
  1. Afkomjorgen

    Frogspawn Exposed skeleton!

    Hello! We noticed that the skeleton is exposed on one side of our frogspawn! We got this frogspawn about 2 weeks ago. It has been looking good. Coming out every day & coloring up. We noticed the exposed skeleton today when the wave maker was on. It looks like it’s being ripped off it’s...
  2. F

    Redfin Fairy Wrasse lying on side

    Is this normal behavior? When I went near him with a net, he started swimming around the tank. I just got this fish delivered today. I put food in the tank and he ate, so I'm hoping he's gonna be okay, but he went back to laying on his side. He's not breathing heavily, breathing normal.
  3. C

    ! - sick(?) tailspot blenny

    Hi Everyone, My tailspot blenny is looking a little worse for wear. His belly is now concave, and his face is looking really skinny. It resembles a really skinny person when their cheekbones are visible. He is now sticking to the bottom of the tank, not moving, whereas before (two days ago) he...
  4. crazyclownlady

    New clownfish turning sideways

    I got my new clownfish about 2 weeks ago and he has started to swim at the bottom of the tank, sometimes sideways. He sometimes flashes (i think that’s the right term). I’m afraid he is sick. Here is a video, you can see him swim sideways at the end:
  5. H

    EMERGENCY Sick clown? What’s wrong with him, will he make it

    Something is wrong with my snow storm, just bought on Saturday.. was fine yesterday. They are not bullying each other, only other fish in tank is a mandarin and she has not bothered them at all. Hermits, snails, rock flower anemone and a few coral frags. His top fin looks tore up and bloody...
  6. at11ok

    New Zoas look weird - not opening

    So I got 4 new zoa frags ordered from online and I noticed it looked a little weird think it might just be mad from not being in a tank for a while. So I acclimated them and dipped them and put them in my tank. It’s been 3 days and 3 of the 4 zoas show no signs of opening at all and look weird...
  7. C


    Hello everybody, I have a pair of clownfish that we’re doing great for a couple of months, however now one of them is laying on its side and breathing rather erraticly, is also has no appetite. Everything else in the tank is fine, including the other clowns and anemones, so I know it’s not a...
  8. V

    EMERGENCY Sailfin Tang not swimming

    Sailfin tang I picked up about a week ago, was doing fine at first and now it’s been laying down on the bottom and hiding, only other fish I have is a small clown fish. Got my water tested and everything was perfect. Has not been wanted to eat also picked up the nori pack and hung it on the side...
  9. K

    Is there something wrong with my Blue tang? HELP!

    Hi guys, Need a bit of help.. For the past week my blue tang has been looking stressed, her fins all out and flared constantly. Today as I went to feed the fish I noticed the front of her back fin looks like it’s disintegrating somehow… it just doesn’t seem right. It’s possible that it’s...
  10. S

    Indian mud eel spots???

    My Indian mud eel has these white spots randomly on it now??? They weren’t there earlier today but i just noticed them. Could it have been stung by an anemone? It’s acting normal and it ate earlier but I’m not sure what’s going on.
  11. Paddypoo

    Puffer seems very bloated

    Hello I have a sharp nose puffer who I have had for a little over a week he had ich and has basically fought it off I was using kick ich it is a copper free solution I have been feeding him a lot of brine so that could have led to the belly being large also it says on the bottle to take out...
  12. derek170

    Sick Firefish

    My firefish goby is hardly moving, also is gasping for air. Not eating either. I tested salinity and its at 1.025. Any suggestions on saving the fish are appreciated..
  13. Fishguy530

    EMERGENCY Bloated Clown / Sores

    Hi all, Had this clown for 2-3 months now. A couple weeks ago a white spot under his right pictorial fin with some light swelling showed up. It then seemed to clear up. I just noticed tonight that he was swimming lazily, and on close inspection found a sore again in the same spot as before, and...
  14. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Do Any Of These Fish Look Sick?

    Before I start, I have no Quarantine yet, however I do want one. And also I had a wrasse for about 2 weeks, had to remove it because it was killing my clowns...and then replaced it with other fish (read below). You can also read my build thread that I posted yesterday for more info. So, I've...
  15. N

    New Tomini tang with weird white "thing" on the side of his face.

    Hello! A few days ago I bought a Tomini tang that has been doing quite fine. (Eat quite well/seen him grazing from the algae and Nori that is in the tank and starts to swim around more and more now) However He/she started to have a white "thing" on the side of its head that looks nothing like...
  16. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Wrasse not swimming smoothly?

    Ever since I got my wrasse he didn't swim smoothly. He swims with a bobing motion. Don't know how else to describe it. Looks like he had swim bladder when I first got him home. He is swimming upright and fine except for this swimming motion. Looks as though his front 2 fins are slightly eaten...
  17. E

    EMERGENCY What is on my firefish goby???

    Hi everyone! Im very new to marine fish keeping. I got a firefish goby two weeks ago. Upon getting it, it looked in very good shape. But just a couple of days ago, I started noticing that its tail was frayed and now i noticed some white fuzzy spots on its body. Could someone help me identify...
  18. J

    I don’t know what’s on my redtoothed trigger fish

    I just got a red tooth niger trigger fish about 5 days ago and added it to my 125gal tank with my porcupine puffer and snowflake eel. They are all juvenile still so that’s why they are in a “smaller” tank. Anyway I noticed over the past few days that my trigger will randomly twitch very fast to...
  19. naselflee

    Sick or skinny Foxface?

    Hey guys. I’m new to Saltwater fish tanks. I recently got a new foxface 4 days ago and he’s been quite timid. He’s now come out and eating. I’ve noticed that he’s quite thin and looks like his skin is loose or something? I’ve attached some photos.
  20. N

    Slime on blue spotted puffer?

    Hi all! I am new to this hobby and know I’ve made mistakes from not so great advice. I currently have 60gal saltwater tank that is about a month old. Was told it would be cycled by adding fritz turbo start and all would be good. Long story short I’m having to do a fish in cycle because it didn’t...
  21. B

    EMERGENCY Does my blue tang have Dropsy?!

    I have a blue tang that has acting himself. He lost his appetite and doesn’t swim all over the tank like he was just a few days ago. I started noticing on Saturday that he would just stay attached to a rock and didn’t come for feed anymore. a about a month or so ago he was swimming downwards...
  22. chadfish

    Is my RBTA sick? Help

    Not sure what happened. My nem was super happy after I switched to more powerful lights- flow hasn’t changed much. He was in the same spot for almost 6 months and now he’s moved almost to the sand bed and looks… deflated? The only thing that’s really changed is that the clownfish finally found...
  23. codi-saltwaterguy

    Clownfish looks sick

    So my girlfriend bought this pair of clownfish a week ago and today one of the two started showing signs of what looked like ich. It was weird because literally the day before hand he looked completely fine. Now he looks on the brink of death. He has spots on his body and fins. His eyes are...
  24. Gonj

    EMERGENCY Valentini puffer Dying???

    I just got this puffer in the mail today, the bag had hardly any air in it so I tried to work fast. I floated him for about 10 min and drip acclimated him for I’d say 45min doubling the water volume twice. I did not net him or remove him from the water he did not puff up at all. He was swimming...
  25. C

    Spiny box pufferfish decease ID

    Hi! I just got this guy for free from a petco who called because they knew I had a quarantine tank. I am currently treating him with copper for the ich he has but there is also some other kind of illness on the fins that I just can’t figure out and was hoping to get an ID on it aswell as a...