disease id

  1. L

    EMERGENCY Help ID disease please

    Hello, My Gold Rim tang experienced the same before eventually dying, I do not want this to happen again. Hoping to ID and find ways to treat. My blue tang is also swimming sporadic ally, and my regal angel seems off with signs of white spot. I’m currently treating with medications to help...
  2. J

    EMERGENCY Help. Any idea what this can be? Uronema?

    Hello, Just found this on my clown tonight. I’m concerned he might not make it, he’s still eating well. Any thing I can do to start him on the right path? Thank you so much in advance.
  3. B

    Diagnosis Help

    These two were isolated out of my DT after showing signs of what I presume to be velvet. I’ve since lost both while in the hospital tank after a 4min freshwater dip which they tolerated well and start of copper treatment (only got to 1.0 ppm before they died). I started a treatment of...
  4. G

    Clownfish with ich, velvet, or brook?

    I found out this morning that my clownfish, which has been in the tank for roughly 9 months, has some sort of white splotches/spots over her skin. I want to know if this is the start of ich or velvet, or maybe brook, or something else. There is one other fish in the tank, a coral beauty at the...
  5. Tigerchuffs

    Cyphastrea disease??

    My cyphastrea started developing these white spots a few days ago and they have spread. Is it tissue recession or is there something else going on? Going to do a H20 change as soon as I can get the salt tomorrow but so far all my chem looks good. Any ideas? https://ibb.co/DC0Tbkg
  6. Tigerchuffs

    Cyphastrea white spots?

    My cyphastrea started developing these white spots a few days ago and they have spread. Is it tissue recession or is there something else going on? Going to do a H20 change as soon as I can get the salt tomorrow but so far all my chem looks good. Any ideas? image: https://ibb.co/DC0Tbkg
  7. S

    Copperband died suddenly, cause?

    He did have lympocistitis but was recovering and feeding well then he died suddenly overnight. Any idea what this could be? Many thanks.
  8. gettergejetter

    Bubble on fish

    Hi everyone, here I am again asking for help. I noticed today that there are some transparent bubbles on my cardinalfish's left side. The fish was staying most of the time in the corner of the tank ( quits the corner sometimes ) since a few days but I didn't think much of it because it actually...
  9. S

    Can anyone I.D. this disease please

    what do you think these white marks/spots are? He also has some very small black spots, only his tail is effected. The other fish seem fine. Also can you suggest a treatment please. He is currently in quarantine with two peacock wrasse and a yellow tang.
  10. L

    LFS says this isn’t velvet….

    Hi all! This Saturday, I got a small adult chocolate tang and a tomini tang from my LFS. Tomini has been fine through all of this. I put them in my quarantine tank for observation. They weren’t picking at each other at all, and had actually come from the same holding tank at the store. On...
  11. J

    Tomini Tang Sickness

    Hello, My tomini tang has had marks on him for over a week now. Had to go away for a trip and it looks much worse. Have not been able to identify what it has. He is eating but is hiding a lot. He obviously looks more white than normal, had holes in the head, and appears to have a rust like...
  12. L

    Montipora Pest or damage?

    Hey all… hoping I post to the right forum, still new to the hobby/R2R (about 6 months). Have had this monti for about a month now. just added some fish into my display tank about 2 weeks ago after quarantine. Today I did a water change… and noticed this for the first time. what the heck is this...
  13. L

    ID - ich vs flukes

    Hi guys! Hoping for some help! (Please don’t mind the water on the back of the tank ‍♀️) I’ve had this little guy in a 36g QT tank under coppersafe treatment for 7 weeks now. He had what I thought looked like ich and slight popeye when I first got him then (other clowns in the video have been in...
  14. N

    Blue Green Chromis w/ white bump and dark spots.

    Hi everyone. This is my first post but have been lurking for a few months now. My tank is 5 months old and It’s my first ever aquarium. I purchased my chromis about 3 weeks ago and it’s been active and healthy. It currently is exhibiting two symptoms. 4 days ago, these grey/dark spots appeared...
  15. A

    What is wrong with this fish?

    Can anyone ID what is on my orange clown? It looks like a cloudy white substance. The fish seems fine and unbothered. I haven't noticed any change in behavior, heavy breathing or anything else concerning. However, I've only had the fish for 4 days. I also have another clown, a goby and a cleaner...
  16. 208Reefer

    Citron clown goby is sick, can anyone help ID?

    Wassup Reefers, Need some help with a disease ID. I got a citron clown goby for my 40cube a few weeks ago. A handful of days after I introduced him to the reef appetite and behavior seemed normal but I noticed a few white specks on just his fins. The next day his fins were clean/clear of specks...
  17. Michael Tang G

    White bumps around clownfish bump

    One of my clownfish is showing white bumps around its mouth and I’m not sure what it is. I started noticing the white around its mouth yesterday but today there’s a pretty pronounced bump. Any idea what it is and how I should treat it if needed? Attached photos
  18. Nemz

    Horseshoe crab with shell disease?

    I have an adult female horseshoe crab for about 1.5 year now. She is doing very well. She eats well, unbothered, and very actively digging . The problem is she has developing shell disease :confused:. No other horseshoe crabs have this problem. Its only her. Her shell is very rough as she has...
  19. Reefer9871

    EMERGENCY What is this on my Melanarus Wrasse?

    Hey fellow reefers! I desperately need some help figuring out what is going on with my melanarus wrasse. A week ago I added him to my what was a coral and inverts only 29 gallon biocube. He is the only fish in the tank. He hid out for 2 days after I introduced him into the tank. After day 2 he...
  20. Lemons

    Now you see it... now you dont? (Flukes????)

    howdy folks, friendly neighborhood panic specialist... Anyways i was looking at my anthias a week or so ago and i noticed two of them have semi cloudy eyes only in the blue spectrum (see pictures below!) they've been acting normal, eating normal, so i'm wondering what gives???? anyways i...
  21. Xxflounderxx

    Need help identifying

    Ok so I have a pretty in depth QT regiment following humble fish to a T using copper for 30 days the prazi for 14 days. It looks like a few of my fish have gotten white bumps but it looks like it's under the skin not on top like ick usually is. It's hard to see you have to be at the right angle...
  22. P

    EMERGENCY Need Help Identifying Possible Disease

    So I recently bought these 2 clowns and one seems to have a lesion on its head. I was just about to dose Copper into the qt but noticed this and was wondering if y’all can help me identify it and tell me how to treat it. Thanks!
  23. M

    EMERGENCY ID Yellow spots on my blue tang

    Showed up this morning she was fine last night. I have never seen these spots before. Seems to be swimming around just fine.
  24. tailoftwogobies

    rock anemone oozing.

    hi y’all! looked in our tank about 2 hours after a reef roids dosing & feeding and noticed 3 of the 6 rock flower anemone’s are swollen up & oozing an almost spit looking substance from their mouths.. usually the mouth area swells after reef roids or AB+ dosing but we’ve never seen this spit...
  25. L

    EMERGENCY Black marks on Moorish Idol and Powder blue tang

    Hey everyone, just wanted to know whether anyone has experienced this before, and if its normal? I’m just concerned because my powder blue had similar black marks 2-3 weeks before dying of an unknown cause (which would eventually end up killing half my fish: tangs and angels). I ended up...
Cultivated Reef