new tank advice

  1. Davar93

    50 gallon stock list

    Hello everyone! I am looking to upgrade from my nano 30 to a 50 gallon cube. Here is what I have for my stock list for far. Please let me know what you think. The ones that say current are currently getting along in my tank. Thanks! 2 clowns (current) 3 chromis (1 current) Midas blenny...
  2. L

    New Reefer WaterBox Mini Penn 25 loves to see what y’all think

    Hello, I just signed up for this forum and I have been out of the saltwater aquarium game for 15years. I recently purchased a WaterBox Mini Peninsula 25 gallon for my birthday in January from worldwide coral and staff member Dre was very helpful. The tank has been set up for a month. I just...
  3. parkerb20

    New Waterbox X60.2

    I am setting up a new tank in the next few months and I have decided on the Waterbox X60.2. For ones who don't know this is a 40 Gallon Reef Cube with a 20 Gallon sump in the bottom of the stand. I am in college so I am on as much as a "budget" as is can be. At the same time I don't want to...
  4. Erikhsf

    Hello Old reefer that wants to learn new tricks

    Hey my name is Erik. I have been doing reef tanks since 2003 but have been very laced in the hobby. My friend gave me my first tank for 300. It was nice 75 gal with sump and skimmer t5 and halide. I think all I had to buy was power heads. My fish stores in santa cruz suck so I learned everything...
  5. Erikhsf

    Hello New guy

    Hey my name is Erik. I have been doing reef tanks since 2003 but have been very laced in the hobby. My friend gave me my first tank for 300. It was nice 75 gal with sump and skimmer t5 and halide. I think all I had to buy was power heads. My fish stores in santa cruz suck so I learned everything...
  6. micahsoft

    New Reefer needs some advice before getting started

    I need advice and help from some reefers who have some experience. I want to start my first saltwater tank. In the past I’ve had freshwater and planted tanks, but never saltwater and certainly not with live corals. I have been interested and done some research over the past four years. My friend...
  7. R

    Getting Started

    Hey guys! I have always loved the idea of having my own reef tank! About 2 years ago I got really serious about starting one up and did a lot of research as to what i would need, what I would want, etc... Unfortunately, I was still in college and did not really have the money to put into a tank...
  8. M

    New Tank Cycle Need A HELP :/

    Hello everyone, I am a new guy for salt water tank and I need a little bit help for cycling. I was setup my tank and last monday I added to bacteria which is Prodibio Start Up for 12 pieces (biodigest and stop ammonia). After than I waited the cycling but I never seen any changed on my tank. I...
  9. micahsoft

    Starting a new Biocube 32 gallon nano reef tank.

    Hey all. I’m new to the forum and to saltwater tanks. In the past I’ve had several different fish tanks. All have been freshwater. For the last 4 years I’ve given a lot of thought to a nano reef tank. Finally decided to go for it, so I’m getting a 32 gallon LED Biocube on Saturday. I’m going to...
  10. M

    New Tank - General Cycle Process and Question on Lighting During Cycle

    Hello all, I am a returning member of the reef community after years off, and new to the site! Please excuse me while I learn the etiquette and how to ask what I'm thinking in my head. I've set up a 20G Nuvo Peninsula tank in my office and so far here is what I've done. I'm mainly concerned...
  11. F

    New Tank Stocking Questions!

    Hi all, This is my first post ever on here as I'm working towards my first reef tank! Since I've got a decent space and some money saved I've been eyeing the waterbox reef 130.4 system since it is absolutely the biggest I can fit in my space. Total volume is 130 gal, but the actual display tank...
  12. saltmine

    Juvenile Lightning Maroon Pairing Troubles

    Hi all. I am having some trouble with my lightning maroons clowns, which seems to be a common tale! This is my first saltwater aquarium. We set it up over the course of this month and it finished cycling last weekend, so on Sunday we put in the two clowns. Things seemed fine at first - there...
  13. R

    Any reason not to add fish to new tank?

