
  1. T

    Help Identify Hammer or Frogspawn????

    Hi everyone, I just bought this guy a few days ago, it was sold to me as a frogspawn, but I’m thinking it’s a hammer, I’m new to lps so I’m not super sure which it is. I also have a new Duncan and I’m not super sure if it’s happy, it’s not super vibrant. Thanks in advance! Also, if anyone knows...
  2. Kris K

    Tang identification

    Was sold as an ocean surgeon fish but seems to match an orange shoulder with a spot above dorsal fin and blue along anal fins
  3. C

    Can someone identify my red mushroom?

  4. Rodrigo Segnini

    Some help need it to correctly ID ! Dino or Diatoms or else?

    To start, my small 10 gallons Nano have been running for at least 1year, used to be a quarantine tank that evolved to just another tank! This tank have been running with live rock, and HOB filter for the first 6 months! Nothing fancy as mention before, was just a quarantine tank running filter...
  5. AceB9908

    I think this is a Zoa? ID help

    So the attached image is a frag that a buddy of mine who runs an LFS gave me. In the store they were listed as "Yellow Brick Polyps" They seem like Zoa's with a few noticeable differences, mainly being how tall/long they extend, and the length of the lashes. I'm just wondering if anyone has...
  6. Z

    Name of this fish please

    I would really love if someone could help me figure out what kind of fish this is
  7. J

    What in the world is this creature??

    Anyone can ID this for me? Today one of my hammers died. Last night it wasnt happy and looked extremely stressed. Sucked to see it that way cause it was fine just hours before in the morning. So i dipped it in iodine and put it back thinking its a bacterial infection. At midnight i came down and...
  8. wolt

    Anemone id

    Is this anemone a black widow
  9. Perpetual Novice

    Can anyone help me gender these potters wrasses?

    All I can find is the same one picture showing a male female specimen.i suspect my brighter colored one is female and the more drab one is male based on head shape. But they both have the red mark on the top fun characteristic of males I think.
  10. wolt

    I have no clew what this is

    I have no clew what this is
  11. Plzpizza

    EMERGENCY Black ich on naked clown?

    Is this black ich on my naked clownfish? I don’t have anemone in the tank only LPS corals photos and high quality video.
  12. littlemacros

    Is this an egg sac on my glass?

    Sorry this post is all over the place. I found this thing on my glass last night and decided to take some pictures today. Any guesses would be great. When I lightly poke it contorts then whatever is inside goes back to a full circle...what could this be? And is this a hydroid? It looks like a...
  13. spacesamurai

    Help with Identifying SPS frags

    Hi Guys, I have two frags which I need to identify as I would like to know more about them. The pink one has small white polyps that are not out in this picture. The neon green one I have had for almost 4 years and it has hardly grown at all, this picture does not show the polyps but they are...
  14. Carebearsss.x

    Mini Blastomussa?

    Hey everyone! So we bought this beautiful blastomussa yesterday & the lady said it was a newer kind of blasto that stays much smaller (im new with corals) & I know it’s not an Acanlord :/ Can you pls help me identify this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
  15. Reefing_addiction

    Can you ID this

    Saw it in a video and screen shot it What is it Are they hard to keep?
  16. L

    Torch (ID) identification

    Hello everybody. Who can help me with this torch? I dont know what type of torch is
  17. O

    Help I.D torch coral

    I got into the reefing hobby last year and I bought this torch coal at reefapalooza 2019 in Anaheim. The seller had it for $200 but gave me a deal when I went back at the end of the show on Sunday. I have no idea what this coral was even called all I know is that it's a type of indo torch and...
  18. Squeakster

    Are these dinoflagellates??

    I have been battling dinoflagellates for awhile now and feel like im starting to beat them but want to make sure. This is a sample from my tank on april 24th. I know these are dinos but when I took a sample today I didn't see these but seen what I thought looked like little copepods. I'm not...
  19. thetallestwave

    Unidentified Hitchhiker

    Hello everyone! This is my first post here on Reef2Reef, not exactly what I would’ve preferred to post but here it is. I saw this sucker hitchhiking on one of my lawnmower blennies one day so I decided to try a 2 minute freshwater dip to see if that would take care of the issue. Not being...
  20. J

    I need help identifying these Zoas I bought as a bundle

    I purchased a pack of four different zoanthids at one of my lfs and I’m not sure what specific types they are. Any information would be highly appreciated.
  21. Flipsquad81

    can anyone tell me what type of coral this is?

    My lfs said it was a chalice, but i think it's a montipora? Any feedback appreciated! Thanks reefers!
  22. M

    Zoa ID

    Anyone know what kind of zoa these are. I bought a plug with two different zoas from LFS. He said he thought the one on bottom was fire and ice, and didn’t know what the other was. Can anyone help with ID? Thanks
  23. D

    Help identifying Dinoflagellate

    Hi guys, struggling with dinos over the last couple of months, I’ve invested in a microscope but still unsure of species. For me, they look And behave like Amphidinum, but they seem to migrate into the water column at night. Also, my inverts have been dying recently which tells me it’s most...
  24. Carebearsss.x

    Coraline Algae? Or a Sponge?

    Hey guys just wondering if this is Orange Coraline Algae? Or if it could be a Sponge of some sort?? Thanks!
  25. imarino326

    Thing Identification

    Can anyone tell me why these things are? There’s about 30 of them all throughout my tank, and they’re all about the same size. My friend says they’re aiptasia, but I like variety of opinions.
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