
  1. Simon Reefing

    Need help with Fritz!

    Hello everyone! I just used some fritz 900 turbostart and it smelled really bad? Is this normal? Is it just the bacteria it was still in the used date. It smelled like ammonia
  2. michaelabellz


    Okay so I just let my 5 dwarf hermit crabs into my tank and right away one of the hermit crabs got out of its shell. I tried to nudge it back to him as he’s exploring the tank but he keeps leaving it. I do have extra shells but they are all bigger and he is quite small. I have no idea what to do...
  3. Noob_Sam


    Hello everyone, So I know this is a saltwater forum does any one know any one that knows in freshwater parasites? or any active forums for freshwater? I went to Monster fish keeping forums but no one answered and its been a whole day. I have a 220 gallon fresh with monster fish, and I have a 50...
  4. jackalexander

    EMERGENCY Weird Clownfish Death

    So my girlfriend has had 4 clownfish now who have all died mysteriously. The tests are completely fine and everything is where it should be. Salinity is 1.025/35ppt. Is this marine velvet or ick? All of her fish have died within 24 hours of showing signs of sickness and have all died looking the...
  5. tjsweldind94

    EMERGENCY ‼️‼️What is going on ‼️‼️

    I came home from work today with my clownfishes mouth open and staying open with this white spot on its lip area what do I need to do he hasn’t been super active like he was and he is still eating though
Reef Diaper