disease identification

  1. T

    Disease ID for sharknose goby

    Hi, all. An unfortunate first post as my sharknose goby has passed away. I bought the fish, which seemed healthy in quarantine at my LFS, last week, only for it to quickly decline and die five days later. The fish was in my DT with a small CUC of snails and a Duncan coral (all quarantined). I...
  2. P

    Lavender tang death - coral rubble found in stomach

    My lavender tang was doing fine, then all of the sudden I found it swimming strangely and was very lethargic. He didn't eat, was upside down and hyperventilating. He was then placed in an isolation container in the same system for observation and feeding. He didn't respond to any type of food...
  3. G

    EMERGENCY What is wrong with my black tip shark?

    This shark arrived with black spots on its skin. Initially the shark seems fine. Two days later, the its skin begin to show discoloration and more black spots appeared. Attempted to dose the shark with 50 grams of sodium nifurstyrenate (100mg per 1g) in 3000 L tank. Also tried to feed the shark...
  4. Carly Cyntel

    Yellow Tang- has had brown fins for months now

    Hello! I’ve had a small yellow tang in my tank for about 6 months now. When I initially got him, he was bright yellow, but his fins have slowly turned brown. I thought it was stressed and he would recover on its own, but he still hasn’t recovered. Water parameters are perfect. I don’t have any...
  5. M

    Singular spot the whole time in QT

    Hey everyone I have a purple tang in qt rn and it has a single spot on its dorsal fin and has since I got it. Not gotten worse or better in any sense I’ve been watching the fish like a hawk. No medication has been dosed and the singular spot hasn’t changed. It also doesn’t really protrude the...
  6. JennyH3

    Flukes or something else?

    I just did a freshwater bath on my Midas blenny & leopard wrasse. Some white flukes came off but there were little brown round dots also. Almost the size of mini brown pellet food. Also some super tiny black - prob black ich for that one. Thoughts. Of course I already dumped the water so no pics.
  7. L

    EMERGENCY Black Tang Disease

    Hello, I got black tang shipped to me yesterday (6Jan2023) it has shown up like this in pics. seller says it was due to shipping stress and was looking fine when they packed it. Can you please suggest what would be best way to treat him and what is the disease he has. I do have multiple other...
  8. jibson

    EMERGENCY Have I just infected my new tank with ich after dipping live rock in freshwater for 20 minutes

    Hello, So I had a small piece of live rock I wanted to add for my new angel from my other tank which likely has ich in it. I dipped this piece of rock in freshwater for about 20-30 minutes and then added to the tank. After about 20 minutes I removed from tank as realized perhaps the cysts...
  9. jibson

    EMERGENCY Yellow Butterfly Pyramid disease ID - strange dark markings/spots across whole body taking turn for worse

    Hi Guys, So got my first pyramid butterflyfish the other day and sadly he arrived in very bad condition. He wasn't swimming upright and had lots of strange markings on him. He also had some of the flesh of the mouth slightly rotting. I put him in my quarantine tank (which has very clean water...
  10. bbpros2b

    EMERGENCY Blue Faced Angel with what looks like a bacterial infection

    Hello I really need some professional help with figuring out what is wrong with my Blue Faced Angel? I have a blue faced Angel and a dog face puffer and Hawkfish in quarantine and the Tank came down with Ich a week after purchasing the fish. I am on day 7 treatment at full dose of cupramine and...
  11. N

    EMERGENCY Help! Maroon clownfish turning gray not ich!

    Hi everyone, this is my first post on the forum I’m really worried about my clownfish. He’s a maroon clownfish(male) and I’ve had him for about 4 months. He’s been doing fine except about a month ago he developed a couple of grey blotches on his face and now he’s losing more color as you can see...
  12. A

    Zoas melting- Looking Bad :(… Help!

