
  1. Nathan Belz

    Can someone help me ID cyano or dino, microscope pics.

    I have been fighting what I believe to be Dinos and have been in and out of my tank for over a year. I have attached some pics I took today through my microscope of the organic. It doesn't appear to be moving. They appear rapidly, hang all over my SPS and accumulate or create bubbles. They...
  2. mcarroll

    Dinoflagellates – Are You Tired Of Battling Altogether?

    I don't know what percentage of folks had luck battling dinos with any of the methods in the old Dino thread but it's obviously a very low percentage, so I'd like refresh folks on the natural alternatives and lay out three areas of info: some of the factors that contribute to a dino outbreak...
  3. Rakie

    Build Thread The Garden -- Rakies shallow SPS cube

    This build has been living since October, tank is stocked and has SPS and blah blah. Might as well start the story from the beginning though.. _______________________________________________________ Finally got all the equipment gathered and am starting to build the tank The tank is a modest...
  4. pgooden

    Reef Chemistry Problem - need help

    so I don't know what I have but I want to fix it right or know how to control it effectively... I have a rust brown covered substance that grows mainly on substrate and on the rocks some. It recedes significantly at night and is back in force during the day. It clumps on sand, not dusty I...
  5. jameswetton2895

    Can anyone give me an ID on this please ?

  6. G

    Probitic reef salt and Dino.

    I've been using AquaForest reed salt for a while I decided try their probiotic. When I first started using it I immediately noticed a cyano outbreak. I got that under control pretty quick but my sand bed and rock just looked.....dirtier than usual. Last night I didn't a water change and then...
  7. sonnus

    Helpful Method for Identifying Dinoflagellates

    There have been dozens (probably hundreds) of posts from people trying to identify dinoflagellates in their aquarium. I have posted this in other threads but figured it might be helpful to start a thread explaining this method. Dinoflagellates are single-celled organisms that aggregate to form...
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