
  1. bleuchzsteve

    How long was your fishless cycle?

    I'm cycling my first tank and am just wondering how long it took everyone else. I have dry rock and live sand, but the question applies to any situation (dry rock, live rock, dry sand, live sand, bare bottom, ect.)
  2. I

    EMERGENCY Cycling Tank Help

    I am planning to be cycling a new tank, since mine right now was done wrong and is unsavable. I want to cycle with live rock (not dry rock) and have some questions. Would I be able to cycle it with a live rock with coralline algae? And if so would it be better to order online (since my lfs...
  3. AydenLincoln


    I quickly learned to ignore the haters/negative nellies and block people in this hobby or those who laugh at something not supposed to be funny this is in regards to Facebook/social media which overall has a lot of haters. You are going to get a million people saying different things because...
  4. J

    Equipments for cycling

    Hello everyone, Can I start my cycling without lightning and circulation pump? Only the return one? And when I'm done Cycling, or close to finishing it I add these two equipments? Thank You João
  5. B

    Cylce help

    Don't really know where to put this. Sorry if in wrong spot. I started cycling my tank 3 days ago. I used 3 32 Oz bottles of fritz zyme 9 (needed at least 2.5 bottles but just dumped all 3) and Dr tims bottled ammonia. The bottle recommended me to use 4 drops a gallon. It also said 100 drops...
  6. Muffin87

    Cycling barebottom 100G is taking over 2 months

    I started cycling a dry rock barebottom 100G tank over 2 months ago and it still hasn't finished. This is the third tank I've cycled, and it's always taking me at least a month. When I started the cycle two months ago, I added Brightwell's Microbacter Start XLM and QuikCycl (Ammonia Source). At...
  7. rja

    End of cycle? All my nitrAtes disappeared?

    Hello, So I have been fishless cycling my BC29 for a couple weeks now and I went through an ammonia spike, nitrite spike, and… not a nitrate spike? [USING API TEST KIT— I know, it’s junk] I may sound delusional but literally, my ammonia was so high that the tests were robin-egg blue. Everyone...
  8. rja

    Cycle is stressing me out

    Okay so this is my first reef tank— not my first cycle rodeo though. Anyway, I decided to go the fishless route. This is a Biocube 29. I used StartSmart and Nitrocycle. Basically just bacteria and ammonia. My sand is carib sea arag-alive and my rock is 20lb of carib sea life rock plus 7lb of the...
  9. certain_code

    High Nitrites and Nitrates 3 months into new tank

    Here is a quick rundown of my situation. I am 3 months into a new tank cycle but still reading 4+ ppm Nitrites and off-the-chart Nitrates as well. My research here has led me to a few similar discussions but I want to make sure my specific situation is similar and that I am approaching things...
  10. ElderMillennial

    Cycling and Temperature

    So I have just a general question. I haven’t been able to find anything out on this. I know about cycling,flow, light, no light, skimming, time and the stages etc… my question is: does temperature play any role or have any affect on the quality of the bacteria and the quality of the cycle...
  11. K

    Cycling salt water tank stuck at nitrite stage

    I’m currently doing a fishless cycle. I’ve used turbo which is help a ton and moved the cycle a long tremendously. And now it seems like my ammonia is going down to around 0.5/0.25 in a 24 hour period which i think is pretty good. I dosed the tank with 2-3 ppm. As for my nitrites and nitrates...
  12. DownUnderAqua

    Aquarium Systems (Dr Tim) - Start Your Tank

    Hey all, I’m about to cycle my new tank for the first time using Dr Tims Aquarium Systems - Start Your Tank. Reading the instructions it says to add fish/coral on day 2… I’m sure the store will have what we’re after in time. I’d like to get a jump on the cycle. Ideally we can start...
  13. Muffin87

    ID for weird growth on dry rock during cycle

    This is weirding me out a lot because the tank is taking forever to cycle, and now I'm getting these growths out of nowhere. I've been cycling a barebottom tank with dry rock from Aquaforest for weeks now. I used Bightwell Microbacter Start XLM with Brightwell Microbacter QuickCycl (Ammonium...
  14. SaltyReefer09

    Would it be faster to cycle a new tank using old water?

