new tank advice

  1. KeystoneMalone

    Green Algae on rocks/sand

    Hello all! First time salt/reef tank keeper- I have a 20G Nuvo that has been cycled for about two months now (up for a little over 3 months in total), started with live sand and dry reefsaver rock. I do a 5gal water change every week (with RODI, 0.00 TDS), and also vacuum the sand bed while...
  2. Corey Monster

    Aquarium Masters Vs Aqueon

    Hey guys I'm looking into getting another tank. Looking at the Aquarium Master 65 and Aqueon 65 gallon. Going to make a small reef tank. I want to drill my own tank plumbing.
  3. 762pmcs

    New Tank, looking for stocking plan review

    Hello All, After a 20 year hiatus from the hobby I caught the bug again and had to setup another tank. My previous tank was only a 29g, my new one is a 90g, so I also want to delve into corals this time, but first I need to talk fish. I have had the tank up for 5 weeks now, and have some...
  4. Fishbro

    Advice for BioCube 32 tank just going into saltwater

    Hey everyone! I have come to the decision to transition from freshwater to saltwater as this is something I have been thinking about and researching for the past 5 months. There is a really good deal on a BioCube 32 with a stand, heater, and an upgraded pump and everything else for $250 right...
  5. F

    New 75 gallon build!

    Hello everyone! Several weeks ago I posted a potential plumbing build for my first ever reef tank. I received some great feedback (mostly about drilling the tank), so I took the plunge and had it drilled. I then spent a lot of time researching and planning and have what I now think might be...
  6. Michelesreef

    help me pick some fish....

    So I'm about to set up a new tank, 30 gallon with a 10 gallon sump. I'm using a rock i already have with a TON of mushroom corals covering it and probably some more rocks...definitely more rock. Anyway, i have one clown and one mandarin plus 2 other mushroom corals, a green hammer, & a daisy...
  7. JATReef

    Tank Transfers - Tips and Tricks

    Hi all, Today is the big day, I will be moving my entire reef (corals, fish, inverts etc) from a 65G into another tank of similar size (I needed slightly different dimensions due to space in my new home). Does anyone have any tips/tricks or general helpful information on doing tank transfers...
  8. Bennutri

    Choose one

    The 15x15x15 or the 20x20x14
  9. fl3xlinton


    I’m thinking of buying one fish and a cleanup crew this weekend if my paremters check out with my lfs (they won’t let me buy anything if they don’t) if so what would my options be? I already have two midnight clowns so I think those will stay. It is a 40 gal aio
  10. NanoRookie

    Aquatop AIO reviews?

    Hey guys, Im new to the forum. Trying to start a new tank. If I get an Aquatop I can get a 40 Gallon which is in my price range tanking into account all other things I have to buy. It is hard to find reviews for aquatop tanks, has anyone here had experience with these? Are they good quality...
  11. victoriaxoxo

    Controller(s) for nano reef!

    Hey guys! about a month ago I purchased a Fluval Evo 13.5, I have pretty much outlined everything I want to add/Modify to this tank from equipment to livestock. I'm purchasing things as I go about my research and I'm taking this as slowly and patiently as possible. I have been in the saltwater...
  12. Reefrats

    RS S400 or similar dimensions

    Hi! New to the hobby. I really like the dimensions of the Red Sea Max S-400 but I want a refugium and there is no room for one. I also need a chiller, as I am in FL and we keep the house relatively warm. I plumbed my spot for a RO filter so I don’t need an ATO. I like the waterbox but I keep...