hitch hikers

  1. Jtfortune3

    White spots on snails??

    I bought a few Snails today and noticed one of them has white spots on it... I’ll attach a image below, any clue what this is?
  2. Sambird2942

    what is this on my scoly?

    Woke up this morning and saw these white curls in the middle of my scoly. Anyone know what they are? Ill obviously dip it in coral rx and RO water, i just would like to know what I'm dealing with if i see it again.
  3. Reefer37

    Frogspawn Worm...or?

    So I hadn't noticed this before, but tonight saw these white almost rings coming off my frogspawn. Not sure but they look like worms. Is this something I need to worry about?
  4. BabyShark

    Black bugs in tank?

    Recently discovered these black critters crawling in my tank. At first I only noticed a few, but tonight I decided to check on my tank hours after lights out and noticed a lot of them crawling all over the rocks and on some coral as well. It’s hard to take a picture so I attached a video link...
  5. imanewberry

    Hard Red-Brownish Tube Like Thing Growing From Torch Frag HELP!

    I just bought a new torch coral frag from my LFS that was open and beautiful when purchased. Whenever I got it home and it was closed up, I noticed something hard and dark growing from the skeleton of the coral. The coral is currently in coral dip and I didn’t think to grab a picture before I...
  6. ScubaZ

    Worm pest identification

    I passed by my tank when the lights were off and noticed these worm like things on the glass. I removed from what I can see but sure there’s plenty more. I do not know what they are or if they are harmful to my coral any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  7. Reefer37

    Vermetid ID?

    Anyone help ID that these are vermetid snails underneath my new ricordea? Just notice it tonight.
  8. Pharmasea

    Identifying hitchhiker

    Hello, I'm new to reefing and just set up my first tank ~ 4 months ago. I've noticed an uninvited guest(s) peeking out from underneath my chalice that has grown in both size and number over the past few weeks and was hoping someone could identify them to see if it's benign or something I need...
  9. Xanthocat

    What is this?

    Found on live Tampa Bay rock. Anyone know what it is?
  10. John Hathaway

    Euphyllia - red spots - need advice

    Hi All, I’ve had a euphyllia for a while, it’s been healthy and not shown any negative signs until recently. A couple of it’s branches aren’t extended as they used to. Now I’ve noticed a load of red hitchhikers on it. Anyone know what these are and can help me decide if the euphyllia needs to...
  11. vogtn

    Hitchhiker Coral?

    Hi R2R, First post here and new to the hobby, and I already love the community. Over the past 5 days I've started my own BioCube 16 gal, with liverock from my LFS. At first I did happen to notice a tiny asterina starfish, but it quickly died or disappeared. Fast-forward to today, there's a...
  12. merluscipo

    Who is this guy?

    Some info: brand new reef tank. 13g. In day 3 of cycling. Saw this guy on my rock when I came home and turned on the lights. Video attached. Thanks guys!
  13. O

    Mystery Orange Growth

    I have a mysterious orange growth that looks like spaghetti noodles growing on my Chateo.. I removed it once a few weeks ago and now it has appeared again, I am struggling to find any information on this. TIA to anyone who can identify!
  14. T

    Id please!

    Never seen this thing. Should I remove it?
  15. T

    Need help identifying these hitchhikers

    Fairly new tank. I just bought my first corals and I used a coral dip before putting them in my tank. It removed most hitchhikers (I think) but there a few large ones that I can see and I am wondering if anyone can identify them and let me know if I should keep them or remove them. One of them...
  16. BoSalman

    Tube worm?

    Hello everyone, I just noticed this thing when i was looking around at night. It reacted super quickly to the light and i thought it "popped" as it just disappeared to a tiny hole in the rock... Had to point my camera on video and finally it emerged again.. hopefully those video screenshots...
  17. Frederick Edwards

    New live rock

    Would love some guidance on what these are on my live rock. If you need better pictures or different angles let me know and will try my best. Picture #1 Picture#2 Picture#3 Picture#4 Picture#5 Picture#6 Picture#7
  18. Chelsea Smith

    Hitchhiker id

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SmPB4Ir8jdmmbzA8vVzcwu-zf8NGsRDP/view?usp=drivesdk Please help identify
  19. choss

    Bristle worm? Please help ID

    This just came in with Gulf Live Rock - please let me know if this is a good or bad hitch hiker
  20. M

    Help ID filter feeder

    Hello guys Got a new creature on my live rock that seems to be a filter feeder... not sure where it came from or if it's bad... any help is appreciated! Thanks
  21. DeepBlueSomething

    There's been a Breach!

    I know, I know...it's all on me. I trusted a 'trusted vendor' and threw in some coral frags that looked good. And now I can confirm there has been a breach. Multiple of this little dude (as best I can tell) running around on LPS especially. Not my pic but closest I could find quickly on the...
  22. EzraZamir

    Any Idea What This Might Be?

    Hi Everyone! I've had these zoas for a couple years and they started melting after a small purple/red polyp started appearing a few months ago. I now have this big transparent purple/red polyp with what appears to be a mouth, plus 3 others growing behind it. Any idea what could have attached...
  23. Zoolife xD


    hey guys i have a few questions on flatworms but first let me add some background information, i currently have a nano aquarium set up for a G. chiragra mantis shrimp and i has some other cuc in there as well but no corals or fish just a marine planted tank if you will dominated by macro algae...
  24. DLuce510

    Montipora Agitating Brittle Star

    Are these any specific Brittle Star? All of these were in one small colony of WWC Cherry Tree monti. The colony had faded over the last few months and parts where dying off. I could see their legs sticking out of the dead parts but had no idea there was this many. They agitated the Monti and it...