
  1. Skibum

    Indomitable wall of Nitrates

    Some background first: 1. I purchased a used RS 170 Aquarium for a really good price (Good!) April 28th system start date, however the system has been running since November, cycled. 2. It came with the following livestock (good and bad) Yellow Tang Kole Tang Scooter Dragonet...
  2. Agraves77

    Dosing for AIO Aquariums

    I have a nuvo fusion 30L aquarium that I want to do a mixed reef with. I dont really want to mess with kalk unless I have to. However, I am having a hard time finding people with AIO tanks that use dosing pumps. And I have only seen one person use a calcium reactor for a AIO. Any advice on how...
  3. joeboots82520

    Don't be a lazy Doser

    I'm sure a lot of people are already aware of this but I figured I post it again in case someone might have missed it. I had been using the BRS 1.1ml dosers for about three years now. When I first set them up I checked the accuracy of them to set up the programming through the Apex. Both of...
  4. potatocouch

    (POLL) Tell us what do you test on regular?

    Let's be honest, we are not doing full time on this hobby so time is of the essence and each of us has our own preferred parameters which we believe need to be checked quite regularly. As a hobbyists and enthusiasts, what do you test on regular basis? What do you emphasize on? Say I test Boron...
  5. shiftline

    DIY $6 Dosing containers - Dosing in style!

    I decided to start the Red Sea coral colors program and need something that looked good inside of my stand.. so I came up with these classy looking dosing containers that only cost about $6 each to make. Dose classy my friends! Check out the build video
  6. D

    Shelf-stable food dosing - is anyone doing this?

    BLUF: What food can I feed via dosing pump? After a quick search around R2R with some keywords I couldn't find much on shelf stable food products for corals/inverts. Let me put this into context, though, of what I am trying to do. I recently switched from the KZ coral system (1-4) to the FM...
  7. leepink23

    Dosing vinegar

    I am waiting on my new trigger acrylic sump to come in and was wondering if it's safe to dose vinegar into the sump? I will have it on a dosing pump delivering 30 ml over 8 hours. I have read where you can't store vinegar in acrylic but wasn't sure about dosing because it will be very diluted.
  8. pgooden

    how much soda ash to mix?

    so I am getting more serious about my testing/dosing regime. I was using Ocean's Blend 2 part and I was reading about Randy's 2 different recipes and decided to by the BRS 2 part supplies because Randy mentioned in other posts that they use his recipe. I planned to use recipe 2 because I am...
  9. reefaboo

    Fish poop with no fish in the system - sps nutrients

    i have a die off of my fish in my sps tank ( some due to agression, some due to lack of care when im gone on vacation and some just dead ) now over the period of 8 months i lost a few fishies and down to 2 fish in a 50 gallon system .. i dont want to add any more fish but clearly fish poop is...
  10. FireEMT

    How to dose Kalk with dosing pump based of pH probe?

    I have heard thats its possible to dose Kalk based off your pH probe. To write some code saying if pH drops below some value then to dose Kalk from a separate container. Is this something that works. I currently dose 2 part but want to add some Kalk to boost pH to help battle some Dino. Any...
  11. D

    24 hour 2 part dosing?

    My current 2-part dosing schedule splits Alkalinity and Calcium into 2 separate times utilizing the Reeftronics program generator to program my Apex and BRS 1.1 mL peristaltic pumps. I dose 60ml of Alkalinity over the course of 12 hours from midnight to 1200 - my logic being to help buffer the...
  12. reefk

    Sodium Nitrate Dosing...Help!!

    Need help with preparing a stock solution to get my Nitrate to 5 ppm, currently it is reading close to 0 ppm. Tank volume & sump volume combined with be 135 gallon after discounting rock displacement. I have laboratory grade Sodium nitrate but need help on calculating how much grams to add to 1...
  13. Reef Breeders

    CoralBox WiFi Dosing Pumps

    Hey Everyone, The Coral Box WiFi Dosers are here!!! Heavy Duty Aluminum case, upgraded heavy duty dosing heads, and best of all, smartphone programming right out of the box makes dosing a cinch! Get yours here for only $179.99 shipped to your door, that offer ends february 10th...
  14. mcarroll

    Recipe 2: Alkalinity Dosing Suddenly Not Clouding Water

    So I put a new set of Recipe 2 Ca and alk gallons online a couple nights ago and I just noticed that the alkalinity part isn't turning the water cloudy anymore as it goes in the water. Same reagents and formula as always. (About 300+ grams/gallon.) Same old bag of arm & hammer. Anyone have...
  15. Squirrel_reefer

    Time to dose Nitrate?

    Good evening reefers Test results as of tonight 12/15/16: SG: 1.025 Nitrate: 0 ppm Phos: 0 ppm Ammonia: 0 ppm Calc: 400 ppm DkH: 12-13 So I am currently dosing Kent Purple Tech to bring up my calcium levels. I am hoping that the high DkH is being caused by that, I am not sure what else could...
  16. AmatuerAuer

    Can't keep my alkalinity raised, help wanted!

    Based on the information below, can you solve the riddle? I have a 120g DT connected to a 40b frag tank and an Emerald 39 sump. I am dosing BRS two part on BRS peristaltic pumps running on an Apex controller. Mg is tested and dosed when needed (maybe monthly..) Alk Program: Fallback OFF OSC...
  17. C

    Aquaforest - Component 1+, 2+, 3+ Bundle

    Hi, Hoping for some help/advice. I don't use any AF products for my 120G DT or 40G Frag tank. I am currently using BRS 2-Part dosing (Ca, Mg, ALK) along with supplements for the essential components. Use IO Reef salt along with BRS RO System as salt water source for both my tanks. Scenario 1 -...
  18. Surferpat

    Dosing help!

    My favorite most helpful LFS closed and I'm having some issues with dosing calcium and alkalinity on my own! I dose a 2 part daily in my reef tank. My alkalinity is at 8.5 dKH (right where I want it) but my calcium blew up to over 500 ppm! I need to lower my calcium (I'd like to hit the 400...
  19. potatocouch

    Jebao Dosing Pump Calibration (DP4)

    For those that use Jebao Dosing Pump, I have quick questions. So I have calibrated all 4 pumps with 100ml calibration and is currently trialing all 4 pumps with RODI water. These past 2 days, I have noticed that the dose excreted by these pumps seems to be slightly over. For example: pump #1...
  20. Biznizface

    Dosing help please

    So I've bought my first doser and am eager to get it going. Have got sodium carbonate for kh, Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Chloride. Have tried using various online calculators and think I know the maths to make the solutions. Reading around I think it's best to make the kh solution weak...
  21. C

    Reef Supplements - Dosing

    Hi People, I'm trying to get the latest update on Brands/Type of Reef Supplements used by fellow reefers for auto-dosing in a SPS/LPS combo tanks. For this discussion, please exclude the normal Calcium, Alk and Mg liquids, and 10% to 20% water changes. Read a lot of discussions and on...
  22. kennedpa

    Ultimate Phosphate and energy control? Potassium Nitrate or Calcium Nitrate Dosing with NoPOx Carbon

    Let the reef science begin, We have been reefing for a few years now with a 10 month break due to moving. Always for the longest time we have had phosphate control issues with difficulty in obtaining a nitrate level despite heavy feedings. Some have dosed nitrates in various forms along with...
  23. My Triton Testing Results

    My Triton Testing Results

    There are many different ions in seawater, and as reef aquarists we generally only test for a small number of these. Calcium, magnesium, “alkalinity”, nitrate, phosphate, and ammonia, for example, are relatively easy for hobbyists to test at home using kits. Other ions, however, are more...