
  1. CMMorgan

    Nem invaded bubble coral ... needs eviction ASAP

    I've been down with Covid and I basically ignored my tank for two months. Generally speaking, bad things happened. I have a lot of window scrubbing to do. I got an invasion of cyano and bubble algae. I went after that with Chemiclean and a 20% water change. While I was dealing with that, I...
  2. LAA

    What is this? Baby sea cucumber? Or Pest?

    Hey guys so I was just going around and cleaning algae off my frags in my frag tank when I noticed a few of these guys crawling around and was wondering if anyone knows what they are.
  3. Z

    What are these?

    Hi there, I have been away for the last week and have come home to these white critters on the wall, it seems to be a shell of sorts with something inside it. I don’t think it’s a Virminted. Would like to know what they are and how to get rid of them please
  4. oceanicwave

    Snail-like creature (pest?) on zoa and blasto

    Hi everyone! Greetings from Indonesia! It's my very first post here.. I need a help on identifying these annoying creatures: They kinda look like a tiny shelled snail.. Around 2 weeks ago I noticed my zoas and palys aren't opening up and also some went missing. Few days ago I randomly...
  5. AlgaeBarn


    Berghia Nudibranch now available at AlgaeBarn! These guys work FAST and will ONLY eat aiptasia!
  6. L

    Red and white caterpillar worm id

    I got 20 pounds of live rock that came with a ton of cool mushrooms and I put it in my qt this morning when it was still dark I saw this caterpillar looking creature that is red with white spots and horns I've looked for hours what it could be but I haven't matched a picture yet can you help...
  7. L

    Help me id this thing

    HELP! I bought a 20 lb live rock that came with a bunch of mushrooms and than this morning at around 5:00 am so the lights were still off I saw this red and white creature come out looks almost like a caterpillar and has spikes....I tried to identify it but I can't seem to match the picture with...

    I assume this a filter feeder and its already answered, but what is this?

    What is this? I saw this on my rock. Is this a bad thing or a good thing? If bad, how do I remove it?
  9. chemicals

    Dinoflaggelates identification

    Hi, Hi, i’m currently batteling dinos and I was wondering if you could help me id these. Zoom is 250x. My guess is amphidinium small cell.
  10. reefsaver

    Nano Build The Micro Reef of Nano Tanks, Anyone can make.

    Found the clearest jar I could. Placed in a piece of loose rock. Disassembled a USB LED. Soldered some spare wiring to the LED board while it is fixed in position to the lid ~ This step was quite intricate and the new circuit should be wrapped in thread tape/electrical tape and protected from...
  11. ?

    What is this?? Looks like a paly. i have nothing like it in my tank and its particularly odd..

  12. H

    What pest is this

    I’ve got this pest in my tank, at first I thought it was aptasia but now I’m thinking it’s something else. I manage to get it out and and it was moving around. Not sure if this is some type of star fish iv attached a vid
  13. yanni

    found brown algae coating rock, can’t be scraped off

    Hey everyone! Had this tank running since January, and have only just noticed how large these brown algae spots have gotten. They were originally quite small, thought it may be diatoms, but I’ve attempted to take the rock out and scrub them off, as well as peroxide them, but they stay...
  14. reefjon

    California WTB Pink Tipped Majano Anemones

    Hey everyone! I started a pico tank that's going to be primarily zoas, photosynthetic sponges, and Majano anemones. The kind I'm looking for are bright green with pink tips. I've seen them called graceful or tulip anemones as well. I was able to get my hands on a cool green(included a picture)...
  15. LAA

    EMERGENCY Weird Arms on Coral?! Pest or not

    Hey guys so I just got some new coral and these arms started poking out.. they aren’t feeding tentacles they almost look like starfish legs?
  16. athenagrace

    Does anyone know what this is??

    I bought this Acan about 2 weeks ago. It doesn’t look so great and it hasn’t been improving. It appears to be receding and just seems generally unhappy. Last night, before lights out, I noticed this weird thing on the edge of it and I watched it for a few minutes. I didn’t see it move at all...
  17. B

    What is this? Is it bad for saltwater tank?

    Bought Marco rock right away I put it in the tank, got 2 coral from Petco: mushroom and Kenya tree after a month in the tank with 3 fishes I ordered more Marco rock to start aquascaping I think is called, break the rock and redesign it, so the new rock came I broke it and since it wasn’t enough...
  18. L

    Need help picking a pest control

    i have an 80 gallon (90cm x 60cm x 60cm) with a flasher wrasse, royal gramma, algae blenny and kliens butterfly. i will be returning the butterfly as it has been nipping at my sps. is there a magical fish that will eat aptasia, flatworms and nudibrachs? i don’t really want a halichoeres (sp?)...
  19. wvfeefkeeper80

    Unknown and unmoving

    I noticed this on the rear of my tank last week while doing a water change. At first I thought it was a snail. This week, still there and no movement. Is this just something stuck my tank or something growing?
  20. J

    Coral pest ID?

    What is this on my frog spawn ? Should I remove it? Or dip it?
  21. arranms96

    SPS Mini Colony Slowly Dying, Pest?

    Hi Guys, I've had this "Mini SPS Colony" in my tank for about 3 months, it was growing quiet well to start with but for the last two months its been slowly losing flesh, I originally thought it was just down to shading so i moved it to pretty much directly under one of my lights to try and...
  22. Perpetual Novice

    Strange apraxia variant/ID?

    I’m servicing a clients tank and they have these small aphasia looking things everywhere with an unusual (pretty?) coloration. They seem resistant to aptasia x. Historical pearlscale butterflies will eat them I’m told. Anyone know what these are?
  23. yanni

    Weird egg things

    Just noticed these hanging off my Zoas today. Tank has been fine, I’ve got 10 trochus snails and 2 clowns, zoas, and an elegance. Found 1 aptasia and a majano which I’m dealing with, just in case that could be the cause. If you need parameters, let me know!
  24. M

    Tiny little critters on my coral

    So I noticed some closed up polyps over the last few nights and I saw these little spots that thought could be sand from me stirring to clean the glass but upon inspection we’re moving. Not sure what they are if they’re bad or how to remove them any help is much appreciated
  25. T

    Overnight critter explosion

    A couple days ago I didn’t see any of these. Now, they are everywhere. What are they? Thanks for the help! Picture attached.