pest id

  1. Justyn89

    Help. Something is on my rasta zoa

    Hey guys ans gals. Can anyone out there tell me what is growing on my rasta zoa it apeared last night and had doubled in size this morning. Any advice as to and ID and what i can do to remove/treat would be amazing!
  2. E

    Please help ID these white spots on my hammer.

    Any idea what this can be on my hammer? I thought it may be growing more heads but I don't think that is it.
  3. Zoa_Fanatic

    Snail ID

    Is this a sundial? The shell is not flat like pics of sundial snails. It’s shaped like my nerite snails in freshwater.
  4. D

    Help IDing worm / egg thing?

    Hi, Any ideas what this is? Edit: I'm pretty sure this is a red flatworm but would still be good to get confirmation from those who have seen these before. This image is the largest one but there are plenty others on my glass. Thanks for your help! (My tank has Trochus, Tectus, Cerith snails...
  5. F

    Crabs in food? Should I toss it?

    I found some type of crab in the Hikari half shell clams when feeding the tank? Should I toss the bag or consider it a snack for the tank? Also what kind of crab is it?
  6. T

    Is this aiptasia? Help!

    I spotted these strange tentacle looking things on my zoa rock. Is this aiptasia? I moved the rock to a quarantine tank for the time-being. There were a few other rocks very close to this one. Should I take them out as well and try to salvage any Zoas I can?
  7. Mr.Kegel

    What are those?

    Hey! I'm new here, but have had a waterbox cube 10G since start of April. My question: I have some zoas(rastas) which have been closed up tight for a couple of weeks now. Today I did a freshwater dip for 2,5 minutes and these little orange ish little things came off. What are those? I had the...
  8. NanoSeb

    HELP!!! No one knows what these are???????

    Weird mushroom looking things. Theyve been growing in that spot for a while. Not sure if bad or good or neutral?
  9. L

    What is growing on my torch coral?!

    Any help to ID what these things are on my torch coral?! Some are pink and some are white. Are they harmful?
  10. ChefReeferThomas

    Can I get some ID help?

    Started noticing these little hair lookin guys in spots on my rock, wondering what they could be? Hydroids maybe?
  11. CornBred

    Hello New Nano and Help with a Hitchhiker!

    Hi from Pittsburgh area, everyone! I was hoping for my first post to be about the Nano tank I’ve been cycling - it’s my first. I’ll do a post in the build forum next, I’m adding livestock now. R2R has already been a great help and I can’t wait to participate more! Unfortunately, today I found...
  12. 208Reefer

    Cleaning my sump and found this..?

    Wassup Reefers, Cleaning my sump today and found this little thing on my skimmer. I have only seen one once before in my tank a hand full of months ago and it was between a frag shelf and the glass. (which I got rid of) It looks almost like a vein or root that definitely gets larger over time...
  13. Reef8008

    Unidentified Pest

    New reefer. 32g bio cube. Just finished cycling and added some clean up crew yesterday from my LFS (4 astria, 10 blue legged crabs - that’s all they had available). This morning 3 crabs appear dead, one shell has holes in it, and I see this freaking thing. what the heck is this?! I put on some gloves and...
  14. ReefNewbie12

    What is this thick red algae

    Yeah, I got no words here, it seems to have sprung up randomly (like all the worst algaes do) and didn’t appear near a frag or anything, what is this? Is it some sort of super-cyanobacteria? Will it harm my corals or snails? (I’m afraid the latter would probably eat it regardless) And most...
  15. V

    Help I’d

    What in the world is this it is atached to the rock but it is soft and weird looking inside the bludgeoned it looks like sand or eggs or something no idea what I’m earth this is really worried what I should do right now please help I’d this stuff
  16. J

    Creepy Free Swimming Tiny Worms!!! Detritus Worms?

    Hey Reefers, So I went to my tank to do a bit of maintenance this evening. So I put my tank in feed mode to stop the gyres and turn the return pump down to 1%......and when I turned on the tank lights, to my surprise, I see thousands of very tiny worm-like creates swimming around. I am...
  17. T

    Help! Pest Anemone ID

    I was looking in my tank with the lights on red, and I saw this one anemone looking clear thing with with bubble tips on the tentacles. After a closer look, I saw they were EVERYWHERE and there are at least 25 in my tank. Can anyone ID this? I did some research and it seemed like they could be a...
  18. Omarons

    Can someone help ID this worm?

    Doesn’t look like a normal bristle worm
  19. adamlodge14

    Pest on Goni? ID please

    Hiya guys, I picked up a green lash goniopora yesterday, but today I have noticed these black hair like things at the bottom near the frag plug, is this a pest? I dipped and acclimated the coral properly. (The Goni is still closed because it’s first thing in the morning)
  20. Lebski

    Long clear thread with white ball on coral frag

    Hey guys, I’m quite new to corals in general and was given these frags by a friend, they’ve been fine for the first 2-3 weeks. However, I have just noticed these long threads about half an inch with a white ball on the end of them. I have tried to take some photos, I hope they are clear enough...
  21. Mystery Fish

    What do I have here?

    Sorry for the potato quality pic but these guys are pretty small. Most are the size of a large grain of sand and completely white. I have a standard 55 that’s been up since 12/20/20. I’ll find around 30-40 on the front glass. Scrape em off and a day or two later they’re back. Thanks in advance!
  22. F

    Is this a pest

    I’ve been seeing these all over my tank at night and there are quite a bit
  23. Vspurg

    Long time listener, first time caller... Help needed.

    Hello - I have had my 1500 Cade setup since December and to be honest, I am struggling. I have had some livestock die for no reason, but for the most part, all of my fish are thriving. My corals are touch and go - some of the harder ones to keep are growing strong and some of the easier ones...
  24. tailoftwogobies

    weird pest finding..

    hi y’all, quick question.. in the attached video there’s a coral that’s clearly not happy and on its way out, but there’s a weird ‘wing’ looking thing coming out of it, literally reminds us of ‘fly wings’.. could this be a type of pest and if so, are our other corals at risk? any ideas and...
  25. Xxflounderxx

    Identification possible pest

    I recently added a bunch of coral and dipped with coral RX I'm not sure what this is or if its harmful thanks in advance
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