pest id

  1. d3ro

    What’s this white stuff?

    I got some secondhand corals and I’m trying to clean them up. Are the white tubes anything to worry about? I know the brown tubes are feather worms. Backstory: Yesterday I bought a tank and I didn’t realize it still had fish and corals in it. The tank was nasty and very under maintained. I...
  2. blitzzfiree

    Need Help Identifying these weird bugs/pests??

    Hey guys I’m new to the saltwater scene and have had this 20 gallon tank for about 4 months so I’m not sure as to what hitchhikers are good and bad but I just seen this guy today and wanted to know on what to do with it.
  3. Gonj

    What is this?!

    This is my old dt I haven’t gotten to emptying yet but I noticed this on the glass never seen anything like it. Any idea what this could be ? I used the live rock from this tank hoping it’s not anything bad I just put in my new tank.
  4. TheFishTickler

    White blob. Need an ID.

    I've had my tank for about 1 1/2 years, never had any problems. I have a rock flower anenome, spiny star snails, blue leg hermits, clownfish and an short spines urchin. My pump transformer exploded about a month and a half ago. Killed my emerald crab, shrimp, zoas and I've had problems ever...
  5. Ocean_dreamer89

    Help ID hitchhiker on coral

    Hello! I was looking at my corals today and saw this guy on my candy cane. Tried looking online and I’m not sure if it’s a vermetid snail or a type of sponge. Can anyone offer any clarity and advise of what to do? I’m currently in the process of slowly transferring corals to a new tank and...
  6. watkinsmd

    Dino ID

    Hello Everyone-- I'm hoping I can get some help in identifying and getting rid of an annoying pest in my tank. I think these are dinos but would like to confirm. Been battling this for a year now. First it started out as snot on my rockwork but that's now cleared up after significant effort...
  7. Erik the Red

    Thin white worm biting my zoas, plus other pests?

    Hey guys, I’ve had these small zoas for a couple of weeks in my new tank. They’ve been dipped with “the dip” by fauna marin and then inserted in the aquarium. After a day, they started thriving and some polyps doubled already in size. However, its been a few days since many polyps haven’t...
  8. F

    Could someone identify if this is an aiptasia or something else

    I’ve noticed 3 of these in my tank I’ve tried using aiptasia x on this and it didn’t work but this thing has a hard skeleton body. If someone could identify this for me it would be really helpful to know what next steps I have to take to get rid of it
  9. D

    Please help ID

    I have asked on 4 different sites and haven’t gotten any answers. Does anyone have any idea what this is? Small and comes out when I feed or at night mostly when I see it.
  10. nbaker47

    Identify please

    One last question. I had a couple of things growing on my euphyllia coral stems. Also some fishing line sized worm looking pests on my live rock that I took a polyp off of. Are these pests to be worried about? Thoughts? I really need some input, thanks!
  11. Danny's Aquariums

    OH NO! What are these worms?

    I need your help! What are these tiny worms? I noticed a ton if these smaller worms, there are thousands of them. Looking for an ID on them.
  12. BTimms

    Orange Worm

    I found this critter today. I am not sure what it is. Good or bad? Should it be killed with fire? Seems like a small orange worm with small white tentacles, or hairs, on one end and pointy on the other end. I hope the pics help. Thank you for your help!
  13. jackalexander

    Pest ID

    Copepods or something else? Quite a large and dense population. I’ve seen copepods before but never this big. I have some on my glass which are very small.
  14. Lex_510

    ID hitch hiker worms ?

    I have tons of these all over rock and want to know if their a pest, bad, or hurt anything? And if there’s any crab or fish to get rid of them. Setting up a bigger tank and I wanted to know if I should bleach the rock to get rid of them and start over
  15. kalmanb0y

    How Fast Can an Acro Uptake Elements?

    I am new to the reefing hobby, and I just set up my first Mr. Aqua 12g Long aquarium. After the cycle was finished, I threw in a few test zoas, and they did fine, so when I saw a large frag of an acro labeled "garf bonsai" at an LFS for a good price, I couldn't resist buying it. I didn't have...
  16. Afaylenerich88

    Help!! Coral or pest????

    Need help with if of coral/pest on side of my Xenia.
  17. jackalexander

    Pest Eating Hammers

    I have been noticing that my hammer’s skeleton has been decaying/being eaten for the last few days. I didn’t want to unglue it to inspect it but my emerald crab knocked it over this morning. I picked it up and saw a clear/white curled up worm or something sucking on the skeleton. It was...
  18. C

    Flatworm ID please

    Hi everyone. Need some help with an ID on this guy, and if it's a big deal he's their. If so, best action to take? Thanks!
  19. Reefing_Engineer

    Red dots on Zoas

    I bought some zoas from my LFS four days ago and one of them had these little red dots on them that I noticed after dipping them. I dipped for 30 minutes and blew water on them every 5 minutes using a pipette to try to knock off anything but these were left, I figured it would be okay since I...
  20. NoobReeferMom

    What type of bristleworm is this? Good or Bad??!

    I have a snail shell with a bunch of mushroom corals on it being used as a frag which I got for a freebie at my lfs as I wanted the coral BADLY!! But, the shell after being coral dipped already still has this type of bristleworm Inside it still... Could I get help identifying it and if it's a...
  21. PBnJOnWheat

    Torch got flatworms lol thanks guys

    What is this??? I’m really concerned as it’s on my two headed HG!! Please the sooner the better I noticed today and here’s a picture of it!! It appears to be on the tentacle rather than flush with the flesh.
  22. hds4216

    Tiny white things growing on back of tank and on glass?

    Hi all - there's a ton of tiny white things with feather-like heads growing on the glass and on the back of the tank. They look exactly like mini feather dusters. Is that what they are? Are they bad or indicative of anything negative? Included is a picture.
  23. N

    Help! Unknown Pest (I Assume)

    Hello All, I have found these things that look like red egg sacs growing on my montipora and on the rock underneath it. I have also found these white and yellow egg sac looking things on my elegance. Can someone please help in identifying these, and if it's a problem, how to fix it?
  24. dtruitt

    White stuff on zoanthid

    Sorry the image is blurry, my auto focus was focusing on microbubbles attached to the dipping container. I've done an iodine dip with no results on this polyp, and I just did a revive dip. I brushed a lot of the white stuff off. Doesnt look like nudis or spiders to me, and since it brushed off...
  25. Imnotjakeyv

    “Coral” identification. Pseudocorynactis?

    Was moving around my scape and just barely caught a glimpse of this guy and was hecka confused. Took a closer look and figured I’d just ask for help identifying it I’m thinking a pseudo but not quite sure.
Dinkins Aquatic Gardens