
  1. D

    Zoanthid Bubble

    On my zoanthid very frequently I’ve had these bubble things appearing on my zoanthids. I’m taking them out and popped them and put the Zoas back in the tank. All they do is pop up and I’m not entirely sure what all of this is. I also cannot get my zoanthids to grow anywhere on my rocks. I’ve had...
  2. Reefdaddydave

    Large Black Spot on Brsitoltooth Tang?

    Hey all, Having a hard time identifying what this large black spot on the side of my Bristol tooth Tang is? It's large and kinda extrudes a bit from the side of his stomach. It seems to have grown in size. The fish has been acting pretty normal, eating okay. It leads me to believe that...
  3. D

    Clown resting on Sand and rocks

    Added two clownfish to our 20 gallon long tank. Only other inhabitant at this time is a small long tentacle anemone and a new toadstool coral. After the first night the smaller clownfish has been resting on rock and sand various times at night and day. But swims up when I approach. Originally...
  4. harsha22

    EMERGENCY ICK on almost all of my fish

    My bannerfish and clown have their bodies covered with white spots and patches. both fishes look dull. tried the freshwater dip and have been using Reef safe bio med from polyplab. the previous outbreak was contained with the above but now, the fishes dont seem to be getting better. Have been...
  5. K

    Clownfish black growth - parasite or disease?

    Hey fam, This growth showed up on Mai. She’s a 3 year old Picasso percula clown. It’s raised a few millimeters off her body, and dark black with a possible tinge of red, under the skin and above the muscle. I noticed it yesterday. No new fish or coral have been introduced since April (Today...
  6. mosj

    Need help IDing internal parasite/fungal infection in a small Ocellaris

    Tank is 10g, about 6 months old. 2 Ocellaris (this one being a young male), BTA, a few softies and a small cleanup crew (peppermint, couple of hermits, turbos, ceriths). Amonia and nitrites @ 0, ~20% water change every 2 weeks. It's my first reef tank. A few days ago I noticed that this black...
  7. C

    Never before seen flatworm under microscope

    I found this guy scooting along on my glass. I was certain it was a flatworm when it was on the glass. However, I became less certain when I pulled out and placed under a microscope. I haven’t see a flatworm without the “horns” and ruffles, and certainly not that pattern. Of course there are...
  8. maxemorris

    EMERGENCY Help! Is my Emperor Angel okay?

    I got too excited and neglected to notice this at my LFS. I just added him to the tank and he has a spot near his tail that looks raised and fuzzy. His tail is also injured so I’m hoping it’s just an injury. Is it a parasite? Anything would help.
  9. reefin_it

    Parasite ID

    This filefish has been healthy and eating mysis daily. Yesterday I noticed his feces was seemingly large and he seemed unable to pass it. Throughout the day it progressed to the second photo. Today it looks back to the first pic. Any idea on what it is or what to do for it? Thank you to all.
  10. dbati

    EMERGENCY Parasite Help

    I’ve noticed this leech/worm looking thing on my clownfish before. Last time it appeared I dosed the tank with Herbtana for 10 days as is recommended and it fell off and stayed off. I assumed if it could not reattach and feed it would die. Alas, here we are a month later and it is back. My...
  11. TweakyReef

    Any tips for my emergency quarantine?

    Hey peeps, So, only have myself to blame but I've gotten myself into a bit of a pickle. From what I believe, the hard part is done but now for the patience. It had been a while since I've had my QT set up, the gear was all packed away. Anyway, the tank needed some new fish so I decided to get...
  12. T

    Clownfish Disease.. Please help!

