
  1. maxemorris

    How do I keep invertebrates with my wrasse

    HELP! I started a new tank and added a melanurus wrasse, cleaner shrimp, and 8 blue leg hermit crabs, along with some other fish and coral. The shrimp was dead a few days later, and i’m now finding empty shells and hermit crab legs all over the sand bed. I know it was the wrasse, and I know...
  2. R

    Is my shrimp dead?

    Hey guys, I’m not sure if my cleaner shrimp is dead or not. Check out the video. Two days ago he was just standing there, motionless (apart from its antennae). Even when food was given, it didn’t move. I thought maybe it’s molting so that’s why he didn’t move. Yesterday, it was laying on its...
  3. NeedAReef

    Shrimp id

    Not sure how I never noticed this guy but good or bad?
  4. L

    Help with Aiptasia problem

    I Need Help with my aiptasia problem, i’m tired of this, maybe someone have a some idea… i have a 130gal mixed reef, and a lot of aiptasias everywhere. I start with the Aiptasia-X - just mutiply more. I introduced a some peppermint shrimp (3) and after a 2 days they disappeared So i try...

    Build Thread Two Tanked too Enjoy It...

    I am not so sure about everyone else here, but my wife says I'm...OBSESSED :thinking-face: Let's talk about my reef!! And the amazing journey along the way. Biocube 32 - Continue reading to take the Two Tanked journey Red Sea Max S-500 - ...Dive deeper and Go Big Click here But what the...
  6. Iggy305

    Mystery Shrimp

    So I placed an order for some inverts and everything came as requested, but an extra bag was in the shipment and a shrimp I didn’t order. I enjoy all the different inverts, I think they’re mostly fun curious creatures so I don’t mind keeping it. The concern of course is compatibility with...
  7. Seabiscuit & Friends

    New Tank ~ Wild Live Rocks

    All kinds of fun stuff happening here! Looks dull and boring from far but I've been enjoying using the magnifying glass to find all the tiny critters. We started out by accidentally bringing home a Cone Shell Hermit crab inside this Auger shell, threw him in a bucket of water with a nice algae...
  8. NeedAReef

    Shrimp in my sump?

    So, I put a pair of peps in my fuge section of the pump to float. I had several bags of things.... Well when I was opening all the stuff yeah my peps went in the sump accidentally ... I have a standard three section sump. First is Skimmer chamber from the tank then overflow into fuge then...
  9. Reevak

    Goby & Non-Pistol Shrimp Combo?

    I keep watching videos on gobies and pistol shrimp where they mention that there are many species of gobies and shrimp that pair but only some pair with pistol shrimp, yet I can't seem to find any information on goby and shrimp symbiosis without it being a pistol shrimp. Does anyone know of any...
  10. PeterEde

    Mysis live?

    Been feeding frozen mysis. Survived?
  11. Gernader

    180G Tank breakdown (Fish & Inverts For Sale)

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad 180G Tank breakdown (Fish & Inverts For Sale). For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  12. at11ok

    No colored angelfish being aggressive

    So I’ve had a bi colored angel for about 2 months now and it’s been fine other than nipping at my Kenya tree which I didn’t mind too much. Buh today I just put in a coral banded shrimp in and later I came back and I see the bi colored angelfish chasing all of my other gosh around. I don’t know...
  13. Tom nhia

    Uncommon Nano Gobies and Inverts

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Uncommon Nano Gobies and Inverts. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  14. Uncommon Nano Gobies and Inverts

    For sale Uncommon Nano Gobies and Inverts

    Hey I have a few of uncommon gobies and shrimps from a recent import. Here's what I have currently: 4 Eviota pellucida - $20 each 3 Eviota nigriventris - $20 each 2 Tomiyamichthys oni - $20 each 6 Priolepis cincta - $20 each 3 Urocaridella sp (Yellow Line Shrimp) - $25 each 1 Periclimenes...
    $20.00 to $50.00
  15. H

    Tank pests?

    I left my house for 2 days and came back to my tank with these guys in here. Anyone know what these are? The video isn’t very clear but they look like baby shrimps. If this helps, I turned off the lights during those two days to try and get rid of some of my algae and see how they would respond...
  16. C

    Multiple pistol shrimp?

    Hello everybody, I am setting up an IM Nuvo 10 gallon nano, and for my stocking I was wondering if I could keep 2 Randall’s pistols and a yasha Goby together. I’m not sure if the two pistols will fight? Most people it seems to work out for them but I want to make sure, thanks.
  17. N

    Can you have too many CUC

    Hey guys. I have a 50 gallon tank I love the inverts. Starfish shrimp, snails, crabs. Can you over do it with inverts. I have two peppermint shrimp that come out at night. I want to get a cleaner shrimp also would love a fire shrimp to give a splash of red. I figure more cuc would balance it...
  18. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Salt for Shrimp?

    Do you guys think using Instant Ocean Sea Salt (Purple Bag) is ok to use for a yellow coral banded shrimp? Does it have enough iodine and other trace elements for it. I also have 2, 5 gallon buckets of Instant Ocean Reef Salts. I'm going to guess this one is better, but was just wondering if...
  19. reefsaver

    What Live food do you think is easiest to culture for your Reef aquarium?

    I've been growing copepods for a while in a standalone tank and was wondering, what is the easiest live food to culture? I was thinking maybe Brine shrimp might be easiest but was wondering what people think.
  20. F

    RBTA Split and Fire Red Shrimp Molted Same Night. Good, Bad, or Indifferent?

    My Rose Bubble Tip Anemone has yet to have bubble like tentacles since I got it over a month ago. Shortly before receiving the anemone the previous owner told me it had split, mine being the mother. I got a fire red shrimp also about a month ago and it has molted three times already. Last...
  21. Richlard

    Who all is keeping g.viridis

    Who all out there is keeping gonadactylus viridis and what are their temperaments and activity levels?
  22. Richlard

    Is my g.viridis Behaviour normal?

    Hey all first time using this I recently got a g.viridis and he was eating well (I feed him snails) but now he has stopped eating all together, he will punch the snails if I put them in front of him but will not eat them is this a bad sign or is he just preparing to molt. Also he is quite shy...
  23. SpendoEndo

    The Pico Squad

    The show piece live stock in my 5gal pico :D Got a good pic of em chillin together
  24. SenorBubs

    New Jersey Pistol Shrimp For Sale

    Pistol Pete is for sale, cost of $0. My Goby jumped after my tank change months ago and i haven't been able to get another pair. If you're looking to pair him I'd add the two at the same time. Worked the first time! He's about 2"
  25. tailoftwogobies

    coral banded shrimp issues

    hi y’all! another question.. we caught a coral banded shrimp literally red handed just now with our wheeler goby in his grip.. is this something that happens a lot with those shrimp? we’ve never seen one or caught one in this case doing this! he literally snatched our goby right up in his claw...