
  1. WhiskeyCoffee

    Anemone moved from rock to glass

    So about two weeks ago my 'nem moved from the spot he had been in for 6 months to a similar spot only a few inches away. Then today I did a water change and bumped the rock he was on and came home to see this. Is this an OK spot or should I try to move him? Honestly I'm moving in three weeks...
  2. WhiskeyCoffee

    RBTA looking like wet noodles

    I've had this RBTA for almost 5 months now I think, he acclimated quickly and has been very healthy. Two times now I've seen him go from completely open and healthy to sucked in and looking deflated (see pics). Yesterday he went from looking like first pic then to looking like second. Then...
  3. Justin poirier

    Is these more anonmes or critters?

    So I bought 2 RBTA for amazing price with a huge rock plus 2 clowns that I think are black ice Oce and frostebite or snowflake but this rock has the 2 large anonmes but I can not tell if these are tiny extra ones or something else
  4. Mike Arnold

    Clown finally hosting (condy) anenome

    After about 6 months, a couple of my clowns are starting to host one of my anenomes. I have a rose bubble tip and a condylactis; I thought it was odd that they started hosting the condy and not the rbta, so I thought I should share. https://goo.gl/photos/81QSaugGVfuhVzbh7