hitch hikers

  1. Mnmbrix

    Hitchhikers Guide to the SeaGalaxy! ID help

    Just noticed some little additions that I hadn’t seen before. Does anyone know what my little hitchhikers are and if they are dangerous? Thought maybe Asterina, not sure what the others are near my mushrooms thanks in advance for any help!
  2. V

    Dip live rock from old tank to new tank?

    Hello gang, Long time listener, first time caller when is comes to asking for advice. I have a 40g aio aquatop cube that’s been running about 8 months and I’m buying a 26g RS nano peninsula…. Well 2 actually but 1 is coming today (and I’ll do a build thread I guess). 1 tank will transfer...
  3. L

    Small black snail with white dot

    I have multiple in my tank. Was curious to what they were, not the best picture but they’re pretty small.
  4. C

    Mystery worm

    Hello I just got some live rock and I found a thick black worm with pointy things on it. It was in a cranny so I could not get a good look it a pic. Any ideas
  5. Guy317

    What is it

    Hi first time reefer I’ve had my tank set up for 6 months now and I’m wondering what this is. Should I just leave it alone or remove it I’m thinking spaghetti worm but not sure
  6. LeChef

    Are these hitchhikers?

    Excuse the dirty water I was scraping my glass but on my intake box there’s these white star looking shapes, anyone know what they are? i also assume I’m answering my own question here but the little white specs that get attached to the side of the glass, that is sand correct? Or salt? It’s...
  7. R

    What’s this growing on my glass?

    Curious to see what this may be growing on the glass of my Copepod grow tank. There are 4-5 of these that have seemingly shown up over night. I recently moved the copepods from a 5 gallon bucket into this tank. Before doing so I thoroughly washed and scrubbed this tank with vinegar and water...
  8. Uzair Aiman

    Woke up to this little fella on my glass, what is it?

    Hi. I havent added anything new in my tank for a month or so ++. I woke up this morning seeing this little dude on my glass and Im not sure what it is. Is it reef safe? Should I remove it or is it a good CUC? Thanks in advance! Sorry for the picture quality, its not that big. Ignore the curved...
  9. WheatToast

    Strange Spiked Growths

    I have absolutely no clue what these things are. They came on some LFS live rock, which I believe originated from the Indo-Pacific. They have no holes, feel quite tough, do not bend, and have small “tufts” on their spikes. They also do not appear to have grown since I introduced them a few weeks...
  10. ultraArcite

    Red "spikes" on trochus snail

    Is this something I should be concerned about, or can I place it in my tank? There are red spikes on my trochus snail. I pulled on them and they did not come off (same with a toothbrush). It's a captive-bred snail from @AlgaeBarn
  11. J

    Help me identify 5 Hitchhikers on my Live Rock from LFS

    Hi- I am a new hobbyist and am just cycling my first reef tank! I went to my LFS to purchase my live rock, and noticed some interesting hitchhikers. I have done some research and believe one is an Aiptasia anemone- and have read it is recommended to nip those in the bud. But don’t know what the...
  12. Jrain904

    Build Thread Ocean liverock - No Dosing - No Qt - Candy Basslet Reef

    I've been in the hobby for about 15 years and for most of it I had the same imported liverock that I have just moved from tank to tank. Recently we bought a new house and I decided to kind of start over. My rocks were so mature that I could get away with almost anything. I figured it was time to...
  13. Herides

    2 tiny critters I need identified please.

    This one I should have taken a picture of while still in the tank but it looks pretty much the same (first pic is the top side, second is the bottom). It was clung to the glass and (with a glove on) I drug it up to the surface and struggled the take it off the glass and it felt pretty...
  14. Lebski

    Tiny baby mantis shrimp

    Hi there, apologies as it can’t get a picture as it’s so small. I picked up a large GSP colony attached to some live rock. That is doing well and I am happy with it! However, I looked underneath the chunk with my phone light as I saw something scuttling upside down under the rock, It is about...
  15. ronronearr

    Sea Star HitchHiker - Injured or Starving?

    I got a sea star that came over on one of my corals. I would like to keep it alive, but I am not sure whether it is a sand sifter or carnivore. It initially showed up with 5 legs and then was cruising around the tank and filtration areas. It disappeared for about 5 days then showed up missing...
  16. tailoftwogobies

    please help ID

    hi everyone! any ideas as to what this may be at the bottom of this frag? noticed it today and want to make sure it’s not detrimental to our tank. thank you all!!
  17. T

    What are these!?!?

  18. M

    Parasite or Tube worm?

    Need your help. Is this a this a parasite or tube worm? I find more little white tubes on my life rocks... shall I keep them or remove?
  19. D

    What is this?

  20. P

    What are these brown and white things?!?!

    I found these little brown things growing on my rocks. But now I’m also noticing white parts on them, some of which are a bit longer than others. What the heck are these?
  21. BornHandy

    Tiny mystery snail.

    My clownfish eggs hatched some time today, and after lights out, I went looking for them. No clownfish fry to be seen, but I spotted this guy...a few of them actually. Any ideas?
  22. morgan_jAq

    Anyone know what this is??

    Saw this thing on my LOBO this morning. Any idea what it is???
  23. ariellemermaid

    Hitch Hiker ID Please

    We ordered some Florida Cerith Snails and one arrived with something attached to its shell. I don’t think it’s aptasia because it doesn’t retract when you touch it or remove it from the water. It’s actually a bit stiff, maintaining its shape out of water. Apologies, my pictures aren’t the...
  24. M


    Hi! A couple of days ago I bought some coral from a local fish store. They have been closed up for the last couple of days, but are just starting to open up. However, on one of the pieces, there is somthing that looks like a small anemone. I think it is Aiptaisa, but I'm not entirely sure...
  25. J

    Can’t figure out what these things are maybe you guys could help

    I can see one and it’s some all white thing I’m thinking it’s probably some kind of snail it has 2 long tentacles or whiskers antenna whatever they are and that’s all ik but it seems to be living inside that coral only one seems to be on the outside a little tried to get good pictures thanks guys