    Hey guys. Im currently setting up a new 245L tank and i wonder if i could speed up the cycling process by using water from another tank (60L approx) and also transfer the rock scaping from that tank to the new one. For the new tank i will be using dr. Tims one and only bacteria starter and...
  15. ajtomase

    Potential stuck cycle

    Hello, I'm currently on day 13 of Dr. Tim's cycle and have been following his schedule for starting my cycle. I've dosed his ammonium chloride on his designated days, and dosed my 200 gallon tank with his One and Only on day 1 and another day on day 10 after email dissuasions with his team. My...
  16. ajtomase

    Potential stuck cycle

    Hello, I'm currently on day 13 of Dr. Tim's cycle and have been following his schedule for starting my cycle. I've dosed his ammonium chloride on his designated days, and dosed my 200 gallon tank with his One and Only on day 1 and another day on day 10 after email dissuasions with his team. My...
  17. reef_daddy

    Bio Pellets During Cycle to Manage Nitrates

    Hello, I Just began cycling my tank (shrimp method) and as we all know, the standard method for reducing nitrates is to perform a water change at the end of the cycle. Instead, I'm going to run bio pellets in a reactor through the cycle and see if it will help keep the nitrates low. I'm going...
  18. maryocean7

    New to Cycling Caribsea Live Rock and Live Sand help

    Hello everyone. Off the bat I am new to the hobby but have been doing research on different sites to learn before getting into the hobby. Now it's been 2 weeks now since we set up our waterbox 65.4 tank. We tried the fishless cycle using Dr Tims. In our tank we used caribsea live sand special...
  19. yanni

    Nitrite testing through the roof

    Hey all, I’m 22 days through my cycle currently, and am experiencing ridiculously high nitrites, so high my Red Sea kit can’t read them properly. I seeded with Dr Tim's one and only, and am testing with all Red Sea test kits. My ammonia has started to drop, nitrites have soared, and nitrate is...
  20. yanni

    Nitrite reading off the charts

    Hey all, I’m 22 days through my cycle currently, and am experiencing ridiculously high nitrites, so high my Red Sea kit can’t read them properly. I seeded with Dr Tim's one and only, and am testing with all Red Sea test kits. My ammonia has started to drop, nitrites have soared, and nitrate is...
  21. Drkimseu

    2-Week Old RSR-350 Cycle & Salinity Problem…?

    Aloha R2R Setup: 2-Week Old Red Sea Reefer 350 (91 Gal), Carbisea Fiji Pink LS, Dry-Rock. Using Tropic Marin Pro (which ill share my error after). Goal is a mixed reef tank. Issue: I set this tank up on January 1st 2022 and used Dr Tim’s one and only bacteria. No livestock, no ghost feeding...
  22. N

    Upgrading Tanks. Help and advice needed and much appreciated!

    Hello folks! Thank you in advance for any help! I currently own a 40 gallon breeder. I've had it for 4 months and everything is good, parameters are perfect, however, the tank is just not big enough for my livestock and coral. I purchased a 57 gallow shallow rimless Fiji Cube and just got...
  23. yanni

    Cycle question, ammonia and nitrate but no nitrites?

    Hey everyone! I set up my waterbox 20 a few days ago, and added dr tims ammonia and one n only to start the cycle. I dosed ammonia to 4ppm, and have been testing daily. I'll attach a screenshot of my excel spreadsheet with test results. I've been recording ammonia and nitrates from day 2, but...
  24. yanni

    Cycle question, ammonia and nitrate but no nitrites?

    Hey everyone! I set up my waterbox 20 a few days ago, and added dr tims ammonia and one n only to start the cycle. I dosed ammonia to 4ppm, and have been testing daily. I'll attach a screenshot of my excel spreadsheet with test results. I've been recording ammonia and nitrates from day 2, but...
  25. D

    Extended fishless cycle of dry rock(3-5 months). What to use to fuel bacteria?

    Will be setting up a new tank, upgrading and learning from prior mistakes that I made with current tank(6 years running). It will be dry rock and bare bottom. Starting sterile and keeping up with a good quarantine regime to avoid pests issues, bare bottom for flow for SPS, and for cutting down...