
  1. D

    Blue Angelfish Dying

    I bought my juvenile 140$ Blue Angelfish around a month ago, the first day my three tangs gave him crap but things tone down after that day. For the past month my Angelfish has been not stressed, eating perfectly and overall being one of my best fish. Today, I wake up to see him struggling to...
  2. E

    I really need some help with corals

    So I really need some help figuring this whole coral thing because it doesn’t make sense to me, I can keep zoas/palys no problem I recently added a red monti cap and it is doing fine so far, I can keep Duncan corals as well but every single time I try to add a soft coral like pulsing Xenia or...
  3. L

    Stn from the base or bites?

    Hello I recently detected some acroporas with blenching from the base Colud you identify if it are stn or maybe someone is eating my corals? alk:7.3 Mg: 1250 Ca:500 pO4: .17
  4. D

    What’s wrong with my toadstool?

  5. T

    !HELP! Everything is sad!!!!!!

    Help please! Noticed around 3-4 days ago that my Neon blue striped mushroom was shrivelling up which it has never done in the months that i have owned it. Checked all parameters and everything is great so i thought it was just having a moment. Woke up this morning to just about everything in the...
  6. ThatsNoMoon

    EMERGENCY Tank Crashing?

    Hello all I just woke up to find all my snails at the top of the tank if not above the water level. The Coraline all over my tank is turning white around the edges. the fish seem ok but are all sleeping as the lights are off. This is all overnight I did a quick water change to see if it...
  7. Benzophun


    I need some help fellow reefers. I’m not new to the hobby, not super seasoned either been keeping my tank for 3 years. I’m battling what I think is GHA right now and something else. I have pretty rapid coral death occurring, fish as well. I e done 2 50% water change this week so far. Nothing...
  8. D

    EMERGENCY Red montipora dying

    I recently acquired a red montipora from my friend one week ago. All of the sudden it appears the tissue is falling off. Within eight hours it is halfway gone. All of my water parameters are in line and the only thing I can think of is possibly my lighting may be stronger than my friends. I...
  9. D

    Hello Red montipora flesh falling off

    I recently acquired a red montipora from a friend exactly one week ago and all of the sudden, the tissue appears to be falling off. Within about six hours it is almost all white. All of my water parameters are in line and the only thing I can think of is my lighting may be different and/or...
  10. Dolphis

    Is Reef Energy killing my sponge?

    Hey guys, I picked up two sponges 2 weeks ago - A red finger and a yellow ball. Both have been doing well and both were completely submerged when added to the DT. 2 days ago, in the morning, I noticed some “white” fuzzies on the red finger and today in the evening, it seems to have...
  11. CommanderInReef

    goniopora slowly dying

    i've had this goni for about 3 months and it was doing great for the most part until i noticed it recently dying. i feed reef roids almost everyday and it seems to be a reluctant feeder(doesn't really grab much and sometimes even retracts) even tho i'm very delicate with feeding. it gets around...
  12. Fred5612

    Can someone PLEASE HELP me save my Turbinaria!

    Hello, I’m quite desperate. I’m relatively new to the hobby and since a month or two my poor turbinaria coral is going in decline. Every day I wake up and it’s missing more and more polyps, leaving behind naked coral and a hole. What is wrong with it? I tested all parameters and they’re...
  13. P

    Torch losing tissue

    Hey everyone hows it going Ive started my Reef tank about 3 months ago, let it mature a little bit and decided to add some torches. The tank is a fluval evo 13.5. The first one i put in was doing absolutely fine and extending a lot, a week or two later i bought a jade torch with 4 heads and put...
  14. J

    Anenome Splitting or Dying?

    Hey all - I have had this anemone for almost 6 months maybe longer. It has always looked amazing never any issues. Today at like noon it started just like shriveling up and looking weird, I thought it maybe ate or something. Anyways, I just looked at it and it has a huge hole in the middle. I am...
  15. J

    Help! Is this hammer pooping?

    Is my hammer pooping or what? Its been fine this morning then i came home to this. Looks like white slime coming out of the centre. Hard to see in the pic but theres a 1 inch string of slime. It also shrivelled up so much. Its normally open up to about 3 inches? I used a turkey baster and sucked...
  16. catalystNfacade

    First coral. Hurray! Wait is it dying?

    Do you think the lavender mushroom above is dying or splitting into two? I swear it's growing a second butthole but it's my first coral and I really don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if it's not doing so well, story below. On the other hand, to my completely untrained eye, it also looks...
  17. J

    Wall hammer frag. Need some tips

    I went to a not so local lfs today, saw some really bright green almost golden hammer in a frag tank. I only had 5 mins to spend in the shop as i had to go somewhere. So i kinda impulse bought the hammer frag. The price list stated ‘per head’ so it sounds like a branching hammer coral to me. So...
  18. Cfellini91


    Last week I noticed my Coral Beauty's left eye was cloudy, milky, and swollen. I moved her to a QT tank and started dosing FURAN2. I did 4 days of FURAN-2 and did 25% WCs every 2 days. I waited a day then dosed Kanaplex to the tank, first dose almost 48 hours ago. I came home to find her...
  19. Nate_Krohn

    Hollywood stunner chalice losing flesh

    My Hollywood stunner chalice has been growing like crazy for the past 2 years and has never showed any signs of dying or receding until a few days ago. It looks like something has been eating at it. If anyone knows anything I’d really appreciate the help. This chalice is the show piece in my...
  20. A

    Chalice Coral touched a Favia Frag

    It looks like my chalice coral frag touched a favia frag. The chalice seems ok outside a little white spot where it made contact, the favia frag however is half fuzzy and slimy and dull. The other half seems plenty normal though. Is there anyway to save the favia?
  21. T

    Dying anemone

    I purchased live rock and unknowingly it came with a baby bubble tip nem. My tank is about a week old and not established at all. The nem isn’t doing so well and only comes out when the lights are off sometimes. What do i do?
  22. C

    EMERGENCY Chance of survial? Acropora bleached or dead

    Hi everyone Had a huge temp increase during the first heat wave. Temp went from 78 to 84.5 in a day or 2. I have fans now at least! Question is, what are the chances of recovery on these guys? They still have some polyp extension, but I'm not sure if STN or just bleaching.
  23. K

    Need some help with Hammer coral :(

    got hits guy about a 3 weeks ago and for last week it was keep shrinking , any way to save him ? flower pot coral next to him doing ok PH 7.9 Sal 1025
  24. R

    Is my Sebae dying?

    I need some help with my Sebae. He has not seemed happy since I have bought him. I have had him for about a month now. Sunday he started to look really bad his mouth is open pretty wide. He is not loosing his color and he is still eating. It might just be stress but I would like some other...
  25. S

    Mystery algae killing my corals?

    Hi everyone, First and foremost, here are my tank specs: Fluval Evo 13.5 AI Prime 16HD running BRS's AB+ schedule at 40%, mounted 9 inches above the water surface, and 20 inches above the sand. It is run at 40% intensity for 6 hours a day with a two hour ramp up and down. 10 lbs of live rock...
Southwest Aquaculture - a coral lover's dream!