
  1. C

    Blue worm/ shrimp looking thing

    Cleaned out my HOB filter today and found this guy on the filter. Never seen anything like it before. Currently the tank has a six line wrasse, a diamond goby, and a couple hermit crabs. Tank is 29g also, any idea of what it could be?
  2. F


    I’ve got a few of these pest in my tank. Not sure if they’re bad nudis or good. Sorry for the picture it hard to get a picture of them. There white
  3. F

    Predators against pest

    I been having issues with flat worms and nudis. I am wondering if there are any fish that will eat these. I have a 29 gallon to keep that in mind. Flat worms don’t bother me much. But the nudis are. But if there is something I can for both. Thank you.
  4. J

    I Never had APTASIA?

    I’ve been reefing for two years and had a bunch of corals during my time but I’ve never seen aptasia in my tank. Started off with all dry rocks . i don’t quarantine any of my corals and I don’t have a specific vendor Am I lucky ? Or is there other people out there that doesn’t have it either...
  5. F

    EMERGENCY Sps coral

    I just notice this on one of my corals. Not sure if it is or not. But I am quit worried now. Any help would be great. TIA
  6. J

    Help ID PLEASE

    Sorry for the crappy photos, hard to get a good one. Tank is 1 1/2 years old. Mixed reef 40 gallon cube. 10 gallon water change EVERY week. I just noticed this weird like gray almost mold like fuzz growing in small splotches on my rocks. Not sure what it is, would appreciate advise please
  7. jaime31

    IM DESPERATE!! Feather duster invasion

    idk how I got these tiny feather duster guys in the first place but they are getting completely out of control. I really don’t mind them on my rockwork but they are completely covering my eagle eye zoa. I’ve tried picking at them and brushing them off with no luck.. I heard from my lfs that a...
  8. T

    Black/brown bugs on euphyllia skeletons

    Hello! Over the last couple months Ive noticed a couple of these black/brown specs crawling around like bugs and for some reason the first coral I noticed them on has been having very slow tissue recession but still has great polyp extension for now, however I noticed it receding more and...
  9. A

    Zoas melting- Looking Bad :(… Help!

    Hi all. I am having issues with my zoas. I noticed that they have started to not open up, some areas are disappearing and I am noticing a some are kinda turning black and disappearing. Can anyone hell. I have them in a relatively low flow and parameters seem good. Nitrates maybe a lil low since...
  10. A

    Crab ID- Living in Coral/Zoa Colony

    Can anyone help me ID this crab and is it coral safe? I noticed my zoas have been looking poor and dissapearing and not sure if this guy is to blame. Video is attached along with some photos. cheers
  11. S

    Brown-ish discs on my candy cane?

    I woke up today with these brown discs on one of my heads of candy cane. They appear to be moving and i just want to check what they could be and if they are pests. If so how would i go about removing them? Thanks (sorry for the dark image, lights just turned on)
  12. Vovo

    Black bugs (acro, psammocora, montipora) - EU

    Greetings fellow reefers, with great sadness my first post has to be about something so grim. I have a nanocube 40l with a mixed reef. Everything has been going fine for 2 years, I haven't added anything for a year. A few days back I started to notice STN on my Acro strawberry shortcake...
  13. Roli's Reef Ranch

    Planeria talk on Lex Fridman Podcast.

    How many of you have these living in your tank, forever? Pretty amazing stuff. Who knew?
  14. Nanolifeuk

    What is growing on my mushroom ?

    I have seen this stuff before (I think on a dying hammer, but never figured out what it is. what is this bubbly white ring-y stuff? I tried blowing it off in a dip & this didn’t work.
  15. Fernando Salo

    Help identifying anemone or polyp

    Hi everyone, i just encountered this while cleaning the tank. They're on a dead coral, I don't know if those are its polyps or if they are anemones. The tank is 1 year old. I started with new dry rock. The only corals I have are the ones I put in the first batch and that went through...
  16. Kerbash

    HELP... Red planaria took over my frag tank and sump...

    Hey, Recently gone on a break for a month and came back home to a frag tank infested with red planaria, anyone got experience dealing with them? I suspect they hitched a ride on a coral I added in right before the trip. I would really want to try to avoid using chemicals. I was personally...
  17. N

    Small white bug infestation

    Hi im new so I am a little worried, I saw a colony of small moving white bugs on my heater, and now I see them all over my walls too. What are these???
  18. ReefingTom

    Zoa Pesrt ID

    Hi All, I see these white swirls on my zoa and they are closed up. I do have a lot of spirorbid worms in my tank. I tried to blow them off and it's not effective. I'm about to take the colony out to dip and try to brush them off. Please advise. Thanks.
  19. multsh

    Need ID help

    Hello, Trying to ID the below, seems like an anenome type...they are spread throughout the tank. Seems they are bothering the corals. Anyone know what they are and how to get rid of them? Thanks!Image
  20. chemicals

    Tiny worm ID

    Hi, I’m trying to identify a tiny worm. I added some live copepods and 1hour later my tank is covered in thousands of these tiny white worms. I’ve tried to get some good microscope pictures so maybe you could help me! Thanks!
  21. S

    Help with possible pest on Gonipora.

    Back in April I got this Gonipora and for months it's been enjoying life. About 1 week ago it stopped coming out and completely retracted. I noticed this brownish green spot on it, with a small tube coming out and what looks like whiskers growing all around the base of the coral. I saw this same...
  22. nomad6

    First time Acro owner help needed!!!

    Mille has these white spots I just noticed, nursing it back to health it was the sole survivor of 9 frags. It’s doing well color is back and polyps are extending. Shipping box got too hot. Are these flatworms I’ve got? Just noticed them… I’ve got a 6 line but he prefers copepods apparently or...
  23. T

    What is this growing on my clove polyps?

    Hey, noticed this fuzxy growth growing on my clove polyps, the polyp that has the most of it won't open. Any idea what this is or what to do about it?
  24. radfly

    Tube things on base of Duncan

    Any idea what these tube things are on the base of my Duncan?
  25. C

    Never before seen flatworm under microscope

    I found this guy scooting along on my glass. I was certain it was a flatworm when it was on the glass. However, I became less certain when I pulled out and placed under a microscope. I haven’t see a flatworm without the “horns” and ruffles, and certainly not that pattern. Of course there are...