hermit crab

  1. Sick_man

    Hermit Crabs suddenly dying

    So i have a 20 gallon with about 10 hermits and theyve been doing a great job at cleaning up the frags from algae but all the sudden half of them died and they were only 2 months old. The fish and the corals are doing great, even the super sensitive goni. I tested the water and its 0 ammonia, 0...
  2. MrDeathKills

    Nano Build 16 gal biocube

    Stocking ideas for 16gal Biocube. Need opinions on this stock of fish. We are pretty open on snails so any you think would be beneficial to the tanks overall health we are open to hear about. If there is another fish you think we can sneak in please do tell we are fully open to see what other...
  3. andrewkg

    What’s this living on hermit shell

    Seems like some kind of mollusk that opens, any ideas? Check video something Black looks like tongue comes out
  4. 741B8443-7365-49DF-976F-92D73ABF2C62.jpeg


    Making his way down sand, crawling fast, lobo’s pass and he’s food-bound
  5. A

    Hermit crabs dying

    New to saltwater aquarium hobby. I have a 20 gallon tank fish only. I have had general success with it up to this point (the fish are doing fine). I bought 4 electric blue hermit crabs for a CUC and in the last 2 weeks have lost 3. I also have a cleaner shrimp who has been doing great. My...
  6. E

    Hermit Crab ID?

    Their legs have a vertical orange stripe. Thanks in advance!
  7. thought

    Hermit ID?

    Got this little guy from my LFS as a blue legged hermit but does not look even close to my other blues. Anyone know what kind of hermit it is? seems to have grey/brown legs and black and white striped eyes
  8. T

    Where to Buy Cortez Hermit Crab SHELLS

    Looking for a source to buy hermit crab shells small enough for those little $1 Cortez hermit crabs, I know the little dudes are cheap but they’re adorable and I want to offer them a chance at a longer life! Thanks in advance.
  9. A

    Hermit Crab ID

    This guy came in a bucket of love rock I picked up from another tank. I cant seem to find anything like him in my search. Picture is not great, but it is brown with white bands on legs and white dots on him. She'll is about 1.5 inches across.
  10. B

    Help!!! What’s on this shell

    Can anyone help me Identify what this is on my hermits shell. I just ordered a clean up crew and this was on some of the shells.
  11. vogtn

    Party Crab

    Spotted one of my hermit crabs on top of a snail, I was worried at first he went rogue... But it seems he just wanted to party :oops: Crawled right off after.
  12. BloopFish

    Hipster Backwards Hermit Crab

    Just thought you guys would enjoy this. This hermit crab decided that the natural opening of the shell was too mainstream ;Hilarious
  13. D

    My hermit crab moved into my zoa plug

    I recently got my first coral, a beauty of an ORA zoa colony. Instead of the standard coral plug, it came on a shell. I thought it was unique, so I got it. I introduced it to my tank and it opened up right away. A few hours after introducing it into my tank, my red leg hermit crab moved into the...
  14. mattybecks

    Hermit Crab ID

    As the title suggests, please me ID this Hermit. He doesn't seem to really climb rocks, but spends mostly all his time on the sand bed. Eats all kinds of Algae and sifts through the sand. I have tried to feed shrimp but he isn't interested in this. there is one picture of a star fish too. Don't...
  15. TJ Jiang

    Hermit Crab Warning!

    Just got my Maxima clam shipment this morning from Savage Reefer.BTW, Amazing vender! After Temp acclimation and toothbrush scrap, I first put in on a marine block and adjust for placement, took a beautiful pic, but you can see the siphon is open, so I was thinking the clam is still going...
  16. Koshal14

    Hermit Crab Eating My Zoa?

    I just caught my Hermit crabs on top of my New Zoa frag this evening. Think they may have been eating it. The lights have just gone up and polyps has just closed. We all open earlier when the blues were on. Do they eat Zoas? I moved them but then one went straight back on it. Do I need to put...
  17. Orectolobidae

    White striped hermit...?

    I'm unsure whether this might actually be a white stripped hermit because unlike the pictures I came across the bands on its legs are actually a brown colour and the shell is not as dark. However despite that the crab now lives in a 3i conch shell it does not bother anything else apart from the...
  18. T

    Help i.d hermit crab.

    What is this hermit crab? Is it reef safe? Any information is welcomed! Thank you!
  19. mattybecks

    Quirky crabs

    Does anyone else's hermit crab do this? I have 11 in total, but there is only one who likes to find a nice position (full light, in the open) flip over, lay on his back, and just stare at the surface. He can do this for a long time before getting up, grazing a little, and then come back to the...
  20. Evan28395950

    Hermit crab id

    Red one
  21. LilElroyJetson

    Blue-Legged Hermit Crab Attacked My Garf Bonsai

    My corals were looking incredible for weeks now and I hadn’t seen any of the hermits in the tank bothering them aside from trampling my zoas while they roamed around...until today. I caught one of the blue legged hermit crabs literally in between the branches of my Garf Bonsai and it looked like...
  22. SteedC

    Hermit Crab ate my Maxima Clam

    I purchased a small Maxima Clam about 2 months ago and everything was going great, it was growing and had great color. I did my nightly dose of photo-plankton and went to bed. Woke up this morning and the hermit crab was inside the clam eating the remains! Has anyone had this happen before...
  23. ethanbear111

    Inverts Won’t Survive

    I have a Reefer 350 that has been running for about five to six months, with three fish, a mini angel, a royal gramma and a damsel fish. I have tried all sorts of invertebrates and they just won’t survive. Snails, coral, an anemone and cleaner shrimp. My only living invert is a tiny blue hermit...
  24. D. Torres

    Clam and hermits ok?

    Sorry if this has been posted already but I really need to know. My main question is are blue leg crabs safe to have around Maxima clams? ;Nailbiting Got a great deal on a couple maxima clams on a recent visit to California (1/3 of the price asked for in Las Vegas) I should have done my research...
  25. ThunderGoose

    Sump crabs - who's the best?

    In my sump I have a red mitrax crab and two hermit crabs (different areas). I was hand feeding them fresh scallop meat this morning and I noticed a big difference between the types. The mitrax acted like my hand was a predator and attacked and pinched me. Then moved off into another part of the...