hitch hikers

  1. L

    Weird bug shrimp things found swarming under rock Please Help ID

    I was cleaning one of my tanks and decided I might want to do some reworking of the rock. All was fine until I moved one of the foundation pieces and ALL OF THESE LITTLE THINGS CAME SQUIGGLING OUT ALL OVER FROM UNDER THE FLAT PIECE. I thought it was bristleworms but they also kinda look like...
  2. M

    Is this Aiptasia?

    I'm wondering how I should go about this and any help is greatly appreciated. My LFS (totally cool people) hooked me up a zoa frag with my order. 2 days later I'm seeing what I believe is aiptasia but I wanted to confirm with the more experienced. If it is indeed aiptasia I have read these are...
  3. C

    Ball Anemone?

    I’ve asked about this before but it’s bigger now and I’m almost certain it’s a ball anemone. It doesn’t bother me at all, should I be concerned?
  4. AceB9908

    Tiny crab ID on a coral?

    I just got a Trumpet/Candycane frag and when I dipped it I saw this little guy sitting inside the tissue of the coral. I got him out pretty easily and got him in some clean saltwater until I figured out if he was good or bad. The only thing is I have absolutely no clue what kind of crab it is...
  5. lilkiwi930

    How to get rid of critters and aptasia of live rocks.

    Hello everybody, So I have a question. I have been dealing with a aiptasia problem. After a couple weeks I am finally getting it under control. Just keeps coming back because I am probably missing some under a rock. I have been killing it with AiptasiaX. But my question is in the future when...
  6. Afkomjorgen

    Anemone? Hitchhiker ID

    Hello, I picked up a piece of liverock last week and have noticed some hitchhikers. I would be very grateful for any ideas on what they are. The liverock is sitting in my quarantine tank until I figure it out. I started sharing the light from my main tank for an hour a day to see if anything...
  7. BighohoReef

    SPS Acro Burrowing Worm

    Hi All, I received 4 acro colonies last week and I've had to frag 3 colonies down into smaller sizes due to STN and acro burrowing worms (not red flatworms). These top two photos show the eventual die off of the skin and where tentacles from the worms extend to feed (neither of these...
  8. H

    Found these on my glass today

    Found these and there’s a few on my glass, anyone know what they are?
  9. reefmasterdomi

    Critter found on maxi mini nem

    Was doing the daily check on my corals and nem and saw this thing attached to it’s flesh just swaying in the water. anyone know what it is?
  10. GeneralWrassement

    Caught him- errr them

    Y’all for 4 months the tapping drove me nuts- ran a camera into the tank and found a pistol Shrimp- this Morning after he killed my Cleaner I tore the tank apart - guess what else I found?
  11. Bento

    Hitchhiker crab ID help. Maybe Acro

    Hey everyone, I got a hitchhiker today. Not sure if he's reef safe or not? He's tiny at the moment. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  12. newave

    Newbie with ID Question - Marine "Ant Trap"?

    Hey, folks! This is my first time posting, so I hope I'm in the appropriate space for help with ID'ing. This morning, as I was inspecting my tank I noticed a sort of "ant trap" in my fine sand. I tried to do relevant Google searches but couldn't find any info. I have noticed no feelers or...
  13. Sipec

    Good or bad asterina?

    Is this a good asterina or bad one? Kinda funny, can't recall seeing a star with that few legs
  14. ReefSoup

    Hitchhiker/Pest Identification Help

    Hey All - Looking for some help in identifying a possible pest in my tank. These things are all over my glass and my zoanthid frag and showed up overnight. Tank is about 3-4 months old and added my first corals about 3 weeks ago. I did dip them before putting them into my tank (unfortunately...
  15. thetallestwave

    Unidentified Hitchhiker

    Hello everyone! This is my first post here on Reef2Reef, not exactly what I would’ve preferred to post but here it is. I saw this sucker hitchhiking on one of my lawnmower blennies one day so I decided to try a 2 minute freshwater dip to see if that would take care of the issue. Not being...
  16. Reefer37

    What's on my Frogspawn?

    Found this weird white growth? Worm? On my frogspawn. Honestly not sure what it is. Attaching some pics. Any ideas?
  17. Carebearsss.x


    Hello! Kinda new with the hobby and I’ve found these “Bubble” like things in my tank! Any idea what they might be??
  18. Carebearsss.x

    Pls help??

    I’m thinking it might be a slug or some sort??
  19. Greenebean04

    Two red fan things on my coral, what is it?

    So here is a picture and a video of what they look like, I’m pretty stuck on what they might be. Does anyone know?
  20. Stu_Tanks

    Adopted old infested tank. Turn into QT?

    My buddy just gave me his old AIO Evo. This thing was previously infested with everything in the book... I planned on setting this up as a QT. After a deep scrub... Is it still even worth using as a QT or am I playing with fire?
  21. KeystoneMalone

    Hitchhiker Clam

    Hello R2R community! Hope everyone and their families are healthy! I noticed this little guy last time I did a water change, and buried him before I could get a pic while I was vacuuming the substrate, but I was just feeding some reef roids and noticed he popped up again, kinda looks like some...
  22. Carebearsss.x

    No Freaking Idea What These Are!!!

    Please help!!! My boyfriend and I have just spotted these tiny tiny white spots in our tank! They kinda look like worms? THEY. ARE. EVERYWHERE. Can anybody try and identify these things?? *the picture isn’t the best quality, i apologize for that * Also, excuse the algae! *any tips on...
  23. Orectolobidae

    Strange growths on conch

    I just noticed these feathery like growths sprouting from the crevices of its shell and was wondering what you guys think of this?
  24. N

    Good or Bad?

    I believe its an isopod. Cant tell if its a good thing or bad.
  25. Reefer37

    White tube? Worm?

    So I've started seeing these random white tubes along my sandbed and rockwork. Any ideas on what they might be? A worm? I'm really not sure.
World Wide Corals