
  1. vivekshankarpmk

    Are they Diatoms

    Hi All, Its been 40 days since starting my cucling. Used traditional Shrimp method for ammonia source and used Aquaforest BIO S for bacteria colonizing , As on continous monitoring there are brown algae formed on the rocks and the glass . I am confused is this diatoms that come when the nitrate...
  2. 0utworld

    Unsure if dinos

    I've had my 20 gallon tank (LS/DR/RODI) for around 2 weeks and I've recently started getting brown growth (with stringly bubbles) on the sand and eventually the rocks. When it just appeared, I suspected dinos so I started overfeeding a bit and removed my chemipure blue. My nitrates and...
  3. Andrew Schubert

    Trying blackout to rid Dinos in tank.

    Now that I've finally gotten rid of the turf algae in my tank, I'm now battling my first real outbreak of dinos in my 16 month old tank. I think it probably has to do with switching over to the Zeovit system 4 months ago, and having an ULN system not allowing the Dinos anything for competition...
  4. Idoc

    Recommended pump for an Aqua UV 57watt

    I recently picked up an Aqua UV 57w unit used...couldn't pass up the price, even though it is a bit big for my system (75g tank, approx. 100g total). I will eventually hook this up in my sump for regular use, but initially will be using it to clear out some dinos in my main tank. In order to...
  5. Rogued_Reefer

    Dino’s Battle

    Alright Guys & Girls, like the title says I have encountered a new roadblock in the hobby. This thread will show you guys every step I take to battle this annoying pest and hopefully after I win this war you guys could look back to this thread to follow my steps and not make all the mistakes I...
  6. Rogued_Reefer

    Dinos ID (with microscope pics)

    Hello everyone, as the title indicates I need help identifying what kind of dinoflagellates am I fighting here. Thanks for the help
  7. S

    Is this Dinoflagellates?

    20 gallon long Tank Parameters Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrates:0ppm Nitrites :0ppm pH:8 Alk: 11 Calcium:320(I'm new to reefing would appreciate advice onhow to get this up to 400 range too) Phosphate;0.1( added gfo and chemo pure, going down to 0.05) Tank inhabitants: Yellow tail damsel 8 hermit crabs...
  8. Alexreefer

    Ready to throw in the towel from Dinos

    I have a tank just over a year old and have been battling dinos ever since I bottomed out nutrients. I have been battling what seems to be Amphindium(is that how you even spell it?) dinos. The dinos never form bubbles but are consistent of glass and rocks. I have tried h202, UV, Vibrant...
  9. Alexreefer

    Help! - beating Dinos?

    Hey Randy, I know you must be busy but I came for your advice. I have been fighting diatoms for 5 months now. I have tried everything, I have 0 tds rodi water(fresh filters). Tried chemiclean if it was cyano. I don't think its dinos(no bubbles) Have a UV sterilizer in place. I added sera siporax...
  10. CherBear811

    POLL for those who have had DINOS

    Trying to gain some insight into conditions that might point to a trend. I personally have come to think lack of bio diversity and too low of phos and nitrate are the primary conditions that cause dino outbreaks to bloom, but since no one knows for sure, thought I would give this a try. Thanks...
  11. Joe Batt

    Looking for details on hydrogen peroxide test for Dinoflagelates

    I saw a thread for testing for dinoflagellates with hydrogen peroxide ages ago and I cant find it again. I have searched and searched..... It was something to do with if the algae floated or not after exposure to hydrogen peroxide. Anyone know what I mean or where the thread is? I don’t have a...
  12. Idoc

    Dinos on Corals

    Couldn't get a response last week, so gonna ask again... maybe I'll get lucky and find someone who knows, lol. Any advice on how to "clean" a coral from a dino-infested tank before moving to a dino-free tank? You think a peroxide dip would be enough?
  13. Idoc

    Moving corals from tank with Dinos

    Im going to break down and disinfect my coral QT that has been overtaken with dinos. I need to move my corals to my DT. Besides a good dip in some CoralRx to catch any bugs, are there any other precautions I should take to ensure the dinos dont transfer to my DT? Peroxide solution dip possibly?
  14. Idoc

    Running Coral QT full time or only part time?

