disease identification

  1. FlipFlakes

    Fire goby died red belly

    My fire goby started to get a red spot on the belly and after a few days it died. I’ve been searching and found something called uroema marinum, I hope it’s not that but I have no idea does anyone know? Thanks
  2. aaliotti1

    Female lyretail anthia sick or hurt? Please help

    Been in qt for less than a week, just noticed this on the female. Others look fine, if it’s sick please tell me what to do I have no clue about dosing any treatments just trying to do this the right way. Also I haven’t noticed much aggression.
  3. N

    What is this on my clownfish?

    Hey guys, i noticed a white line on my clownfish tail. Im no expert but i dont think its ick. But let me know what you guys think
  4. S

    Blue tang scaring

    Hi all I’ve had this blue tang for around two weeks when I brought him he had no signs of any illness. He is currently in a quarantine tank and isn’t medicated. He has had these scars appear on his sides recently. He does like to sit near rocks so I assume he is scraping himself against the...
  5. S

    Still struggling hard to keep fish.

    Hey guys.. I made a similar post about a month ago. In my reef tank invertebrates live fine, my blood shrimp keeps eating like a pig.. I do also have a ricordea florida an acan and a styllophora which all are doing great. During the past 2 months any new fish I added has been dead within a few...
  6. J


    Hey you guys. Got this brand new Anthias fish and put it in QT. The following day I notice it has this white patch. Does it look like ICH? Or lympho? Thanks you guys.
  7. K

    Does my royal gramma have lympho? Would like a second opinion

    Hey y'all! I suspect my royal gramma has lympho, as it has two white, raised nodules on its head that resemble cotton. In other words, it has a fluffy look to it. The royal gramma (as well as the firefish that it shares its tank with) were bought from an LFS that quarantines its fish with...
  8. D

    White dots on Foxface

    Seeing a few scattered white dots on my Foxface and also the Naso. Tank is 120 mixed and the parameters are all in range. I feed a mix of Cobalt flakes with probiotics, frozen brine, and nouri. Just noticed these. Also have the filtration going through a UV.
  9. Kenkee

    EMERGENCY White sharp growths on Midas Blenny

    Over the last few days, I've noticed these strange growths on the side of my Midas Blenny, they seem like sharp hair-like crystals. No other fish show any signs of similar growths. Her movements around the tank and eating habits don't seem to be affected in any way as of yet and was hoping...
  10. C

    Is this normal for my clownfish

    I recently was given two frostbite clown fish and i noticed in day 1 that she had white spots of scales on the side. And last night i noticed her face is turning white. Does anyone know what is the cause of this and how i can fix this?
  11. N

    Blue Green Chromis w/ white bump and dark spots.

    Hi everyone. This is my first post but have been lurking for a few months now. My tank is 5 months old and It’s my first ever aquarium. I purchased my chromis about 3 weeks ago and it’s been active and healthy. It currently is exhibiting two symptoms. 4 days ago, these grey/dark spots appeared...
  12. MasonJar13

    Coral Disease?

    this coral has been very irritated and is turning white and dying in one area. The polyps have been closed mainly. Has anyone seen anything like this? All other corals and fish are fine!
  13. M

    Blue spot Jawfish discoloration of scales

    Hello, I woke up this morning and noticed my blue spotted jawfish not in his normal area in the tank. I just checked and now his markings dont look right. Tank has been setup over a year and all other inhabitants are active and healthy. I've had the jawfish for about a year. Any idea how to save...
  14. Michael Tang G

    White bumps around clownfish bump

    One of my clownfish is showing white bumps around its mouth and I’m not sure what it is. I started noticing the white around its mouth yesterday but today there’s a pretty pronounced bump. Any idea what it is and how I should treat it if needed? Attached photos
  15. Reefer9871

    EMERGENCY What is this on my Melanarus Wrasse?

    Hey fellow reefers! I desperately need some help figuring out what is going on with my melanarus wrasse. A week ago I added him to my what was a coral and inverts only 29 gallon biocube. He is the only fish in the tank. He hid out for 2 days after I introduced him into the tank. After day 2 he...
  16. Xxflounderxx

    Need help identifying

    Ok so I have a pretty in depth QT regiment following humble fish to a T using copper for 30 days the prazi for 14 days. It looks like a few of my fish have gotten white bumps but it looks like it's under the skin not on top like ick usually is. It's hard to see you have to be at the right angle...
  17. RedSea50Gang

    Fire fish died today...red marks... could starfish kill it?

    I just bought a fire fish Sunday from my lfs. I also got a sand sifting sea star the same day. My tank is a mix of corals and fish... I also have a fire shrimp. Today is Wednesday and he did hide a lot in a cave since I got him, but when he came out he was swimming around fine and coming out and...
  18. J

    Yellow tang in hospital tank, unsure of issue

    Hello, I have made a couple posts and comments about this, but figured I'd give it one last try to see if people can maybe help me pin point the issue my tang is having. Here's a breakdown. About 6 days ago I noticed my YT hiding in the shade and not eating normally. Usually very active...
  19. ElderMillennial

    EMERGENCY New Gem Tang…. Is this velvet disease?

    Hi everyone, I’ve been reading these forums a lot for the past few years… but this is my first post. thank you for the help last and present…. got a New Gem Tang. She has been quarantined for almost 3 weeks while her tank is getting aquascaped… I noticed this on her face yesterday… I can’t...
  20. T


    I got home from a short trip yesterday and thought she was dead as I couldn't find her anywhere, until I found her in a strange cravice she is normally not in. I didn't think much of it, but since then she has constantly been hiding in little caves in my reef and didn't eat after I tried to feed...
  21. Nanolifeuk

    Help! Clownfish disease?? Brooklynella?

    Hi, new to reefing, I’ve been searching the internet for solutions but I can’t confidently diagnose this patch - it seems to be worsening (see photos). the clowns have only been in the tank 3 days although my parameters are all fine. I’ve not a clue - any ideas! Thanks!
  22. L

    EMERGENCY Black marks on Moorish Idol and Powder blue tang

    Hey everyone, just wanted to know whether anyone has experienced this before, and if its normal? I’m just concerned because my powder blue had similar black marks 2-3 weeks before dying of an unknown cause (which would eventually end up killing half my fish: tangs and angels). I ended up...
  23. L

    Black marks on my moorish idol and powder blue

    Hey everyone, just wanted to know whether anyone has experienced this before, and if its normal? I’m just concerned because my powder blue had similar marks 2-3 weeks before dying of an unknown cause. I’ve had the Moorish Idol for almost a week now, but his been eating well and has showed no...
  24. Edison Coltro

    Help identify Disease.

    Hey guys, So three days ago I noticed some spots on my sailfin tang skin. This fish has been with me for almost 5 months now and eats really well. The only symptom i've seen is scratching agains the rocks . Any ideas as to what it is? Parameters are: Amonia - 0 Nitrites - 0,25 Nitrates - 5 Kh...
  25. A

    White spots on Tomini Tang

    I've got a very shy Tomini Tang who is hard to get to hold still long enough to take pictures of but hopefully these are good enough. On the fish's left side near its dorsal fin are a couple of white spots. Could someone help me to determine what this might be and if what I'm doing is...
Queen City Corals