
  1. Jeremy K.A.

    Dosing Pump Safe?

    Hey reefers I have a question. I manually dose my 55 gallon tank every day/ every other day depending on consumption of alk/calcium, but would much rather get a dose and have it dose daily throughout the day for increased stability. HOWEVER, I'm extremely curious, how often have dosing pumps...
  2. Becca Lane


    Hi! My calcium is 500, but my alk is 7.7. I’d like to dose my alk using the b-ionic 2 part dosing I just got, but do I need to still dose calcium?
  3. Peter K

    Transition from Triton Other Methods to Aquaforest

    Hi all, So I am properly sick of not being able to purchase Triton additives because they are always out of stock and having two sets of milk jugs leak in the boxes when I receive them is not making me very loyal at this point. I currently do not follow the "triton" method but us their...
  4. don_chuwish

    Partially concreted sand bed - reworking dosing

    So I've noticed a fair amount of my sand bed turning to rock. Especially around the base rock - it is as if my base rocks are growing. I pulled out some chunks and broke up some others that weren't too tough, but the stuff that is attached to the base rock is just too hard. My dosing of ESV...
  5. Brian Goldstein

    How often do you dose your 55g reef tank?

    Hello reefers! I have upgraded to a Red Sea Reefer 250 and I am curious how often you guys/gals dose your reef system. I plan on keeping soft coral, LPS, and a few SPS. Thanks all, -Brian G.
  6. hatrix11

    What can I mix with Kalkwasser dosing reservoir?

    Hey, so I have a 4 part dosing pump that doses calc, alk, mag, and kalkwasser on each. Automation is a wonderful thing and I want to make the most out of it. What I am wondering is in my magnesium reservoir or my kalkwasser reservoir can I also mix in things such as a carbon source (maybe vodka)...
  7. Fighter_of_Foo

    How should I Keep Calc & ALK in a smaller tank

    I am newer to reefing (about 6 months). I want to start trying to keep some SPS corals in my tank, Ive been successful with softies and a few LPS corals. I have a 40g IM nuvo fusion. I've been keeping track of my elements the last few weeks, and have very little swing (i'm guessing that is...
  8. Susan Edwards

    High Nitrates-should I dose

    Question/concern on my nitrates. I have always had high nitrates in my tank. They range from 20-80, even when I was went fallow due to MV (just feeding a sun coral). I feel good when they stay at 20! Did a 8% water change yesterday and they were at 80 right after and 80 this morning. I'd like to...
  9. Peter Hand

    Kamoer X4 Wifi Dosing Pump---- Need tubing

    Anyone know the size of the tubing for the Kamoer X4 Wifi Dosing Pump.... The tubing that runs into your tank/containers..... No luck at my Lowes/ Petsmart. Tried airline tubing but its too big. thanks in advance! Amazon product preferred !!
  10. lilbitreefer

    Another Apex chart and starting two part with BRS

    I've been playing with the charts on Apex and found a good way to start two part dosing and and a chart to show it. So I bought some stony corals. Mainly a few LPS. I started checking Alk and Ca at night I then dosed it according to BRS calculator. I went off of what the Alk recomedation for...
  11. divetoday

    How to Fix a Dosing Mistake: High Cal with Low Alk

    Hi folks: long story short but after Hurricane Irma I have been dosing calcium but not alkalinity. I checked my 2-part dosing with Apex immediately after the storm, and all seemed fine on the Fusion console. Unfortunately, I forgot to prime the DOS after that major loss of power, so the pump...
  12. Aaron Davis


    Hey guys, Starting to add some different corals to my tank. Currently have a hammer colony, zoa, birds nest, a candy cane, and 3 types on montipora. I got my first Hanna checker the other day. Tested the Calcium and it was at 261. I'm using Red Sea Coral Pro salt. Got me wondering what the...
  13. G

    Alkalinity & Calcium dosing and consumption

    When you start to think that you are doing the things right in this hobby, there's always a new thing that tells you that you're wrong. That's my case with KH and CA dosing. I have been dosing BRS two-part to my reef tank for about 5-6 months. Was a little hard to find the point and maintain my...
  14. BlueWorldJeff

    Dosing Acropower - Daily or Weekly?

    I have a 180 gallon mixed reef with mostly SPS. Lit by LED and flow by two Tunze 6105 powerheads and a Waveline DC-6000 return pump. My current params are 8 dKH Alk, 420 Ca, 1250 Mg, .10 P04, 5 NO3 I'd like to see if I can get more growth and color from my SPS. I also cant grow digitata...
  15. MarineDepot

    Customize Your Sump with Somatic

    Customize Your Sump with Somatic Start with an affordable sump/skimmer bundle then add on precision-fit accessories like dosing containers, a probe holder, and an ATO reservoir to improve the performance and capabilities of your filter system. Somatic's modular accessories can be added all at...
  16. Reef of Fillory

    What is your current Triton Core7 Dosage?

    I just bought Triton supplement package and I am looking to see what people who are using the Triton method have found as their steady/stable dose. If you're using Triton, I'd like to know: 1) What dosage of the Triton supplements are you using? 2) Your total system volume 3) Your stocking...
  17. T

    Disappearing magnesium

    Here is my problem. I need to supplement my magnesium daily to keep the level above 1200, even though the concentration of kH and Ca remain relatively stable. Each day I am adding 25 ml of liquid magnesium supplement. The many experienced reefers in my local club are stumped. 30 gallon JBJ...
  18. blue.flyzz

    New to using a dosing pump and don't know where to begin

    My current tank is a 125g mixed SPS's been running 3+ years and have had great growth and coloration, my sticks are thriving.....and I don't use a dosing pump....I use a kalk stirrer and manually check levels and add as needed. My issue is not with this tank, I am getting an IM...
  19. LEOreefer

    Lets get into dosing and the necessities

    My tank is now cycling with the red sea reef mature program. There is so much info on what people use to maintain Ca, Alk, and MG levels as well as what they dose in addition to the basics I.E amino acids, or the red sea color program. Im going to maintain my Ca, Alk , and MG levels with BRS 2...
  20. Nickster135

    Red Sea Colors test kit and additives

    Never used the test kit, bought 2 months ago. Used 2ml of each additive once. Test kit still has the wrappers as I only unboxed it. Went a different route so im selling. 55$ shipped.
  21. HuskerTank

    Nitrate and Phosphate Dosing Photos

    Curious to see if anyone has photos of their progress with nutrient dosing. I see many threads of discussion of how to go about this but I have not seen too many discussions with photos of "improved coloration and growth" that many people claim. Please post your results. Thanks in advance!
  22. jordimex

    Hello everyone problem with salifert mag test

    My water parameters are as follow Alk 9 dkh (API) calcium 380 ppm (API) Nitrate 0 ppm (API) Nitrite 0 ppm (API) ph 8.3 (API) salinity 1.024 (refractometer) i did the salifert test twice now and have been getting 140 ppm as result i bout the reef foundation products from red sea and will be...
  23. T

    Looking to buy a DDR

    Anyone have one they are looking to sell? Thanks!
  24. HomeSlizzice

    Red Sea RCP vs BRS vs ESV B-Ionic dosing breakdown

    Like the title states, I decided to break down the recommended dosing instructions per brand to help me (and possibly others) when deciding on what supplements to use and dose (and how much if switching). Also Randy, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on any of this. I decided to do...
  25. LEOreefer

    Dosing plan for new build

    Hello all, I am deep into my 50 gal cube build and have throughly planned out every aspect but I am stuck on this one. I'm trying to come up with an idea or plan on what I want or need to dose. I know eventually calcium, mag, and alk will most likely need to be dosed but what I really...
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