
  1. H

    Help ID Possible Parasites on Potter's Angelfish

    Hello, I need help identifying something on my Potter's Angel please! I purchased my Potter's Angel on 01/16. He is in a 30 gallon QT, Aqueon HOB Filter, Whisper air pump, some plastic pots for cover and a small piece of live rock because many say that they will only graze. Weekly 15-20% water...
  2. T

    Clownfish Quarantine

    Fish came from a really nice store, they had been treated with cupramine in the store and held in a separate water system that I purchased them out of; any protocol for treatments? Should I treat for any parasite or any disease at all; or just watch the fish for a bit? Seems really healthy...
  3. TrevisSpease


    saw this little guy in my tank and immediately got him out. have no clue what is is can’t find anything about it. moves almost like a jellyfish???
  4. Karol_PL

    ZOA hitchhiker

    Hello friends :) I have had a problem with ZOA for some time. Individual colonies began to die for no apparent reason. There was a brown coating on them, which I thought was a form of algae or fungi. It was impossible to see anything at the ZOA with the naked eye. So I decided to buy a...
  5. L

    Clownfish suspected internal parasite

    Hello. I've had lots of freshwater fish in the past and a few weeks ago I decided to get into a FOWLR tank. I took one of my old 15-gallon tanks and installed a surface skimmer, powerhead, heater, and aqua clear 30. I added 15 pounds of dry rock and crushed coral (each 15 pounds). I used RODI...
  6. Ccccccarl

    Green blobs and red stringy stuff

    Im new to the hobby and have no idea what these green blobs and red stringy stuff is. Should i be concerned?
  7. Arthropod Parasites of Aquarium Fish - Hemdal

    Arthropod Parasites of Aquarium Fish - Hemdal

    Parasitic Crustaceans (Copepods, Isopods, and Sea Lice) Jay Hemdal c.2020 This is an excerpt from my upcoming fish disease book - a section on arthropod parasites of fish; isopods and copepods. ------------------ Cause This disease problem is caused by a variety of very small crustaceans that...
  8. Victor Guyton

    EMERGENCY Regal Tang bumps

    Look like parasite burrowed in it. Ich would be white spots correct? Has anyone had this before and how do you treat it? Currently using MetroPlex, KanaPlex, Copper Power, and PraziPro.
  9. CommanderInReef

    Richordea parasite or new head?

    I got this richordea about a week ago and i noticed this branchy thing extending from it. When i first put it in the branchy part would excrete stringy things sometimes. At night when the richordea does it's normal deflating inflating process over and over again you can see it showing a lot...
  10. C

    EMERGENCY Dying fish, I believe he had 2 diseases brooks and velvet

    Hi, so my fish is sick, he is a clownfish. He is breathing heavily and has recently stopped eating. His color is looking much better than in the past. I have been treating with copper for a little over two weeks but he hasn’t fought it off yet since my ammonia got a little too high. It is under...
  11. Courtney & David

    EMERGENCY Two fish not looking so hot

    So I have an orange line chromis that I noticed was missing some of his tail fin about a week ago but he’s going strong and eating. I’m not noticing any bullying going on, but obviously can’t watch 24/7. Today I’ve noticed strange patches on him that I need help with. I also have a black clown...
  12. AustinC63

    2nd Try. Please Help! Parasite? Fungus? White "hairs/spikes" on invert.

    I noticed some white hair like things coming off of my cleaner shrimp today (see photos & video). You can really see it protruding from his legs and tail. Does anyone know if this is normal? I'm afraid it might be a parasite or some sort of sickness but I cant seem to find much information on it.
  13. P

    Ich - hypo or chemical 1st?

    Maroon clown got ich today, bought a QT... Should I start with hyposalinity (+ freshwater bath too???) or start with chemical treatment (which one, herbatana, paraguard, coppersafe???) Please let me know exactly what I should do. And how long should I fallow the DT?
  14. P


    Maroon clown got ich today, bought a 20G QT, heater, filter and some herbatana. Should I start with hyposalinity (+ freshwater bath?) or start with chemical treatment (copper, herbatana, paraguard)? Please let me know exactly what I should do. And how long should I starve the DT, 45 days?
  15. Starlight2017

    Gill Flukes? Acoel Flatworms?

    Hi everyone. I found this forum on Google while trying to search for info and pictures to try and identify what is going on in my saltwater tank and am new to this forum. So here is where I am (hope you have a large coffee or drink to get you thru this book I am about to give you). Main Tank...
  16. Noob_Sam


    Hello everyone, So I know this is a saltwater forum does any one know any one that knows in freshwater parasites? or any active forums for freshwater? I went to Monster fish keeping forums but no one answered and its been a whole day. I have a 220 gallon fresh with monster fish, and I have a 50...
  17. Tristan

    Clownfish ulcer?!

    Hey everyone. I got a juvenile frostbite clown back in June. Starting maybe 2-3 months ago, I noticed that she would occasionally rub her left side against the sand bed. I tried to look for any signs of ich or anything else, but nothing. I finally noticed today that there appears to be an ulcer...
  18. ikeasuperfan

    Possible Parasite on Chromis Cyaneus?

    Hi all, I just noticed a white line dangling from my new chromis.. I was wondering if this is some sort of parasite, maybe a nematode? If so, how do I treat it? No other symptoms, and is eating fine. (Not sure why the 1st picture isn't oriented right, it was level and isn't having any trouble...
  19. mpb5717

    Clownfish Sick, Please Help!

    My clownfish has had this crater looking thing on his face the past week. I’ve been treating it was a medication for bacteria infections but I’ve had no success. I’ve piggybacked this with several 25% water changes, no luck. Since this has started, my poor guy has gotten popping eye as well as...
  20. RedFrog211

    ICH in reef tank

    I set up a 20 gallon reef about a month and a half ago. Yesterday I noticed a few spots of ich on my ocellaris. I have 1 ocellaris, 1 coral banded, and some softies and LPS. Should I create a QT tank for the fish and let the main go fallow, try dosing a “reef safe” ICH treatment into the main...
  21. RedFrog211

    ICH present in reef tank- what should I do?

    My 20g tank has been up for 1.5 months. Today I noticed my Phantom Ocellaris has a few spots of ich. I’m trying to figure out if I should dose the whole tank with Kordon ICH-Attack (allegedly reef safe) or set up a quarantine tank for the fish. I have 1 ocellaris, 1 BTA, a Banded shrimp and...
  22. killergoby

    Amphipods turning orange?? (pics)

    The amphipods in my fuge have been turning orange the last 2 weeks, and now about 45% of the large adults are orange. I have no idea why this is happening. I searched around and found this article (, but as I don't have...
  23. Nicksfish

    Worms that survived copper and prazi?

    Hi everyone, I’m having trouble with a fluke like worm that has survived 30 days of cupramine at 0.5 as well as 3 weeks of prazi at double the dose every 4 days, as the first go round didn’t eliminate them. I removed all medicine 3 days ago and saw them flashing again today. Did a freshwater...
  24. ItsNiQi

    Is it Brook, Velvet or Ich?

    I first noticed about two weeks ago that my young Photon Clownfish showed a slight difference in appearance. Since his eating habits haven’t changed and his overall demeanor was the same I said I would just look over him for the next week or so. Today I looked at him and it seems to have gotten...
  25. M

    White Planaria??

    Hello, This evening I found tons of these little white guys running around the glass, and I have no idea what they are?? Should I be worried about them attaching to the fish? What are they? Sorry for the questions but also how should I treat it? I just have clowns and crabs in this 20gal so if...
Cultivated Reef