left him alone based on the advice I received. At that time he was doing well, magnificent...
  20. damselindistress

    Help needed again please - trachy in bad shape

    a few weeks back I posted about this same trachy, whether to reposition him or not - ultimately I left him alone based on the advice I received. At that time he was doing well, magnificent really. He’s been in the tank a couple months and has always been in top form. About 10 days ago I...
  21. nightmarepl

    Sick clown fish? Need advice please!

    came home noticed my clown has these weird black brownish dots all over his orange spots any idea what’s going on he’s very active and eating
  22. Raxnar

    Sick Anemone :(

    I first got this Anemone back in April, she's been like this ever since being introduced to our tank. We ran acclimation mode for a week to keep stress down. She moves around the tank regularly but just doesn't look well. I've tried feeding her some shrimp but won't take it. Any tips or...
  23. Snake132

    Need help lawnmower blenny !!!

    This morning I couldn’t find him my [lawnmower blenny ] and once I did he was hiding in an unusual place under the rocks and (white in colour)which is not his usual colour and he appears to be (breathing rapidly) ... is he dying ? What can I do to help at the moment ? And what is wrong with...
  24. Falcon 6

    Is this Ich?

    I've two fish in a 5 gallon QT for 17 days, a Mimic Tang and a Midnight Angel. Both have been getting along well and and eating frozen mysis, marine angel formula, and seaweed. Last night I came home to the tang lying on his side and breathing heavily, he expired a few hours later. This...
  25. Jennie

    Mushroom Leather dying?

    My mushroom leather has been like this for 2 weeks and it keeps getting worse looking. I dipped him last week and he seems to keep getting worse. He did shed about a month ago and looked great and then one morning he turned. All of my big 3's are good except i am not detecting any nitrates. Any...