disease identification

  1. C

    Help diagnosing clownfish?

    Hello! I am new to saltwater fish keeping , but have had my tank set up for several months. Tank is fully cycled, parameters are in check (0,0,10ppm), SG: 1.024, Temperature: 76. My pair of clowns developed some spots between last night and this morning, and I’m having some trouble figuring out...
  2. L

    EMERGENCY Royal Gramma possible disease?

    Hello everyone! This is my first post to R2R and sadly its not the best of ones :( I bought a Royal Gramma on Saturday and upon bringing it home I realised it had a sort of pinkish blotching affect on its head. Is this to be of any concern? I did a freshwater dip for 1 minute 30 yesterday...
  3. A

    EMERGENCY Clownfish with cyst and lethargy

    I’ve had two clowns and two hermits in a 10 gallon for close to two months now. The tank has been properly cycled and decent a decent amount of coralline is growing which I’m very happy about. My female clown recently started behaving lethargic and uninterested in food. She had a stomach...
  4. A

    EMERGENCY Anyone know what this is? Looks like lymphoma but I’m worried it could be much worse

    My tank has been running for close to a month and a half and has been completely cycled. It’s a 10 gallon with two clowns and two hermits. My larger clown has a white cyst and white coloration on her dorsal. Any advice would be appreciated. She had a stomach parasite a while ago and I treated...
  5. A

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Disease Help

    I've just noticed these white specs on my Clown (pictured below). She is acting perfectly normal from what I can tell--eating normally and swimming around fine. From some precursory research I think that this may be either Marine ICH, Brooklynella, or Velvet. Any help diagnosing as well as...
  6. C

    Spotted mandarin fin issue.

    I’ve had this spotted mandarin for months now. This past week I’ve noticed it’s fins (the perching fins) and the lower portion of its tail are almost gone. Only other inhabitants are snails crabs a brittle star and a melanurus wrasse. I’ve watched the wrasse both closely and from afar and it’s...
  7. Krilla

    EMERGENCY Blue hippo tang white patches

    Hi can anyone help me identify what treatment is necessary for my blue hippo tang? I noticed them starting yesterday and before that it was very healthy. This morning it looks like the white dots spread out so I don’t suspect ich.
  8. T

    Help with diagnosing a clownfish

    So, I bought my first pair of clownfish from an LFS I've frequented for a while now. The first day I put them in I noticed some white spots on the male clownfish, about seven on one side and two on the other (one looks like a sore). Other than that he's been quite active and eating, but noticed...
  9. Ascartes

    Zoa Help

    New to the forums so apologies if this is in the wrong spot. Was looking at my zoas earlier and noticed some weird growth on them that I have not been able to find any other posts about. I will attach some pictures and hope someone here has some general advice on what to do about it. My tank...
  10. FL Gator

    Longnose Butterfly fish with growth on nose

    So my longhouse butterfly has just completed QT with copper & prazipro but he has gained this growth on his nose does anyone know what this is or how to treat it? He is in Furan-2 at the moment and out of all other meds.
  11. R

    EMERGENCY Need Help identifying possible disease

    Earlier this week I lost my coral beauty. Now my strawberry pseudo chromis is showing almost identical symptoms. I’m starting to think they have a type of disease. Can anybody help me, and what should I do to keep my other fish from this. Also my fish isn’t normally in a glass, I just put him in...