
  1. sotsreef

    My RBTA won’t attach to anything

    I got my RBTA 2 days ago. He was attached to a rock so I carefully removed him with an ice cube and turkey baster. I acclimated him for temp and ph for a reasonable amount of time before placing him into the tank. I used my anemone basket to float him near the top of the tank to kind of isolate...
  2. sotsreef

    Is my RBTA dying?!?!?

    I just removed my RBTA from a piece of rock and placed it in my anemone basket. Some of the tentacles are drooping and deflated. I got it from a local reefer today and it was healthy. I think he might just be annoyed about moving him so much.
  3. Jeremy K.A.

    BTA Bubbles vs No Bubbles

    Hello everyone, I have been trying to figure this out forever and have heard mixed things over and over so finally I decided to ask the big question here… How do you get the bubble tips to inflate/ stay inflated on Bubble tip anemones? I have seen many many tanks on here and in person, some with...
  4. Elle22

    Got a BTA yesterday- Need Care Help

    Hi everyone! I haven't been active in so long. My tank has been neglected because life and the college process happened. However, that is slowing down and I got my first RBTA yesterday. So far, it seems to be going great. Its happy, plump, and has not moved from where I put it. It is...
  5. RoughneckReefingWife

    Is my cloud killing my nem?

    I have 3 RBTA's and 2 clowns the smaller clown refuses to host anything but the corner of the tank, the larger clown won't leave my new RBTA alone. It used to host the other larger nem. I know it's too big for this one but it won't leave it alone. Not even long enough for me to get a good...
  6. Rainbow Bubble Tip

    Rainbow Bubble Tip

    New picture of my rainbow bubble tip. She's about six inches across when fully inflated.
  7. Renelope

    RBTA Help!

    Purchased a beautiful large rbta about a month ago, he came on a small piece of live rock, but about 2 days after placing him in the tank he moved to the bottom corner of the tank, and since then has moved several times out of any flow, and in lower light. It look like he is trying to split...
  8. RJS2515

    Rookie seeking help

    Hi guys, I got into the hobby about 5 months ago now knowing at all what went into keeping a saltwater tank (It didn't help that the staff at the LFS I went to was not very knowledgeable or interested in helping me out aside from when i was ready to buy something). To keep a long story short, my...
  9. WhiskeyCoffee

    Anemone moved from rock to glass

    So about two weeks ago my 'nem moved from the spot he had been in for 6 months to a similar spot only a few inches away. Then today I did a water change and bumped the rock he was on and came home to see this. Is this an OK spot or should I try to move him? Honestly I'm moving in three weeks...
  10. WhiskeyCoffee

    RBTA looking like wet noodles

    I've had this RBTA for almost 5 months now I think, he acclimated quickly and has been very healthy. Two times now I've seen him go from completely open and healthy to sucked in and looking deflated (see pics). Yesterday he went from looking like first pic then to looking like second. Then...
  11. Justin poirier

    Is these more anonmes or critters?

    So I bought 2 RBTA for amazing price with a huge rock plus 2 clowns that I think are black ice Oce and frostebite or snowflake but this rock has the 2 large anonmes but I can not tell if these are tiny extra ones or something else
  12. Mike Arnold

    Clown finally hosting (condy) anenome

    After about 6 months, a couple of my clowns are starting to host one of my anenomes. I have a rose bubble tip and a condylactis; I thought it was odd that they started hosting the condy and not the rbta, so I thought I should share. https://goo.gl/photos/81QSaugGVfuhVzbh7
Aquarium Specialty