
  1. E

    Toadstool discolored foot. What’s wrong with it?

    Any advise from people more experienced? Thanks in advance!! So I’ve had this guy for like a month now and it’s been looking sad and droopy all the time. A couple of weeks ago the base of the foot started discoloring to white. It was faded into the purple but now it’s got a brown ring separating...
  2. Lylelovett

    Toadstool Mushroom rotting/dying/splitting? Help please.

    Hi all, Attached are photos of my giant mushroom toadstool (that I've had for 4 years) seemingly spontaneously dying? Parameters are all in check. It started sluffing off skin, now a hole has "rotted" as you can see in the photo. When I move it and pull the flesh off it definitely has a...
  3. JennyH3

    Ricordia Yuma sick??

    Hello: What is going on with my ricordia mushroom. I have had it for about a month bought at my LFS. I was doing great until the weekend - half of it seems to have died? everything else in my tank is great. I have 3 Yumas 2 from Seattlecorals.com & 1 from WOrldwidecorals.com. I just moved him...
  4. J

    EMERGENCY My carpenter flasher wrasse and tomani tang suddenly dying

    my carpenters flasher wrasse is laying down on my acclimation box and breathing heavily, tomani tang is breathing heavily but still swimming, looks like the new chocolate tang took his spot in his rock so I celared in for him but as I am writing this he is starting to lay on his side. He had...
  5. John.Thompson

    EMERGENCY Diamond Goby Dying!

    I just found my diamond goby sideways and thought it was dead. Come to find it breathing when I hold it upright. I have it in a small container to isolate and I put a small amount of food in the water. I recently put new fish and coral into HIS home. Could this be stress??? Anyway to fix? Help!!!
  6. B

    Is my leather dying?

    Hey guys, I received this Yellow Mushroom Leather Toadstool yesterday from LiveAquaria. When it showed up it looked okay, the typical stress mucus from shipping but overall okay. I acclimated and added it to the setup and it opened its polyps up pretty well and it looked as though it would...
  7. maxemorris

    Turbo Snail Sitting on Sandbed

    I got my mexican turbo snail about a week ago from my lfs, and it immediately found a crevice in my rock and didn’t come out. A few days later he was on top of the rock, and in attempt to make him do his job I stuck him to the glass. He was on there for a while and when I came back to check on...
  8. G

    RBTA Dying or Pooping??

    Was fine this morning, came back from the store and it looked like this. I just added in an urchin today, has been on the opposite side of the tank guaranteed! Also added in a few CUC today as well as an acan. Not sure what exactly is going on. It has some stuff coming out of its mouth I sprayed...
  9. Gonj


    This all started with my speckled krak it went from open and happy to shriveled on the brink of death in about 2 days time. All my other zoas are quickly following and idk what to do, I’ve already dipped them in coral rx and did a massive water change and it keeps spreading. The odd thing is...
  10. G

    Bubble coral dead??

    Hello all, just trying to figure out if my green bubble coral is dead or not. I know it’s definitely not healthy and it’s been like this for about 2 weeks now. I don’t know what’s going on with it considering my purple bubble coral and everything else seems to be pretty happy and my params are...
  11. C

    Dying Birdsnest? Maybe?

    So I’ve had two Birdsnest for about a month and they’ve been perfect and now all of a sudden, one of them just turned solid white. It literally happened overnight. The other one is perfectly fine.
  12. Oceanis

    New Anemone acting weird! Is he pooping or dying? Pics!

    Hi All, I just got this new green anemone for my 25 Waterbox (over a year old). He was great and super happy. Fed him every night when I feed my fish and he would occasionally retract but was extended 90% percent of the time. He moved from the top to his current position at the bottom of...
  13. RBuchetto

    Hollywood Stunner Bailing on Me

    Over the past week, my 3+ year old stunner has started to brown-out. While this is happening the CUC has taking the opportunity to pick off the flesh. I have other chalice in the tank with no visible issues. Any thoughts? It’s frustrating to see after having propagated this from only two...
  14. Diveks

    EMERGENCY Is this anthias a gonner?

