
  1. Muffin87

    chloroquine phosphate ≈ chloroquine biphosphate / diphosphate?

    I can't find chloroquine phosphate where I am. Can only find chloroquine biphosphate / diphosphate by Bayer, sold as a human medication, in 250 mg capsules. Is it gonna work the same way as chloroquine phosphate? Is the dosage gonna be the same? Thanks a lot!
  2. J


    Hey you guys. Got this brand new Anthias fish and put it in QT. The following day I notice it has this white patch. Does it look like ICH? Or lympho? Thanks you guys.
  3. R

    EMERGENCY Diagnosis on Dead Powder Blue Tang

    Hi there, Unfortunately, my Powder Blue Tang had just passed from what I think is ich. It was in a quarantine tank at a copper therapeutic level of 2.08ppm. Can anyone confirm this death to be from ich? Thank you.
  4. X

    Quarantine tank

    Hi guys! So I’m a fairly new reefer who just bought a 150 gallon tank. It’s been 2/3 weeks since the start of the main tank’s cycling process and I decided to get a quarantine tank. In a few weeks I will be able to introduce my first fish as the ammonia and nitrites are beginning to decrease...
  5. Mike Arnold

    Quarantine downtime

    I’m done with the quarantine of my first utilitarian fish (Powder brown, Blue eyed kole, lemon tang, six line wrasse, and lawnmower Blenny) and I probably won’t add any more for a month or two. I’m just wondering if I should leave it running fish less or take it down? If I leave it running, do I...
  6. D

    Question about FISH disease(ich/velvet) in a CORAL quarantine tank

    Regarding a CORAL ONLY QT tank, that may or may not also have an invert. In order to be sure any corals that come in wont bring in ICH/Velvet that is on it's bony base or frag plug, I will treat the coral QT process like fallow period, around 70-80 days or something before it goes into the...
  7. alexkowalik

    EMERGENCY Ich/velvet blue kole tang quarantine

    Hello, I’ve been treating my display with polyp lab medic due to a possible ich/velvet outbreak. I was told it is more than likely ich so I didn’t panic and quarantine all my fish. This morning I came in to see my kole tang sucked against the overflow and barely hanging on to life. I immediately...
  8. A

    Ensure clownfish remain male

    Hey y’all, This is not a fish disease related post, but it is related to quarantine! It’s been awhile since I’ve been on R2R, but I need some advice. I’ve had my clownfish for about 6 months now(alone, not pair), and want to introduce a male. My quarantine procedure includes copper for a month...
  9. SimplyVibing

    Can you mix two types of copper medication?

    I’m running three QT tanks, and treated using Copper Power at first. Unfortunately I ran out and my copper reading is only 1 ppm on all three tanks. Long story short, I bought cuprimine instead because that’s what my LFS carries. Is it safe to mix Copper Power and cuprimine? It is also worth...
  10. amygetsalife

    Biological filtration for the QT when new to hobby.

    Wanting to run QT from the beginning. Have read Jay's info on quarantine, a lot of the nasty back and forth on QT/nonQT, quite off putting BTW, and still have one core question... To get biological filtration up in my QT, do I cycle it as well as my DT? Fish less, bottle bacteria. Or do I do...
  11. O

    Small bucket for qt

    My goby has been sick for 3 days, decided to put him in a small bucket with water from the tank, I dosed a small amount of beneficial bacteria and metroplex to the bucket for medication. Am i doing more harm than good? Or I should keep him there until he gets better or dies hopefully not. I am...
  12. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Hyposalinity for prazi resistant flukes?

    I believe I have prazi resistant flukes in my tank...Wondering how to eradicate them and a method of treatment. How would I go about quarantining fish in hypo salinity? I have a good idea on how to do it, but I just want to make sure I do it correctly. My Display is at 1.026 SG And I have 1 10...
  13. LxHowler

    How long for bacteria to colonise a new sponge filter

    Hi so I've been looking but can't really seem to find a clear answer, could just be me being blind. I have just bought a sponge filter that is in my sump to cycle for a quarantine tank. My idea is to leave the sponge in the sump until I need it and then use it in the quarantine tank, then...
  14. S

    21 tall aqueon frameless QT setup 18951 $100

    I’m selling a frameless aqueon 21 tall tank with aquaclear 50, mesh top, glass top and stand. Just add a heater for a great QT setup. The tank does not leak and has no scratches and is made with low iron glass. The aquaclear works as expected and I’m only selling this because I’m moving and it...
  15. A

    Is 5-gallon QT too small?

    I purchased a 5-gallon tank but just watched a video saying the minimum QT should be 10 gallons. I plan on starting two clownfish in there?
  16. M

    Tomini tang in QT - prophylactic treatment?

    Hi all, I have a little 2-inch Tomini tang in QT right now, he has been there for about 2 weeks. We haven't done any medication yet because he wasn't eating at first and we didn't want to stress him further. He is eating just fine now, and has become more active (still a complete scaredy cat...
  17. OcellarisClown

    EMERGENCY Any reefers in OC willing to take in my purple tang for a week in their quarantine system?

    My quarantine system is full and my purple tang is terrorizing the new incoming fish. I didn’t expect to get more fish so I added the tang last as per protocol. I’m looking for someone in Orange County to take in my purple tang for a week in order for the new fish to get established before...
  18. LandlockedZissou816

    Quarantine help

    Ok people, I need some help. I have a quarantine tank set up with all the basic necessities (heater, small HOB filter, bubble stone, and Seachem ammonia alert.) I CANNOT seem to keep any fish alive longer than 2 weeks. The last fish I had was a Talbots Damsel. I drip acclimated, let it settle...
  19. Farrun

    QT and Sponge Filters

    So for any of you that use Sponge Filters in your QT, do you throw the sponge away after treating with copper or do you place it back into your sump/display to keep it seeded? I'm not sure if there is a way to wash the sponge to remove all the copper or what is the best/safest course of action...
  20. Sakosreef

    Anyone know of a vendor that sells parasite free quarantined (76 day fallowed) coral?

    Hi everyone! I've been trying to find sources that sell quarantined coral, not only pest free but also parasite free is what I'm looking for. I have a frag tank I use to grow out frags and quarantine my own corals but I would love to buy corals that have already been in a fishless system for 76...
  21. N

    No Cycle Method

    Hey Everyone.. Is there anyway one can add fish to a 15 gallon, Freshly Setup, QT tank on Day 1 without the need for cycling the tank using products like Amquel and Seachem Prime? What would the protocol for water changes be if using the above method? TIA
  22. jackalexander

    Removing Copper

    I have two tangs that have gone through their 30 day copper treatment and are ready to be moved into the main display. Do I have to remove the copper in the quarantine (2.23) before adding them to the display or can I start the acclimation process without removing the copper?
  23. A


    I just set up a QT, and I used IO salt. There is a light brown precipitate on the bottom. Is it safe for fish? If not should I siphon it out? From my understanding it’s a basically a hard sand, but I’m not sure if it will impact any medications like copper or metro.
  24. A


    Don’t y’all hate when you’re floor isn’t level and now you have to drain your qt and move it to a stand you’ve been using for storage. smh
  25. Queenofreef

    Pests are the best part of this hobby

    I’ve been very overwhelmed with setting up a coral qt and I got to thinking— maybe the possibility of pests isn’t such a bad thing? Having the perfect “pest-free” tank with 100% assurance feels a bit....sterile. In a sick way, I kind of enjoy the slight possibility. Pest prevention practices...
Reef Chasers Aquaculture