hermit crab

  1. A

    How can introduce livestock from a dinoflagellates infested tank to a new one safely?

    I have a hermit crab and a turbo snail that were in a dinoflagellates infested tank. If i introduce them to my tank, will i be introducing the dinoflagellates as well?
  2. SchoolEcosystem

    Hello School Ecosystem Long Island Sound

    Hello, I have an established ecosystem in a half circle 35 gallon salt water tank. I have a 4 level canister filter. I HAD 5 hermit crabs , 4 decent size and one smaller than your fingernail (all with shells) I entered my 5th grade classroom today to find remains of a molt but no crab. What...
  3. H

    Questioning if I can add new tank mates with my bonded pair of clowns-13.5 evo

    I bought a 13.5 evo tank with a full set up from a seller than was over the hobby. I made a bunch of upgrades as well and had to handle a crazy outbreak of algae from him. However, this tank came with a pair of 2.5 year old clownfish. I was wondering if I could add another small fish like a...
  4. GhostInTheShell

    Why is my Alk dropping independently of other parameters?

    The alkalinity in my tank seems to be dropping steadily (about .1 dKH/day) independent of the other parameters. All parameters are tested daily because my humans are new to reefing and want to understand how everything works together. The other parameters remain relatively steady at: Temp...
  5. GhostInTheShell

    Hello Hi, I’m Ghost

    Hello reefers, My name is Ghost and I am a tiny marine hermit crab. One day in September I was just minding my own business, sifting Caribbean sand, when some loud divers thought my beautiful shell was empty and took it. Upon returning home and discovering my existence, they promptly set up a...
  6. D

    EMERGENCY My Maroon hermit is killing my urchin.

    I have a maroon hermit crab (I believe that is what he is) and a pincushion urchin in the same tank. My urchin is very dear to me and the crab is killing the urchin. He will go up to the urchin and rip his small tentacles and lots of spines off. I stop this whenever I see it, but my urchin has...
  7. M

    Scarlet Legged Hermit Dead?

    Hello, I've had a 20G tank setup since the beginning of February and I have a Scarlet legged hermit in there (along with 1 blue legged and 2 clownfish). He's been sitting on the top of my rocks for days now and moved as recently as Friday. Today I went to spot feed him, which I do sometimes...
  8. A

    What killed my wrasses?

    Hey guys so I recently purchased a wrasse as well as a new CUC I brought Scarlett hermit crabs, a cleaner shrimp, blue leg hermit crabs, and a couple snails. Now I have a emeral crab from my last clean up crew and the emerald, cleaner shrimp and blood fire shrimp all hang out on and in the...
  9. E

    Good place to buy hermit shells

    I was just wondering what a good place to find hermit crab shells is for online? Everywhere I look they are to big and or for land hermits
  10. Gsotera

    Help me please!

    Hello, nice to meet you! My name is Gerardo and I am from Córdoba, Argentina. I have a small 90 liter aquarium with mixed corals. I hardly have a pair of clowns, a hermit and a Stenopus. Sorry to use this forum without having a real emergency but I really need everyone's help! I have a humble...
  11. That1guy07

    Hermit Crab Shells and sand

    Hi, So a couple weeks ago I bought some new shells for my marine hermit crabs in my reef tank. They needed new ones and I didn't want them to die because I think they are very pretty. Anyway, I also have a Gold Faced Sleeper Goby who I've had for a least 2 years now. He obviously likes to sift...
  12. R

    Washington WTB Turbo Snails and Hermit Crabs

    Looking to buy 30qty Turbo Snails and 20 Hermit Crabs if there is anyone in the Seattle area please contact me.
  13. Zoa_Fanatic

    Halloween Hermits?

    I am looking to get a single hermit for my biocube 16 LED. I have a few cerith and astrea snails in there right now and a single scarlet hermit that may or may not be dead. Just added a small sized sand sifting conch recently. Would a halloween hermit be ok around this cleanup crew or would it...
  14. Zoa_Fanatic

    Hermit crab questioner

    Anyone have any insight into zebra hermits? I have one and a big scarlet. They’ve been in there with three blue legs who I can’t find suddenly. The blue legs and the scarlet have lived peacefully forever: the zebra is a recent addition about a month ago because I found him half dead in a used...
  15. Zoa_Fanatic

    Opinions on zebra hermits

    Anyone have any opinion on zebra hermits? I’ve got one in my 32 biocube led and so far I know he’s killed one snail but whatever. I don’t care about that. My question is will he kill my blue legs and my scarlet? This is the first and only zebra hermit I’ve ever had. I found him half dead in a...
  16. X

    do blue leg hermits bury themselves

    One of my two blue legged hermits has vanished, shell and all. It could not have climbed out of the tank as the mesh at the top is smaller than the shell sized, and it was not in my overflow. Do they bury themselves after molting or anything, shell included?
  17. Gonj

    Inverts and Ich please help

    Recently just started up a 37g tank, I’m on week 2 of cycling and I had a pair of clown in there to help cycle. I noticed 1/2 clowns started showing signs of ich so I removed them both into a hospital tank and begun treating them. The one experiencing symptoms did not make it, the other clown...
  18. RedFishReef

    Crab broke up my Palythoa Frag can I save it?

    I bought my first 3 frags a week ago today. The one in the back was the Paly at it’s finest, at least in my tank. At the LFS it fell off the plug during bagging but i took it anyway. After a few days i loosely attached it to some dried epoxy with fishing line. My blue legged hermit crabs had...
  19. beamer281

    Aptasia?.. new hermit crab

  20. J

    CUC for 29 gallon

    Hi guys! I’m new to reefing and I’ve recently set up a 29 gallon tank that’s finished cycling. Right now I have one Nassarius snail, one trochus snail, two margarita snails, and one cerith snail. I was told that I can have up to ten snails in my tank so I’m pretty sure that stocking is fine...
  21. Rakesh3012

    What happens to old hermit legs after molting

    So my halloween hermit just molted, gave me quite a scare as i saw its legs outside of its shell and i thought it was dead for a second. Do they eat their old legs and arms (the part that has been molted) after molting? Do they need it or can i remove it? Was thinking of preserving it in some...
  22. michaelabellz

    Hermit crabs dropping dead???!?

    I have about 15 hermit crabs and so far in past 2 days I’ve seen 3 dead ones. I’ve also noticed that most of them except for a fewer of the small ones are not very active at all. I did read that hermits will at times not move for 3 days but I’ve been noticing them all not be that active for...
  23. SenorBubs

    Weird Stringy thing on shell

    Just found this thing on my Halloween Hermit today after having him a while. But I’ve definitely noticed this weird string on him before. Hopefully it’s not harmful... Any help would be appreciated
  24. TheStripedHermit

    What clean up crew can I keep with a large hermit crab?

    Not even conches are safe from my striped hermit who now lives in a 3inch shell however he does eat a bit of algea but not enough. So does anyone here have any clean up crew that can live longer than a month around my hermit? Theres only so much algea you can remove daily ☹
  25. michaelabellz


    Okay so I just let my 5 dwarf hermit crabs into my tank and right away one of the hermit crabs got out of its shell. I tried to nudge it back to him as he’s exploring the tank but he keeps leaving it. I do have extra shells but they are all bigger and he is quite small. I have no idea what to do...