    First: I have been reading the discussion boards of this awesome forum for a few months now and just recently decided I should be adding to the great community here. Looking forward to paying it forward! Long story short: I am a long time aquarist doing my first saltwater tank (35G). I spent a...
  14. Woodneers

    Should I go ahead and do the tank swap?

    So I have a 75 gallon that’s been up and running for 3 years. I also have my newly setup 225 up and running a week now with cycled rock. I’m trying to decide when and how to move everything over to the new tank. Rock, fish and coras will all be moving to a much larger space. They are currently...
  15. Monney00

    New Tank, suggestions?

    Good evening all (or evening here at least), At the risk of opening Pandora’s Box, I am looking for some suggestions for brand/manufacturer for a new tank. Currently I have a cheap 65 gallons petsmart special, which is holding its own with my mixed reef tank. Problem is, I was too chicken to...
  16. ilokee16

    EMERGENCY Sick clownfish! First saltwater tank

    Merry Christmas everyone! I’m new to saltwater tanks and impulse bought a 14 gallon with 2 Ocellaris clownfish on december 20th, now one of the fish seems to be sick. My Lfs gave us 10 gal of water from one of their display tanks and told us that we could add fish right away, so we got a...
  17. yourmom

    Spend my money! I am starting a new 40 gal and have a budget.

    I kept a 10 gallon saltwater tank for a little over a year (fish only) and started my 40 gal AIO with the intention of adding corals, anemone, etc about a month ago. Here’s what I have: Livestock = two clowns, a bicolor blenny, cleaner shrimp and a tiger sand conch. Gadgets = AIO Nuvo Fusion 40...
  18. Mattc123

    New tank parameters and conditions

    I started a new tank about two weeks ago and used Dr. Tim's and biospira to start the tank. This is in a 32 gallon biocube. I have 2, 3 year old clownfish and a brand new cardinal who was kinda the guinea pig to see if the tank was safe before putting in my beloved clowns as well as a small...
  19. TheSaucyPelican

    Potential coral pest?

    Hello! My name is Tyler and I’m new to the reef aquarium hobby. I’ve got a Fluval Evo lll 13.5 gallon aquarium that has been running for a couple months now. I purchased a zoa frag from my LFS to monitor for a while in hopes of it doing well to see if I was ok to start to add in a couple...
  20. ReefRusty

    Hiding your cords??

    Now I have recently just purchased a WATERBOX 70.2 marine tank. Will do a build thread shortly. I'm now asking what people do regarding all their controller's and cables and how do you manage them? Never been a fan of having electricity and water in the same cabinet. Assistance and or...
  21. K

    Serious tank issue. Please help

    Hello everyone, I’m pretty much at my wits end with my tank and I would really appreciate any help I can get. I'll start with some info about my tank: Started tank on August 10th 2020. 20gal long. Bare bottom. I put a wave maker pump, ai prime light, heater (78°), dry rock, and some nitrifying...
  22. pokegirl1332

    How to clean white lines around the tank?

    Hello everyone this is maybe my 3rd or fourth tank and I just moved so setup my old 30 gallon waterbox in the new place and been up about a month (used water from my 2 year old 100 gallon) the tank had this white buildup all around the tank that makes it hard to see certain spots but it’s nearly...
  23. MummysReefTank


    Hi, I've added 2 cardinals to my 450L tank, they have been in there since Saturday, and this AM I noticed that one was looking a little raged. Now I've watched fish A attacking (the now raggedy) fish B. What should I do? They are all that is in there atm, will this stop once pecking order is...
  24. Imback

    How long does the ugly stage last? 6 month old tank -

    Should I remove this hair algae or let it do it’s thing? Also, how in the world did I get snails? There every where? Would it have come from the “live sand”? Should I get them out?
  25. Snaizel

    Build Thread Unexpected Upgrade! 24gAIO to 120g RR!

    Uh so this was really not what I planned happening. I joined this forum a couple weeks ago because I've just started my journey in the saltwater hobby! I'm a longtime FW planted tank fan and wanted to make a gentle step into saltwater with this cute 24g aio I got for a good deal It's got...
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