
  1. B

    Brown jelly?

    I have a Duncan that was not doing too well, but it was still opened. It was opened this morning but I just caught it closed up with some slime on it. Is this brown jelly?
  2. JamieTotten1996

    EMERGENCY 1.0302 Salinity

    I’ve just done a water change and through rookie error I’ve dramatically changed my salinity from 32-PPT to 40-PPT (1.0241-1.0302) I have two clowns and one small toxic splatter gonioastrea frag. Have I just mistakenly killed my tank I’m very concerned now!!
  3. zachSalty

    Feather Dsuter Help

    I got a feather duster from my LFS yesterday. It is not quite 24 hours old. While drip acclimating and throughout the ride home the crown was out. The worm it’s self is not out of the tube and he has looked like this all the time (see picture). I tried spot feeding him this morning and he didn’t...
  4. zachSalty

    New Clownfish started this..

    So my clownfish was drip acclimated and bought from my LFS. He was doing good and all in the bag and during the drip. I had the light off when he was dripping and released into the tank. He was swimming “normal” with the light off. As soon as the light went on he retreated to the corner in the...
  5. zachSalty

    EMERGENCY Are these worms safe?

    Help! I just was creeped out of my mind when I went in to check on my new mates and saw all this creepy crawlers. Please tell me these are not fire worms and just bristle.. and should I get this under control?
  6. S

    Help! Bubbles in 4 year old marineland 60g heartland seams

    My Marineland 60g heartland was bought new 4 years ago. I don't remember how the seams were when I bought the tank. I was about to start the process of converting this tank into saltwater when I noticed the seams. I first thought it was nerite snail eggs but upon closer inspection, I see bubbles...
  7. Joem820

    Melanurus wrasse

    So came downstairs this morning and saw this on my wrasse who I have had for over a year. I got him out of the tank but he died almost instantly after i got him in a qt tank. Could someone tell me if this looks like an injury or a disease and if so, what is it and how do i treat my other fish?
  8. shyann009

    Anyone know what type of anemone this is ?!?

    Does anyone know what type of anemone this is ? I got it at a Lfs, they claimed it was a Haitian, but it was no colored tips. It could actually be but not 110% sure.
  9. Floofdragon

    Help!! Idk what’s going on in my tank!!!

    I have a 90g frag tank with a Porcupine Pufferfish, Lionfish, Zebra Moray, Orange Toadfish, Dusky Jawfish, Marine flounder and an sub adult engineer goby ((the puffer and lionfish are getting moved to a bigger tank in the next year)) I first noticed my puffer fish acting weird like laying on the...
  10. J

    Clownfish normal behavior or...?

    I've have these clownfish for roughly little over a month. Past week one of them started to generate a laying down habit. I know clownfish are weird at times. However I want to make sure there is no underlying issues. He eats just fine and moves around just fine. They were QT for 6 weeks...
  11. ReefNuget

    Are these Dinos?!?!?

  12. DcoarM

    Help lowering Alk and Calcium

    How does one go about lowering your alkalinity and calcium? I followed directions from brs calculator on adding a 2 part to my tank. DkH was 13.5 and calcium was 423. It said to add 13.7 ounces. I thought that was a lot and only added 4 ounces. This morning DkH is 13.3 and calcium is 523 Tank...
  13. leilanastasia

    EMERGENCY Ruby Red Dragonet not eating, lethargic!

    Hi, I’m really looking for help, I don’t know what happened but my first post got deleted.. I hope it doesn’t happen again. I purchased a ruby red dragonet yesterday from my lfs and it’s belly was already sunken in.. as soon as I put it in my tank after acclimating for 2 hours, it started to eat...
  14. Just John

    Ahhh! Did I just poison my tank?

    I have a new leather coral frag (sinularia) and it was starting do droop over enough that it was pulling off the plug. I straightened it up and put something behind it to hold it upright. When I straightened it up a milky cloud came out for about 20 seconds. Not a slime, more like a liquid. It...
  15. C


    So I purchased my first bubble tip anemone and a porcelain crab from my lfs. drip acclimated for 2 hours before entering it into my display. It decided to set up camp behind the rock work so photos are hard but will attach below. today i noticed it was completely deflated and shriveled I quickly...
  16. F

    Coral Banded shrimp unpaired from each other!!!

    His guys, I just picked up a mated pair of Coral Banded shrimp from my LFS, and they were fine when being acclimated in a bucket. After being drip acclimated for a few hours, I released them into my DT tank (80gallon), and they each swam off to a different corner of the tank. When the met in the...
  17. C

    Ich and fish treatment

    Hi all I have a question about fallow. I had a bad case of ich leading to all but one fish dying. The fish hasn’t even had one spot on it it’s a Fire fish. The question been if I Remove the fish from the tank for the 76 days what do I need to do with the fish? Any treatment of he is fully...
  18. Gonj

    EMERGENCY Clownfish is peeling?

    Got 2 clown in qt right now they’ve seemed fine, however today I noticed their skin seems to be peeling and there appears to be some growth in the filter as well. Any ideas as to what this can be or how I should treat this? Attached some photos below.
  19. SurfTrack

    Firefish Currently Dying - please help me

    Hello. Fish RARELY die in my tank. I have a 90 gallon red sea mixed reef. No dangerous or aggressive fish. Its been up and running for over a year and is flourishing. I purchased two small firefish last week and added them to my system with proper hour long drip acclimation. I even managed to...
  20. T

    EMERGENCY Help. Can someone identify if this is ich or something else.

    I just started up my reef tank and cycled it for over three months. A week after getting my first fish, I realized it had a lot of white spots on it. It is acting normal and eating fine. Any ideas what this is (Sorry for the low quality photos).
  21. GlassMunky

    Emergency: Derasa Clam Detached Hinge

    Hopefully someone here can help out! I woke up yesterday to find my LARGE Derasa clam had managed to somehow detach its hinge. When I touch it, it still reacts and try’s to move, but you can feel that the 2 half’s of the shell move independently of each other and are not connected at the hinge...
  22. R

    lowering nitrate while having cheto

    Hi all Hope everyone is doing good Nirate high phosphate low I have 120 gallon tank . Tested the water found out that my nirate super high . Nothing wrong with my corals . I run a lps and sofites tank .they all seem happy. But I need to reduce my nitrate safely. I introduced cheato it's...
  23. R

    Purple tang ick

    My purple tang has white spots that looks like ick. I don’t think I can catch it as I have a lot of rock work. Is there anything I can do? It was in a qt tank for 3 weeks with no issues it has been in the DT for about 3 weeks now an I notice it has two spots on its body an a couple on it’s fine...
  24. Alexblade1889

    Ich or burn ???,

    Hi there I noticed that my salinity had risen to 1.030 yesterday so I started to bring it down and got it to 1.026/7 I just come home from work to find my powder blue tang like this I was wondering if it was the salinity that’s caused him stressed and this is white spot that’s developed or...
  25. Alexblade1889

    Powder blue tang white spot

    Hi there I noticed that my salinity had risen to 1.030 yesterday so I started to bring it down and got it to 1.026/7 I just come home from work to find my powder blue tang like this I was wondering if it was the salinity that’s caused him stressed and this is white spot that’s developed or...
Extreme Corals