
  1. ravalos2282

    EMERGENCY Powder Brown tang

    I noticed this on my powder brown tang this morning. He’s on a Qt on its second week. I did a FW Dip one e I noticed it. Qt 1.026 77 temp 2.5 copper power General Cure
  2. D

    What the heck is eating my Berghia?

    Hi all! As stated, I think something is eating all my poor berghia. I’ve got a 29g mixed reef with an ever growing aiptasia problem so I got me some nudi’s, 10 to be exact. Now, this is actually my second time buying berghia because my first 6 all appear to have gone missing. Not like “oh yeah...
  3. C

    Help! Setosa suddenly dying??

    Help! We have a huge setosa that is a real showpiece in our tank. Last night, I noticed a concerningly large section is dying off, and it's happening quickly. (Honestly, it either happened like within a day, or I'm somehow just completely blind considering I sit and just watch our tank every...
  4. jvaughan1355

    Help with Duncan colony

    Need some help identify what’s happening with a few of my Duncan heads. Looks like some exposed skeleton and white hardening around a couple heads. See pics below thanks for the help.
  5. W

    Transferring Rock with Dinos question

    Hi all, I recently set up a new 30 gallon reef tank and am trying to figure out what to do. For some background, I have a 13.5 which I bought a rock that had 3 awesome nems on and placed it in my tank knowing the previous owner had dinos. This sparked the dinos in my 13.5 which I have recently...
  6. SimonMo

    Coral loses tissue in strange way! Please help!

    Hello, my coral lost tissue in very strange way - about half of each polyp lost tissue. I don't know what could be the reason. I got this coral about 5 days ago and it looked very well. I have very good parameters.I keep sucesfully corals such as acropora, fungia, micromussa, euphyllia, chalice...
  7. G

    Filefish Mouth Growth? Please help!

    I noticed a strange growth or adhesion to my filefish's mouth this afternoon. As far as I know it wasn't there last night when I fed and she was eating like normal. From other threads the suggestions seem to be either an injury or some super glue from a drag or rock in the tank? I don't have...
  8. Webb098

    What is this

    What is this stuff? I’ve read up on Dino’s some. I don’t think this is what it is because I read they like super sterile environments. But there’s this brown stuff. And then this clear stuff that has lined everything in my tank.
  9. Nanoreefer1999

    Cherub Angelfish bite mark on dorsal fin near his head?

    I have two clowns maybe they did it but the little cherub is swimming fine and eating well. Should I be concerned???
  10. X

    white stuff on my pink pincushion urchin help!

    Hi guys! I was wondering to get some help, yesterday I saw this in my pincushion urchin, at first I thought it was just sand that somehow got on him, but when I watched him today the white thing was still on him. I took several pictures, but the one on the post is the best one I got. It would...
  11. B

    Buying established tank. HELP NEEDED!!

    I am headed to look at an established tank and I have a couple questions. The tank already has coral and fish in it. 1. Do I need to bacteria cycle the tank since it is established? I am planning on using the same water from the tank after moving it. 2. What other cycles should or shouldn't...
  12. Rham1281

    ID these guys on my new frag?

    Just picked up a hammer coral from a local keeper. I'm not used to hitchhikers so any help would be appreciated!
  13. B

    Help my torch is dying!

    hello coral friends, A few days ago maybe 5 tops my yellow tip torch coral started closing. I thought okay maybe its splitting so left it be. Wasn't until 2 days ago when I realized I have a problem. Pics and video show the torch 10 days ago, 2 days ago, today, healthy zoas shown taken today...
  14. B

    New to the industry

    Good afternoon, I was hoping some of y’all that have been in the industry for some time could help give us some feedback on our new frag racks and other products on our website. We have posted in some Facebook groups and good some feedback and looking to get more to help shape our products...
  15. JGTPA

    What wrong with my Green Nepthea?

    My tank is 3 years old and has predominantly soft corals. My nepthea has always been one of my healthiest looking corals. However, a few months ago I noticed a light brown ring just above it's base. Other than this ring, the coral looked fine. Over the past 5 days it began leaning and is now...
  16. VanCityReef

    What is this stuff is?

    I just came back from a week long vacation and found this stuff has completely taken over my sump. Any idea what it is and how to get rid of it?
  17. Mattc123

    One clown possibly bullying the other help

    Hey everyone. So I'm having some problems with my clowns or rather one of them. I've had them almost 4 months now and I've never had such an issue with fighting/pecking. My white one has always submitted to the black one and done the little clown shake/shimmy to submit and that's it. Recently...
  18. choff01

    EMERGENCY Help please

    Ph7.3 No2 nitrite 0.1 No3 nitrate 3 Nh3 nh4 .3 alk 7.8 dkh Mag 1,500 Calcium 502 Salinity 1.026 I have a trachy with tissue recession and neither of my welso are inflating any more. I am working on the ph increase and alk increase currently. Any and all advise please.
  19. J

    Is this euphyllia baliensis?

    Hi guys, recently been seeing these sold as “mini hammers”. Never really seen many till about 3 years ago. Even more common now coming out of bali and maricultured. They have rounder tips, smaller thinner skeletons. They definitely dont look like the normal hammers im used to seeing here in...
  20. F

    New tank for the 3’rd time.

    Hello everyone, I just recently started my 55 saltwater up after having two failed attempts of getting it going. Both times I ended up doing something wrong that causes the tank to go wrong and fail. But, I’m determined to make it work. I recently started it back up, I cleaned out my filter...
  21. Rham1281

    Help IDing tank brand?

    My the place I live does a "city wide clean up" where people throw whatever to the curb and then a truck comes and takes it. This provides numerous opportunities to find unique things that people just toss. TVs, cabinets, instruments, and in my case a fish tank. My problem is I have no idea...
  22. Yourlocalreefer

    6-Line wrasse compatability

    Hello everyone, my 225-gallon tank has been up for quite some time and the only wrasse I have is a 6-Line but Im wanting to add more like a fairy wrasse or this pink one I saw at my LFS. What are your thoughts am I able to keep more or am I stuck with just the 6-line? I added a photo of the pink...
  23. P

    Bubble Coral help - Closed up on one end

    HI, I got a big bubble coral from an LFS about a month ago, looked Happy in the beginning. Since about a week or so, one end of the coral is showing skeleton and is not opening up at all. I dont think there is even tissue on that side anymore. I noticed the skeleton also started showing dark...
  24. Elijah F

    What's wrong with my macroalgae tank?

    I've been having a rough time with my 20g tank for a while now; all the macroalgae are growing great, and the fish are still healthy despite the ich/lympho/? they arrived with. However the corals and rfa I got a few months ago aren't doing too well, and the water has been perpetually cloudy...
  25. W

    Dino's Question

    So I am starting up a new 22 gallon tank and planning on bringing my clowns and inverts over from my Fluval 13.5. Problem is the 13.5 has been showing signs of slight dinos from a rock that I had recently added to the tank after buying some anemones. I would love to move the anemones to the new...
World Wide Corals