disease id

  1. EliMelly

    EMERGENCY Ich or other disease on wrasse?

    Hello, #fishmedic #jayhamdel #vetteguy53081 Starting to see some white spots on of course the one non quarantined fish in my tank. Any idea if this is Ich and next steps? Other fish don’t seem to be affected so far… Thanks !
  2. F

    EMERGENCY Clownfish has a few white spots

    I know this is probably one of the most common questions, but I have been digging the interent for hours, eyes are strained and I can't figure it out. My clownfish has a few white spots and patches on one side of her body. None on fins. She's been breathing fast since yesterday and sitting...
  3. D

    Single white lump on mandarin dragonet

    Hi, I have a mandarin dragonet who recently developed a single white lump on the side of his face. I have not been able to identify what this is. Any suggestions on what it could be would be greatly appreciated. He is eating and behaving normally as far as I can tell. There have not been...
  4. P

    White Spots appearing on Cyphastrea

    Hey guys new here and first post. About a week ago I noticed some white spots on one of my cyphastreas. I’ve had it for a year and all parameters are as follows - weekly 10% WC - Salinity - Alk 7.8-8.2 throughout the week, (Dosing Kalk) - Calcium 440-470 - Magnesium about 1300 - Nitrates and...
  5. J

    Timor Wrasse Diagnosis Help!

    Hello, I have a Timor erase that I’ve had for around two years now and he has been struggling for months now with something I would like help in identifying. He has a large lump on one side of him and what looks to be another lump starting out almost directly on the opposite side along with a...
  6. Smacks21294

    Is this brown jelly?????

    So just lost my trachy. Thought it was because pistol shrimp pushed it into favia. Now favia losing flesh. Not sure what's going on. Already pulled it out and dipped in iodine but it looks like it's still spreading. Any suggestions?
  7. Acidspeedzero

    Is this a disease?

    I just lost a flame angel. I want to make sure this clown is going to be ok. Any idea if this is a disease? 3 small white dots on clown.
  8. D

    EMERGENCY What is this

    My powder brown recently got ich a few weeks ago and it completely got off him and not onto any other fish and then I woke up today and he is covered in it and has these brown spots all over him as well as ich there’s stuff falling off him in big chunks so I have no clue what is going on.My...
  9. jibson

    EMERGENCY White warts on Pyramid Butterflyfish mouth (and nowhere else)

    Hi guys, Me again - this fish has previously had flukes which I dealt with several FW dips, moving tank in between each one, prazi pro and NT labs antiwork/flukes and he has was fine after that. He's been eating fine and is very active. He had one of these warts before and thought at first...
  10. JennyH3

    Flukes or something else?

    I just did a freshwater bath on my Midas blenny & leopard wrasse. Some white flukes came off but there were little brown round dots also. Almost the size of mini brown pellet food. Also some super tiny black - prob black ich for that one. Thoughts. Of course I already dumped the water so no pics.
  11. Phoerut

    What is this weird white lump on my toadstool coral?

    It was fine 30 mins ago??
  12. L

    EMERGENCY Black Tang Disease

    Hello, I got black tang shipped to me yesterday (6Jan2023) it has shown up like this in pics. seller says it was due to shipping stress and was looking fine when they packed it. Can you please suggest what would be best way to treat him and what is the disease he has. I do have multiple other...
  13. J

    Is this black ich? Sorry for the bad pics

    I was wondering if this stuff on my Midas blenny was black ich, and if so how would I go about treating it? I do not have a qt tank, and if it is black ich I’d assume it’s probably spread.
  14. Zaven D

    Disease ID

    Not a very fun post for me today, and definitely not fun for the wallet. I would love to know if someone could Id this disease for me. This is lennard my Lennardi wrasse who unfortunately wasn’t doing super well last night I tried to give him and right back into qt unfortunately to my best...
  15. A

    Hippo with bite marks/possible infection

    Hippo tang I ordered offline came in like this, any idea if this is aggression marks that will heal or a bacterial infection? It’s affecting her top fin and mouth but nowhere else on the body.
  16. jibson

    EMERGENCY Yellow Butterfly Pyramid disease ID - strange dark markings/spots across whole body taking turn for worse

    Hi Guys, So got my first pyramid butterflyfish the other day and sadly he arrived in very bad condition. He wasn't swimming upright and had lots of strange markings on him. He also had some of the flesh of the mouth slightly rotting. I put him in my quarantine tank (which has very clean water...
  17. Kerbash

    New Convict Tang From Petco

    Hey, I got a really nice deal on a 2 inch convict tang from petco, but he is not in perfect condition, there seems to be 4 separate symptom not sure are they related. 1. Sunken stomach and cheeks, you could see the cheek bones, I think it might have been pitched stomach, but he has gotten a...
  18. jmorales89

    Triggerfish - scrapes or something else? Also, transferring to new tank

    Hi all, I have a male and female blue throat triggerfish and occasionally notice white marks on them. I've seen it before, and in the past, I've simply assumed they are scrapes because they heal in a matter of day(s), are only on the triggers, and they do not behave unusually--no scratching or...
  19. A

    Zoas melting- Looking Bad :(… Help!

    Hi all. I am having issues with my zoas. I noticed that they have started to not open up, some areas are disappearing and I am noticing a some are kinda turning black and disappearing. Can anyone hell. I have them in a relatively low flow and parameters seem good. Nitrates maybe a lil low since...
  20. C

    White patchy discoloration on clownfish after 5 days

    Last week, I posted a thread asking for help with a splotchy white discoloration on one of my clowns. Here’s the link to the thread: https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/sudden-discoloration-in-clownfish-otherwise-acting-normally.936085/ The prevailing opinion seemed to be that it was brook. I...
  21. C

    EMERGENCY Sudden discoloration in clownfish. Otherwise acting normally.

    Got home tonight and the smaller of my clown pair was looking like this. Could it be brook or velvet? It and all of the other fish in my tank are acting fine.
  22. T

    White spreading across fish face/gills

    Hello! My mimic tang has had this white stuff on his face for quite some time now. I have had him for about 3 and a half months. It does not seem to bother him, however it continues to spread very slowly and is now right underneath his eye. It started as a small white spot at the very bottom of...
  23. WTJReef

    Trachyphillia Issues

    Hi All, I’m having big issues with my Trachy all of a sudden. I’ve had this coral for about 4 months now and up until about a month ago it has always been blown up and inflated and happy. I first noticed what I thought were eggs, fluorescent mucous like deposits. (Found out this was just the...
  24. ohioreef8000

    Please Help - Flukes??

    Hello! I'm new to the forum and reef tanks though I'm a life long saltwater enthusiast. I have an issue with a disease or parasite I believe - mostly with one of my percula clownfish. I've researched and tried to follow and adapt as many protocols and solutions from this forum and others to...
  25. M

    Disease Identify?

    Can anyone I’d this for me just added this guy from a qt he was in for a hot minute it’s a newly cycled tank this is the first fish in it so I’m not sure what happened
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