
  1. Zoa_Fanatic

    ID please??

    Anyone know what these are? Offered in a trade to me asp what they are worth. Want to make sure I’m being fair to someone I’m trading.
  2. Q

    Reddish spots on my frogspawn

    My beautiful frogspawn is not happy. Its done really well for the few months I've had it, extending nicely and even looks like one of the heads is getting ready to split. Up until about two weeks ago when it started to look irritated, it had a couple vermitide snails on it, so I took care of...
  3. SeaMaiden92

    Strange orange disk thing in sand

    Hi! About a month ago, I found this weird red-ish orange disk in the sand near the glass. It was before I had an account here, so I had no one to ask about it. I took some pictures of it, but it disappeared when the substrate was disturbed. (I'm assuming it was buried) Last night I saw it again...
  4. adamlodge14

    Hitchhiker on lobophyllia

    Hi, I bought a new lobophyllia today and after drip acclimating it for 2 hours, popped it into my tank. After about five minutes a flowery thing popped out of the side of it, is this a feather duster? If so are they harmful or not? (Btw I dipped the coral for five minutes in aqua forest protect dip)
  5. SeaMaiden92

    Clear tentacles coming out of my coral?

    I just noticed two little clear tentacles coming out of the base of one of my corals. They are kind of thick and have darker tips. Are they sweeper tentacles? I was under the impression that they would only come out at night. Also, they sway around with the current, if that helps. Thanks for the...
  6. Jibarra

    Mushroom ID please

    I won these mushrooms in an auction sold as a reef koi bounce. It doesn’t look anything like a reef koi bounce online. Any ideas on what type of mushroom it is?
  7. M

    Identifaction help

    Hi. This is my first post on reef2reef. I normally browse but never contribute. Iv just discovered a white substance which looks gooey behind some of my live rock. I spend quite a bit of time admiring my tank so I feel its appeared quite quick. Everything else in my tank seems fine. All my soft...
  8. Uzair Aiman

    What are the white fat "tubes" and fluffy white stuff on my LR and Clam shell?

    Hi. Ive realised some "growth" happening on my clam shell and live rock of my Yuma Coral. Im not sure what it is and it just started to appear like a week ago. On the right seems to be the "tube" thing and on the left is the furry stuff. My yuma and clam is closed up cause I just turned my...
  9. S

    Anyone know what these microscopic bugs are? ID

    Hi, I’ve just finished cycling my tank and I’ve put a grain of sand under the microscope to see this? There like little bugs zooming round near/next to the grain of sand. Anyone know what it is? Is it bad or is it the bacteria that came with the live sand? Thanks :) Here is the video of microscope:
  10. Uzair Aiman

    Woke up to this little fella on my glass, what is it?

    Hi. I havent added anything new in my tank for a month or so ++. I woke up this morning seeing this little dude on my glass and Im not sure what it is. Is it reef safe? Should I remove it or is it a good CUC? Thanks in advance! Sorry for the picture quality, its not that big. Ignore the curved...
  11. W

    NEED ID: Got my nuisance under the scope!

    Hi guys, I've been reading this group for many months.:) 6 weeks ago I started my cycling of a 43 gallon tank without fish and with dry rock and live sand. There is no longer ammonia or nitrites and nitrates are at 100 ppm (Red Sea) and phosphates are barely detectable, 0.01 (AF) or zero. For...
  12. Alex C

    GHA or Worse?

    Hello! I am facing some type of algae that I’m having a hard time eradicating and properly identifying. But first some tank back ground. My tank is a Red Sea reefer 425xl. It has been running for 148 days. Up until last week my nitrates and phosphates had bottomed out to 0. As such I have...
  13. JamieTotten1996

    What is this?

  14. ChandlerTingle

    Male or female Peacock Mantis shrimp

    Anyone know how to identify the sex of Mantis Shrimps?
  15. I

    What’s on my snail’s shell?

    Found out I had aiptasia yesterday so I figured I might as well ask what’s growing on my snail also. This is the only snail with this growth.
  16. BurtMacklin

    Help with white, stringy, fluffy algae

    Tank is 6 months old. 65 gallon with 20 gallon sump and about 40lb live rock, 40lb live sand, two black phantom clown fish, two Bangaii Cardinals, one Tail Spot Blenny, one Royal Gramma, 2 peppermint shrimp, 3 hermit crabs, 10 turbo snails, 2 nerite snails, 2 cerith snails, 3 zoas, 1 radioactive...
  17. C

    What is this ? It’s sooooo big

    Trying to figure out what this is. It’s twice the size of my fist. It has 8 heads and weights like 3 lbs. what is it and how much are they worth?
  18. ridgeburyreefer

    Coral ID?

    My LFS gave me this dying frag about a month ago, this polyp was a tiny spec of red and now it’s grown, it’s part of a larger dead section seen to the left and above it. I’m looking for an ID. During the day it opens more out and looks like a flat red disc w this green center. There’s another...
  19. reefsaver

    Hitchiker/Pest/Critter/ what the heck IS THIS, Please Help!

    I bought my first ever coral about 4 months ago, a small 2 head Torch and a fungia plate coral, I dipped them both and got a small flatworm off the torch luckily. A few days into owning the torch and watching it get used to the water and extend, I noticed a little section of bristly exoskeleton...
  20. Gator2019

    Purchased as live rock, but it moves.

    I assume this is a clam because it opens and closes every now and then, but I don’t see any eyes. Bought it from a LFS as live rock, but it much have gotten mixed up. Any chance on ID/ how to take care of it in an establishing tank.
  21. Gator2019

    Purchased as live rock, but it moves.

    I assume this is a clam because it opens and closes every now and then, but I don’t see any eyes. Bought it from a LFS as live rock, but it much have gotten mixed up. Any chance on ID/ how to take care of it in an establishing tank.
  22. K

    Bounce Mushroom ID

    Hello, I am wondering if anyone has an ID for this bounce mushroom.
  23. S

    New tank with a hitchhiker?

    I recently invested in a tank from someone who was moving. The coral was beautiful and everything looked healthy and well. I recently noticed a new small white mass on a rock that was in the tank that was never there before. After some small investigating me and my wife thought that it was a...
  24. BitReef

    Beginner to SPS - Help me ID some frags

    Looking for help identifying some of my SPS frags. I’m new to SPS and have some guesses, but want your professional opinions 1) The first 2 pics are the same frag. I recently accidentally broke the tip off.
  25. tech_reefer

    LPS id?

    I picked up two goniporas and an alviapora. I can’t remember the names of them. It would be helpful if I can get an ID and if the price is fair. The green one was $40, the pink and yellow one was $35 and the rainbow alviapora was $40, Thanks!