    Just got 7 dispar anthias at least thats what i think they are the seller didn’t specify the species as they just called it rainbow fish or something. The seller said they were ‘old stock’ so they already ate pellets, i decided to grab them. They are being qted in a 70g now. They all are eating...
  15. Dad2Wyatt

    Is my ricordea Florida splitting or unhappy?

    I’ve had this mushroom for about 2 weeks so far. So far in my tank I can look at it wrong and it will get ticked and curl up. I accidentally bumped the frag while cleaning yesterday and knocked it into a crevice. It curled up immediately when I replaced it, (which was not surprising after I...
  16. dryza

    Dying BTA? Lost it's tentacles... Please help!

    Hi Everyone, First time poster, however I've been using the advise and expertise of R2R members for about a year now. I got a BTA for our Nano tank about a 3 months ago and it did great for the first 2 months, but I had some lighting and water chemistry issues about a month ago and that's when...
  17. S

    Is my scallop on his death bed?

    I’ve had this guy for just under a month i believe and I’m worried about him. Just in the last few days his tissue seems like it’s retracting, I’m worried hes not looking good. What do you guys think? I got him some phytoplankton but I’m not sure how to tell if he’s eating
  18. S

    EMERGENCY Bubble tip anemone question

    Hello, I'm new to the community but have read countless posts on the site. I made an account for this question. I started an anemone only tank 5 months ago. It's a fiji cube 76 gallon shallow, 48x24x16. I purchased a kessil ap9x for lighting, cycled the tank properly, tested the water weekly...
  19. NanoReeferAlex

    Dying Rbta?

    Hello! my anemone decided to walk behind the rocks about five days ago and I just yesterday moved the rock so he was facing to the light, and this is what he looks like now. I can’t tell if he’s dying, and I don’t know what to do for him! if anybody could give me any tips on helping him...
  20. F

    Help! My Cynarina is growing dark flesh. Is it necrotic? What should I do?

    As far as I can tell, my cynarina is growing some sort of dark flesh, see the photo. I know my nitrates and phosphates are a little low for LPS but I've been struggling to keep them up, I think I need more fish (I only have 2 in my 32.5 gallon). I dose NeoPhos and NeoNitro, but apparently I need...
  21. L

    I think my trachyphyllia brain coral is dying. Please help!!!

    Hi everyone, I've had this brain coral for about two months now and never had an issue with it. This morning I noticed that the top right corner is beginning to die but I'm not sure why? All my other corals in the tank are very happy so this was quite a shock. Water quality is within safe...
  22. Gonj

    EMERGENCY Valentini puffer Dying???

    I just got this puffer in the mail today, the bag had hardly any air in it so I tried to work fast. I floated him for about 10 min and drip acclimated him for I’d say 45min doubling the water volume twice. I did not net him or remove him from the water he did not puff up at all. He was swimming...
  23. G

    EMERGENCY Fox face looking a little doodoo

    Soo I bought this fox face yesterday 4/26/2021. He was already stressing out when they put him a bag. Then when I acclimated him, i almost dropped the bag and caught it but I squeezed the bag. I am really sorry about it!!! Like im stressing out too okay! Here is my water parameter attached and...
  24. Trueruby


    Hi Everybody, I actually posted here that my corals were loosing colour after prazi treatment. https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/soft-corals-are-losing-colour-after-prazi.822425/#post-8864104 after couple days, my xenias and zoas are vanished. Polyp corals about to vanish too. Many of them...
  25. E

    EMERGENCY Help all corals are dying

    So a couple days ago all of my zoas closed up my leather lps are slumped over my Duncan’s won’t open not will my hammer and frogspawn open, the only coral that seems to have any polyps open is my green tyree monti cap, I have checked ALL parameters and they seem fine, I don’t know what to do...
Aquariums Wholesale Live coral auctions every week