    Hi all. I am having issues with my zoas. I noticed that they have started to not open up, some areas are disappearing and I am noticing a some are kinda turning black and disappearing. Can anyone hell. I have them in a relatively low flow and parameters seem good. Nitrates maybe a lil low since...
  13. flakychips

    EMERGENCY Chromis suddenly greying, blackening, swimming vertically :(

    Is my Chromis dying? :( New reefer here. Quite upset by seeing ourChromis blackening / greying and possibly dying. It keeps swimming vertically in the same area and not sure what to do. It has lost a lot of colour as you can see from the first picture, the streak of blue you see is all that is...
  14. C

    White string coming out of bristletooth tang skin

    Hi all, just noticed this morning that my bristletooth tang has a white string coming out of his skin. Fish has been fine and is eating well and swimming around normally. I am worried that this could be some sort of parasite. Nothing new has been introduced into the tank in around one month...
  15. T

    Copperband butterfly with fuzzy stuff on edges of fins

    Hey all! So I got this Copperband butterfly about a week ago, finally started eating again so that is exciting! However, about three days in he developed this kind of white fuzz. One on his top fin, a bit on his side fins and his back fin as well. It appears to be growing a little throughout...
  16. M

    EMERGENCY Help needed with diagnosing moorish idol with disease

    I need help diagnosing what disease my idol has. Ive never seen this disease before but im thinking its either a virus or parasite. It started as this for a few days : And has progressed to this overnight two days ago : Visually it reminds me of stress spots on a powder brown tang but more...
  17. M

    Disease Identify?

    Can anyone I’d this for me just added this guy from a qt he was in for a hot minute it’s a newly cycled tank this is the first fish in it so I’m not sure what happened
  18. A

    Growth on clownfish face

    Hey everyone, I have had a small clown in qt for 8 days. The tank had been cycled and is currently sitting at 2.5 ppm copper power. I did a dose of GC on aug 8 and I al going to do the second one tmrw. Currently I noticed that there is a white growth near the gill/face. Not sure what it is but...
  19. ILike2Reef

    Help identifying disease

    Sorry for the long explanation but hope it helps. I did not have my treatment quarantine ready to go when I got this small Hippo Tang (#1) so I put him in an “observation only” quarantine for two weeks. He never showed signs of disease so I put him into my 310g display tank and he was doing...
  20. Soilworker

    Spots on Bristletooth Tang

    This whitetail bristletooth tang I got yesterday has some spots/light marks on its body. It came from a frag tank at the LFS that had some egg crate in it that it could swim under. Is this Ich? It doesn't quite look like it to me. Is it just marks from rubbing against things? Any identification...
  21. K

    EMERGENCY Lion fish death

    Hello, I work at a pet store and the lionfish that the aquatic section had died in a very strange way. I would like to know the reason for the death so I can help make sure it never happens again It developed a weird lump then died
  22. M

    Mimic Tang Disease or Injury

    My Mimic Tang has been in quarantine with no other fish for 20 days without any treatments. Today my Mimic Tang appears to have an extended mouth or an infection. Still chases after food and remains active. Any thoughts?
  23. reefrubble

    Fin Injury or Disease: Melanurus Wrasse (Halichoeres Melanurus)

    Hi fellow reefers, Question: (answers from experienced reef tank owners preferred) Based off of the provided information and images in this post, does this Melanurus Wrasse appear to be injured or sick? If sick, with what? Background: About 3.5 weeks ago I purchased this Melanurus Wrasse from...
  24. Lemons

    yellow Tile fish (Hoplolatilus Luteus) swim bladder issue??

    I got these bonded yellow tilefish about a day ago, and at first I thought one of them was just a little chunky. but they appear to be constantly fighting to sink. often resulting in them sticking themselves under something. both of them eat very well to my surprise. I started metro in the...
  25. Hannahmunt

    What are these white spots?

    I’ve had my green chromis a couple of days, all been fine. But today I noticed all of them have these small white spots on their fins and tails… I'm not to sure what this is? have attached pictures.
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