    Hey everyone. Made this account for this post.. My bullet hole clownfish in my nano reef is breathing very heavy, her jaw won't close, and it seems that she has some inflammation around the chin & gills. My tank is about 3 months old, she's been in there for about a month and some days with her...
  13. PeytonRex

    Spiny box puffer parasite

    Over the course of the last couple of days, my spiny box puffer seems to have a worm over his eye. Would a freshwater dip help rid him of it? Any other suggestions as to what to do? The tank is a 220 predator FOWLR. There haven’t been any new additions to the tank for about a month. Water...
  14. reefsaver

    EMERGENCY Reef in trouble, Clownfish Spot, early signs of Ich?

    I made this video in the hopes someone could help me Identify something I saw on my Clownfish. Skip to 1 minute mark. She looks healthy and I haven't noticed her scraping around trying to Itch it, pretty much unchanged demeanor. I raised the temp by 1° since I noticed it. The spot is still...
  15. Lebski

    Clownfish long white/clear stringy poop

    Hi there, sorry to open a new thread about this but a lot of the info I have gotten has been difficult to find stuff completely relevant. I have an issue with my clownfish, I have one platinum clown who has a long white/clear stringy poop hanging off him. It appears as though his butt hole...
  16. MattSD

    new clown fish with white stringy poop. Newbie here

    Hi all, I'm new here and will be posting my introduction and build thread soon, but I have a question about our new clownfish. I've read a lot about clownfish with white stringy poo, and wanted to present my scenario for input. Background: My wife and I just started our salt water aquarium and...
  17. D

    Question about FISH disease(ich/velvet) in a CORAL quarantine tank

    Regarding a CORAL ONLY QT tank, that may or may not also have an invert. In order to be sure any corals that come in wont bring in ICH/Velvet that is on it's bony base or frag plug, I will treat the coral QT process like fallow period, around 70-80 days or something before it goes into the...
  18. A

    A question about ICH and other parasites.

    I always wondered if its possible that Sand sifting fishes, sea cucumbers etc will digest the Tomont stage of the parasites and if corals, gorgonians etc will feed on the free swimming stage (Trophonts) of the parasite? I believe its possible that they do feed on them, maybe wont be able to...
  19. Lady of Babylon

    NOT a bristle worm… but what IS it?!?

    Saw this while feeding my invert heavy tank. It is most definitely NOT a bristle worm… I have several of those in my tank and know them fairly well. This guy has a face that reminds me of a coolie loach… i think it’s been in my tank for at least 8 months. It seems to be more of a rock dweller...
  20. B

    Parasite or Toadstool Propagation?

    Toadstool has been up and down as it naturally does over the few months, but more so recently. Just noticed what looks like a bright green tentacle growing from the base. There is more algae accumulation on the toadstool and polyps are in. Parasite or self propagation?
  21. jskidds2294

    Green Chromis showing signs of white/pink rash

    Hi like in my title, my new green chromis are showing sign of what I have gathered is uronema. I'm currently treating the tank with Rally/Kick Ick "kick ick as I'm also quarantining/pre treating these fish". I also just started treating with Maracyn Oxy to help with the open sores, and added...
  22. Freakmachine01

    Red worm

    Is this a spaghetti worm. If not can someone please identify?? Was found on the glass of my tank last night
  23. O

    Clownfsh white stringy poop

    Should I be worried about my clownfish?, it poops long white strings occasionally like every 4-5 days, but has no signs of slowing down, both of them eats like a pig lol, I only feed pellet foods about three times a day and 3-4 pellets each clown, they are both juveniles.
  24. hawkie

    EMERGENCY Parasite help

    I need some help trying to figure out what kind of parasite this is. I introduced an eel and my own fault for not paying enough attention immediately. He is covered in some sort of parasite that is now reproducing. Not sure what it is so not sure how to treat it. They have started to latch on to...
  25. A

    White Spot Protruding (Not Ich)

    I have a Purple Tang which I've previously diagnosed to have flukes (via a 5 minute freshwater dip/bath). Post treatment with Praziquantel and Hyposalinity (14 days at 1.009 at this stage), I noticed a new single white bump forming on the side of the Purple Tangs body. Initially, I thought...