    Interested in hearing what others are doing! Do others maintain a full time coral QT or do you just set one up for the 76day period when you receive new batches of coral? I have been maintaining a full time 29g coral/invert QT for the past year. It has been headaches to say the least... It...
  15. Idoc

    Need Help Identifying Type of Dinos

    The Bad News: Microscope finally arrived and confirmed my Coral QT junk is Dinos! But, I am having a hard time determining exactly what type of Dinos I have! Please see attached photo... This Coral QT has been a royal pain in the hind-end since starting it. I am really starting to wonder if...
  16. Danh Ngo

    Battling Dinos!!!

    I have a dinos outbreak about few weeks ago. I first notice some airbubble on the back glass, did not pay much attention to that. This is my plan. Any opinion would help :) Doing: - Raising my No3 and PO4 - Adding a filter sock, and clean it daily - Manually remove as much as possible Planning...
  17. taricha

    Amphidinium Dinoflagellate Treatment Methods

    This thread is a spin-off from the @mcarroll very successful Dino thread The purpose is to discuss methods for removal and fighting against a particular strain of dinoflagellate - Large Cell Amphidinium. It seems to make up about a third of the cases of dinos. The reason this strain gets its...
  18. Reefer18

    Dinoflagellates? Please help!

    Dinoflagellates or some other algae type? (Pics attached) Tank Info: 30 gallon softie reef 5 months old RO water Salinity 1.025 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 1 Calcium 440 Alkalinity 8 Phosphate 0 (according to API) I plan on getting a more accurate kit for phosphates
  19. MFear

    What's has happened to my GBTA?

    a few weeks ago my GBTA stopped opening all the way and would stay semi open attached to his rock. In the last couple of days though he's closed completely. I think I may be battling Dino...could thatbhave something to do with it? Otherwise my parameters are all in check. Is he done for?
  20. seastar

    Can Dinos cause really low ORP?

    So after reading Randy's excellent simple version of the guide to ORP, I get that ORP mostly is the battle between oxydizers and reducers. A reducer can be food, waste, dead things and probably a ton of other stuff. Would it be fair to draw a conclusion that Dino's killing microscopic things in...
  21. Hemlawk

    I beat Dino!

    Pretty simple actually. I ran Phosguard during an approximate 80 hour blackout. After the blackout I removed the phosguard and treated the system with DinoX (from BRS) for 2 days. And that's about it. I'm currently dosing Nopox and beefed up my cuc. (phosphates were 0.25, nitrates 0.0)...
  22. pboutin

    Chrysophytes battle

    I'm currently battling what I thought was Dinoflagellates. @mcarroll has ID this for me as Chrysophytes. Here is a background on my tank and where I am now. My tank build thread https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/4-years-old-and-just-getting-started.302988/ Total water volume 160 gal. I...
  23. Zack K

    If its not one thing, Its another...

    Well i have spent the past 2 hr reading up even more on Dino's and seem to be deadlocked. I have seen more pictures than i can count and read more descriptions of this nasty stuff than i wanted to. I am 100% positive i have dinoflagellates. I am out of town on a business trip so pictures to come...
  24. EricTheRed

    How do you transfer coral out of a Dino infested tank?

    I use Coral RX for my coral dip and I don't see anything mentioned on the label about it killing dino's. I have a bunch of nice coral in one of my tanks but there are toxic dino's (diagnosed with a microscope) that are slowly killing everything. I'd like to move some of the coral into another...
  25. Fr4nkthet4nk

    New here in Reef2Reef and dealing with Dinoflagellates

    Hello, I am new to this forum. I will tell you a bit about myself. I am not new to the saltwater tank world but I started again around 8 months ago. I am originally from Venezuela where I used to get my rocks and many stuff from the sea. Now I can't do that since I am not leaving there. My...