
  1. yanni

    Cleanup crew suggestions

    Hey everyone, so I’ve just started my reef tank up, it’s a 75L, 20 Gallon AIO reef sea max nano! I’m super proud of it, but I’ve got a couple questions regarding the addition of a CUC/livestock. im planning on getting 2 clowns and a nem down the track, and eventually adding some SPS corals. I’m...
  2. Jarbour14

    Cleanup Crew General Questions, I'd love any feedback

    Hows it going everyone, I just had some questions about potential additions to my 75 gallon reef tank. I have a lot of rock with arches and plenty of caves etc. I currently have the following in my tank in terms of inverts and cleaners 1 skunk cleaner shrimp 10 nassarius snails 10 turbo snails...
  3. adamlodge14

    Finished cycling?

    Hi, my 15 gallon saltwater tank has been cycling for 6 weeks now. I have been adding special blend bacteria and have been ghost feeding. I have tested my water parameters but am not sure if the tank is safe for a Yasha goby/ pistol shrimp pair. My parameters are: Ammonia= 0.1 Nitrite= 0 Nitrate=...
  4. adamlodge14

    Cleaner + pistol shrimp

    Hi, I am currently thinking about stocking for my 15 gallon marine tank. I would like a Yasha goby and a candy pistol shrimp (pair them up) I would also like a cleaner shrimp. Would these guys be ok with each other? I’ve heard so many good things about cleaner shrimp but just wanted to ask
  5. Gonj

    Inverts and Ich please help

    Recently just started up a 37g tank, I’m on week 2 of cycling and I had a pair of clown in there to help cycle. I noticed 1/2 clowns started showing signs of ich so I removed them both into a hospital tank and begun treating them. The one experiencing symptoms did not make it, the other clown...
  6. L

    Conditioning diet

    What can i use for conditioning banggai cardinals? i know chopped squid, mysis and even baby guppies??? If I bought baby saltwater mollies from my LFS would that still be the same as the guppies? would it have the same effect? and "wild" cherry shrimp, there are people in my area selling...
  7. Reef and Dive

    Iodine and invertebrate molting - good or bad?

    I´ve been searching for serious articles on the role of iodine in invertebrate molting. - There is the hobby the belief that iodine is required for molting and is a required ion for that purpose (not specifically going into dosing controversies). - There is also the belief that iodine dosing...
  8. L

    Weird bug shrimp things found swarming under rock Please Help ID

    I was cleaning one of my tanks and decided I might want to do some reworking of the rock. All was fine until I moved one of the foundation pieces and ALL OF THESE LITTLE THINGS CAME SQUIGGLING OUT ALL OVER FROM UNDER THE FLAT PIECE. I thought it was bristleworms but they also kinda look like...
  9. michaelabellz

    What is on my cleaner shrimp

    I have no idea what this is on my shrimp, it almost looks like dirt. At first I just thought maybe it was something he ate but it’s been 3 days since I first noticed it and after looking closely i could tell it’s on the outside of the shrimp not the inside.
  10. Sick_man

    What are these shrimp looking things?

    So i dipped my goni in some Melafix Coral Dip and these two things came out. I don't think they are copepods because they are at least twice the size of the ones I see in my tank. Any clue what it is? They look like little shrimps and but I really am unsure whether or not they are copeods. Also...
  11. librarylandlisa

    Everyone is molting?

    3 crustaceans out of the 7 I have in my 60 gallon FOWLR tank molted today. It’s possible that others did and I didn’t see the exoskeletons. Is this cause for alarm???
  12. MrDeathKills

    Nano Build 16 gal biocube

    Stocking ideas for 16gal Biocube. Need opinions on this stock of fish. We are pretty open on snails so any you think would be beneficial to the tanks overall health we are open to hear about. If there is another fish you think we can sneak in please do tell we are fully open to see what other...
  13. catalystNfacade

    Bumblebee Shrimp and Turbo Snail best buds. Normal?

    The bumblebee shrimp is below the turbo snail I finally picked up 3 bumblebee shrimps and two of them (not sure what happened to the third) seem obsessed with the snails in my tank. Is this normal. I know there's a symbiotic relationship with Emperor Shrimps and nudibranches and various other...
  14. Perpetual Novice

    Adding unhatched brine shrimp eggs to aquarium. What would happen?

    Everything says to hatch the eggs first then add the live brine a little at a time as food. But what if I want a constant food supply for picky fish. Can I add eggs directly to the tank so they can pick them off as they hatch? I’m thinking of wrasses and filefish in particular.
  15. Accidentalreefers

    Adding a 2nd cleaner shrimp to 75g reef

    Hey, just looking on some opinions adding another cleaner shrimp to my 75G, I currently have a pretty massive skunk shrimp in the tank about 4" not including his whiskers, it's been in the tank for a bit over a year, the only saltwater stores around my area only sell smaller shrimp maybe about...
  16. ajtomase

    Iodine supplementation for FOWLR tank

    Hi everyone, who out their doses their tank with iodine to help their shrimp molt?
  17. Daveouthere

    Nassarius snail...Acting weird

    Hey guy noticed one of my snails acting really strange today not sure what’s going on with it, very strange behavior. Wondering if my cleaner shrimp got to it or what’s going on
  18. LxHowler

    Can fire shrimp and cleaner shrimp live together

    So I have a tank with a fire shrimp in it and for some reason my female clownfish has tarted to randomly attack it. Started last night and hasn't left it alone since, I don't know why the shrimp has been in there nearly 6 months fine. I have a second tank that I can move it I to but that tank...
  19. mattybecks

    Allardi's enjoying breakfast shrimp

    I havent posted about my pair of Allardi's for a while, so I thought I would share some videos of them enjoying one of their larger breakfasts. I have decided not to risk keeping cleaner shrimp or peppermint shrimp in my aquarium anymore, as mine keep disappearing. I think they have developed a...
  20. Daveouthere

    Help !

    My skunk shrimp killed my peppermint shrimp and was trying to drag it away it fell into my sleeping bubble coral my bubble coral immediately put out all of its little tentacles and from what I can see it’s sucked it in what should I do will the bubble coral eat the peppermint shrimp I do not...
  21. Diveks

    Ammonia barely going up, cycling

    Hey everyone, so this is not exactly my first time setting up a saltwater tank. But ive never tried cycling with shrimp, so ive decided to do it with my new tank. It is 210 gallons, and ive put in 2 chopped up table shrimp (in a filter bag) in the sump. And ive been letting it rot in there for...
  22. LxHowler

    Cleaner shrimp eggs

    So I was feeding my tank earlier and noticed one of my cleaner shrimp looks like it has eggs attached to it, I was wondering is there a way to tell if they are fertile or if they will survive. Also if they hatch how likely are they to survive. I believe one of them has just molted so it might...
  23. gavinb612

    2 Cleaner shrimp acting strange at the same time

    So I just purchased 2 cleaners on Friday, I've had them before and had one for nearly 2 years, love these guys, but these two were doing great until earlier today. At literally the exact same time, they went down to the sand bed away from the rock and just say these moving their arms and...
  24. M

    Aquarium, Shrimp Video - Are the Facts true?

    Hey Guys! I created a YT Video for a friend about shrimps. Someone told me that some information in the video is wrong, can you help me there and check this? Heres the video: Thanks for all the answers!!!
  25. Phlipper

    Lost all my shrimp. Help!

    Hey guys, so I got an infestation of flat worms, been trying to get rid of them but Then my nitrates we’re getting high. I lost both my blood shrimp and then I started doing water changes every 5 days or so. My nitrates have been next to zero but then my peppermint shrimp just died too. I’ve...
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