
  1. SelkieSam

    What lives on fire shrimp exoskeleton?

    My Fire Shrimp had a normal molt and for fun I looked at the old exoskeleton under my microscope. Is there a way to find out what sort of things live on a shrimp normally? Or if some of these little guys just live in the saltwater in general? Interested if anyone has good resources or knowledge...
  2. Sythero

    Hardiness of Cleaner Shrimp?

    Re-entering reefing after being gone for 8 years, the price of Cleaner Shrimp has surprised me most. Before I throw 2.5 hours of work (of my wage) on a prawn, how long do you all have your shrimps for? Back in the day I recall them being a bit more sensitive? But I was newer to the hobby and...
  3. T

    Red Fire Shrimp

    Hi Everyone, Today I purchased one red fire shrimp from local fish store and when I came home then only I notice he don't have 2 left legs I am worried I did not noticed in local fish store so I know Its my fault but do they grow back as I am new to this hobby? Thank you.
  4. besskurz

    South Carolina WTB Lysmata boggessi - Peppermint shrimp

    - hey do you have aiptasia? I'm hungry. Yes I would like to buy a shrimp to attempt killing aiptasia. Its a hit and miss, yes, I read the disclaimer. I'm in south carolina upstate.
  5. CincyReefer07

    20 inch Zebra Eel…how much would you feed?

    Just curious if I’m doing this right. I have a currently 20 inch long zebra moray eel in my 310 gallon. After a week in my tank he’s finally started eating. I fed him a piece of raw uncooked table shrimp. And then 3 days later I fed him a scallop. Plan on feeding him again again tomorrow. I have...
  6. 1epauletteshark

    What are my bumble bee shrimp doing? What are these guys doing? I thought I had ID'd them as a male and a female so I am wondering if they are fighting, establishing territory, mating? I am really not sure but it is very interesting.
  7. S

    looking for cool micro fauna !?

    new to R2R (don’t be mad if i post this in the wrong section i’m not sure how to use this yet) i’m looking for places/people i can order cool micro fauna from,, been looking for tanaids, mysid/mysis shrimp, and other cool micro inverts anyone know where i can get some (specifically tanaids)...
  8. 1epauletteshark

    Shrimp and reef lobster document!

    Hi, and here again with another document about shrimp all because I was scrolling through R2R forums as usual and I heard about Bongo shrimp and fell in love with how beautiful they are, so I started doing some research on other unique species of shrimp and in the end decided to make a document...

    Defective pistol shrimp

    I've had a yellow watchman goby and a tiger pistol for roughly 5 years. They lived great together doing what they do. After reading about their lifespan and not seeing the shrimp near the tunnel holes for about 6 months I figured he had died. I decided to get the goby a new buddy. They paired...
  10. sharkyahd

    First Tank Addition

    TLDR: I want to add a sexy shrimp or two. Alright everyone my Small but Mighty tank is up and running, has been showing stable parameters and good growth so I would love to add my first invert. A sexy shrimp. Currently we have no inverts or fish so it will be the first addition to our tank...
  11. Elijah F

    Shrimp/inverts that breed readily in tanks?

    As an avid freshwater enthusiast, I absolutely love freshwater shrimp, especially since they will breed constantly and keep their populations high without much effort. Now, of course any saltwater critter might take some more elbow grease to get breeding, but I'd still love to have some version...
  12. R

    Some bristle worm related questions

    Hi, Im trying to restart my tank aiming for a bristle worm free tank (I know bristle worms are good CUC but I just have mental problem with them so my tank cant have them and please dont attach any worm related images or ill freak out thanks). I know as a fact there are tons of them in my tank...
  13. His Coral Highness

    Replacing Pistol Shrimp

    I have a 16 gallon mixed reef tank that already has a pincushion urchin, fire shrimp, coco worms, rock flowers, and a couple of snails. I also have a pistol shrimp. Unfortunately the pistol shrimp never comes out during the day and loves to grab corals and pull them into its lair at night (even...
  14. 1epauletteshark

    Which cleaner shrimp should I purchase?

    I have a small 17gallon aquarium and yesterday I went out and bought a coral banded shrimp not realizing how agressive they are and that it would eat my sexy shrimp, my question is which other cleaner shrimp should I buy? A pacific (skunk) cleaner shrimp or a peppermint shrimp? Fish plans: 2x...
  15. C

    Blue worm/ shrimp looking thing

    Cleaned out my HOB filter today and found this guy on the filter. Never seen anything like it before. Currently the tank has a six line wrasse, a diamond goby, and a couple hermit crabs. Tank is 29g also, any idea of what it could be?
  16. chemicals

    Cleaner shrimp black gills

    Hi all, One week ago my cleaner shrimp’ gills started to turn blackish. At the moment didn’t really think much of it and after a molt it was back to normal. Then several days ago it came back and now it’s really black (see picture). I searched the internet and only found 2 similar cases where...

    California Live Goods Everythin

    All Sold. I'm getting rid of everything at what I think is a steal of a deal. Big sailfin tang 2 Valingmi Tangs about 6 to 7 inch in size 1 Blue Regal 4 to 5 in 6 Damsels 2 beautiful snowflakes clowns 6 other clowns 2 powder brown Tangs 1 beautiful tailspin wrasse 1 watchman goby pistol...
  18. O

    Banded Coral Shrimp in gyre

    Hi guys I just got a Banded Coral Shrimp earlier today and I just came to check on the tank and there's a piece of the shrimp in the gyre. I never knew this was a thing that happened, anyone else have this happen to them before?
  19. M

    Stocking 75 gal

    I’m planning on stocking my 75 gal/40 gal sump with these fish eventually, but I’d like to know what order y’all would suggest putting them in? Along with will all of these fish thrive together? Yes I’m already aware of the dietary needs of the harlequin and mandarin goby. Melanurus 1x...
  20. K

    Lobster + Red fire/cleaner shrimp?

    Hi All ! I am a fairly experienced reefer and I have a 10G nano (space constraint). I have a purple lobster that I got about 5 months ago. The problem with him (or her?) is that I hardly ever get to see him. Even when I feed him, he hurries out of the rock work, grabs the food and disappears...
  21. maxemorris

    How do I get my fish on pellets?

    I’ve been feeding my melanurus wrasse, tomini tang, and pair of clowns frozen mysis shrimp for months now (since I’ve gotten them) They will only touch pellets or flakes if they’re coming down right infront of their faces, and they’ll only eat one or two bites and become uninterested. Any...
  22. nsauer3

    EMERGENCY Dead slug(Warning dead slug picture)

    My slug I had for the algae died last night, the cleaner shrimp are eating it. Should I fish out the slug’s body or let nature take its corpse?
  23. H

    Hello Introduction

    Hello! I am on this forum for a different reason. I am a land hermit crab owner. I have a 200 gallon aquarium with a 10 gallon saltwater pool inside. I am one of the few people who have been able to breed land hermit crabs, but I have no been successful in getting them from the water to land...
  24. B

    Do i need to feed my shrimp and hermit crabs?

    I picked up a bit of CUC to clean my tank of diatoms. Do hermits and shrimp eat that? I was told they do but I haven't seen them actually eat any of it. My Mexican grazing snails, conch, and urchin are doing almost all the work. When I feed Flakes I feed just for my fish but when I feed Flakes...
  25. dbati

    Mystery Shrimp Who can name it?

    Howdy everybody, I was up late and decided to flash the ol flashlight on my aquarium to see who was working the Night Shift and I saw this little guy flash by me. It’s a tiny transparent shrimp. Can anyone ID the little fella? As a bonus assignment there is also another random critter he...