disease id

  1. cschill2020

    White Spots on New Purple Tang (in QT)

    Hi, I would like some help in diagnosing white spots on a purple tang. I purchased the fish ~8 days ago and it has been alone in my 20 gal QT tank. There are no treatments copper or otherwise currently in the tank. It has been eating since day 1 (Spirulina brine, seaweed pellets, and TDO)...
  2. nursecal

    Coral Beauty Sick

    Hi all, Although I love reading all the threads because they are always incredibly helpful, this is my first post for help. My coral beauty has been hiding in caves or behind rocks in front of wavemaker lately and I’ve noticed he isn’t swimming around as normal. He has what appear to be...
  3. K

    Clownfish black growth - parasite or disease?

    Hey fam, This growth showed up on Mai. She’s a 3 year old Picasso percula clown. It’s raised a few millimeters off her body, and dark black with a possible tinge of red, under the skin and above the muscle. I noticed it yesterday. No new fish or coral have been introduced since April (Today...
  4. Kyuubi

    Golden headed moray eel Sick?

    Hi so I’ve had this little golden headed moray for a few months now, and he’s eating the live foods fine (pre-quarantined Chromis, saltwater glass minnows, and other small schooling fish I’ve harvested from the ocean legally) but today I noticed bumps on his head near his eyes, is this normal or...
  5. Kyuubi

    Golden headed moray Siv

    Hi so I’ve had this little golden headed moray for a few months now, and he’s eating the live foods fine (pre-quarantined Chromis, saltwater glass minnows, and other small schooling fish I’ve harvested from the ocean legally) but today I noticed bumps on his head near his eyes, is this normal or...
  6. Kyuubi

    Golden headed moray sick???

    Hi so I’ve had this little golden headed moray for a few months now, and he’s eating the live foods fine (pre-quarantined Chromis, saltwater glass minnows, and other small schooling fish I’ve harvested from the ocean legally) but today I noticed bumps on his head near his eyes, is this normal or...
  7. J

    Pyramid Butterfly Fish

    Hello, My Pyramid Butterfly Fish (PBF) just finished QT and was in the DT for about 1.5 weeks now. I started noticing it developing white marks on the fins, almost clump like. Which I thought it maybe lympho. Kept monitoring for a few days, then the white lumps made its way to the eyes, now the...
  8. emain879

    EMERGENCY Ich or flukes? I can’t tell

    This has been going on for a week or two I can’t tell if it’s ich or flukes or something else. It’s hard to get good pictures. nitrate is 7.2 Phos 0.07 Salinity 1.025 Ph 8.0
  9. AZ1424

    Fighting an Unknown Pathogen - Help Requested

    Hey R2R Community, I have been dealing with an unknown pathogen for months now and have lost nearly 50 specimens to it. I am now turning to this community for help. The main corals that succumb to the disease are Zoas and Acans but Fungia, Duncans and now most recently an Acantho are effected...
  10. WTJReef

    Issue with Bristletooth ID Please

    Hi All, My bristle tooth tang has recently completed 8 weeks of quarantine. During the last 2 weeks of quarantine I adopted a hybrid approach that employed several different techniques I've read about online. This included a formalin dip of 45mins, tank transfers every 36 hours (with new...
  11. Lemons

    Red sores

    Hey all, i currently have a mystery condition with my pink streak wrasse. he’s in QT with 2 tile fish and a royal gramma. No aggression has been seen in the 30 days I’ve had them in together. so far they’ve been through 30 days of copper @ 2.1ppm (copper power) and during that treatment i...
  12. reefrubble

    Fin Injury or Disease: Melanurus Wrasse (Halichoeres Melanurus)

    Hi fellow reefers, Question: (answers from experienced reef tank owners preferred) Based off of the provided information and images in this post, does this Melanurus Wrasse appear to be injured or sick? If sick, with what? Background: About 3.5 weeks ago I purchased this Melanurus Wrasse from...
  13. K

    Velvet or Brook please help

    I just noticed these white spots all over my one clown. How can I tell if it's Velvet or Brooklynella? I attached pictures although it was very hard to capture a clear photo of it. Is there anything I can do to stop it? And do I have to start over after this, like a 100% water change? Thanks!
  14. J

    Is this Brooklynella on my clownfish?

    I have a small clownfish in my 55 gal reef and he has some blotchy white patches on his body. Hoping it’s not Brook but can someone please tell me? There are 3 other clowns in the tank as well and 1 shows some slight aggression to him. Could it just be aggression? Pics below
  15. Maria A

    Filefish disease and sore-ich?

    My filefish has this sore that I noticed today on his back. He also seems to have sores on sides. I’ve had him about 3 weeks. Has been eating and swimming well, still doing fine. I’ve now put him in another compartment with air stone. Treat for ich or something else?
  16. T

    Clownfish Disease.. Please help!

    Hey everyone. Made this account for this post.. My bullet hole clownfish in my nano reef is breathing very heavy, her jaw won't close, and it seems that she has some inflammation around the chin & gills. My tank is about 3 months old, she's been in there for about a month and some days with her...
  17. WTJReef

    Yellow Eye Bristletooth Tang Hanging out infront of HOB Filter in QT

    Hey Guys, I have recently purchased a nice looking bristletooth tang last Sunday. For all I can tell he may very well be healthy. Eating well from the moment I got him into the Quarantine tank and not gasping as far as I can see. Looks a healthy weight and I have not noticed any skin lesions...
  18. S

    Blue tang scaring

    Hi all I’ve had this blue tang for around two weeks when I brought him he had no signs of any illness. He is currently in a quarantine tank and isn’t medicated. He has had these scars appear on his sides recently. He does like to sit near rocks so I assume he is scraping himself against the...
  19. Lebski

    Clownfish long white/clear stringy poop

    Hi there, sorry to open a new thread about this but a lot of the info I have gotten has been difficult to find stuff completely relevant. I have an issue with my clownfish, I have one platinum clown who has a long white/clear stringy poop hanging off him. It appears as though his butt hole...
  20. CtrlFeq

    Frogspawn receding and pin holes

    Hey everyone, my frogspawn doesn’t seem to be doing well and appears to be peeling. I also noticed holes in the skeleton and they keep growing. I’ve also noticed it up closer to their flesh there are now Holes
  21. J


    Hey you guys. Got this brand new Anthias fish and put it in QT. The following day I notice it has this white patch. Does it look like ICH? Or lympho? Thanks you guys.
  22. S

    Strange white patch on purple tang

    I,ve had my purple tang for around 2-3 months at this point and he’s never had any markings out of the ordinary on his skin before. around a week or so ago he has shown a weird white patch in front of his rear fin on both sides of his body. no other fish are showing any discolouration or...
  23. J

    Melenarus Wrasse Broken Jaw and Lethargic with Spot

    Hello, I have a Melenarus wrasse that unfortunately broke it's jaw (or something) about 7/8 months ago. He can't close his mouth at all, and has basically lived just accepting he doesn't really have a job to do, but he has always been an active swimmer. He breathes hard. Constantly. I imagine...
  24. G

    Lost 4 fish in 2 days. Ugh.

    This tang presents a little different than the others that died. They had a white fuzz on them. Velvet? I don't have great pics of those fish with it, they were hiding. First the Powder brown and another similar tang went down fast after showing some dark spots (larger than black ich, more like...
  25. Coker

    EMERGENCY Copper band twitching

    I have a copper band butterfly that i have had for over a month and he just started twitching out of the blue. Could this just be stress related as i have just moved him to a different qt or am i looking at something that i need to treat here?