
  1. JLReef

    Build Thread my custom 2,5 gallon pico setup

    bieng on a budget getting a full reef tank filled with corals i thought why not go smaller. i love the maintaining part of it. i know smaller is harder but i love that challange. i got this little Dennerle tank and made a internal sump with black acrylic with the help of my handy grandpa. got...
  2. W

    How long are these diatoms going to last?

    For reference I’ve had my tank set up and going since august 20th. I noticed the diatoms about 3 weeks ago and as of Sunday cleared off the rocks almost completely. Now we’re right back to where I was before, just 3 days later. I have provided pictures of the tank when the rock was cleared on...
  3. Guzman333

    Questions for after I cycle my tank.

    Ok, so I am getting ready to finish my cycle in a fluval 13.5, and have a few questions. I just put some snails in and a tiger conch and they seem to be doing just fine; however my nitrites are not quite 0, but not .25 either. 1st: is it safe to put corals in with trace nitrites? 2nd: what...
  4. D

    Nitrites lingering after cycling 400 gallons

    I have a ~400 gallon tank that was previously running that’s being started up again, but I’m running into a strange problem. It cycles out ammonia usually in 24-48 hours, but nitrite is taking 2-3 days. Parameters: Ammonia: .5 on API and 0 on salifert Nitrite: .5 Nitrate: 25 PH: 8 SG: 1.026...
  5. CincyReefer07

    CUC Crew Recommendations for New 310gal

    Hey guys! Well my 310gal has been up and running now since the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. I’ve had lights on it now for a couple of weeks. Just put my permanent light setup(coral cares) on it last weekend and have them on a 10 hour light schedule at only 20% intensity right now. I used...
  6. A


    I am currently cycling my 32.5 gal reef tank, and it’s been cycling for 1 week. This is my second time cycling a reef tank, but I am still fairly new to it. My livestock is currently an ocellarus clownfish pair and a tailspot blenny. I just have a few questions: 1) Should I do water changes...
  7. ChiReefGuy3

    Pre-Tank Cycling With Bio Media

    Hi Everyone, I am planning on getting a 90-gallon tank but I'm not quite ready to start cycling the display tank (still have to paint the room, buy the tank, create my aquascape with dry rock, ect...). However, I know I will be setting it up within the next 6 months or so and would like to get...
  8. W

    Thoughts on my cycle. It’s about 3 weeks old and has had fritz turbo 900

    Hello all, just started my first reef tank (introduction into the hobby). I am rocking the fluval 13.5 and have used fritz 900 to help cycle. Just got my test kit today and tested my water for the first time. I am looking for a second opinion on my cycle as to me it seems pretty good but like I...
  9. JSkeleton

    Need Cycling Help/Clarification (Will Post Updates In This Thread)

    I apologize for all the cycling questions and threads, I will just update this one from here on out and lay out the entire information below. As of today though (September 3) I've had 0 Ammonia for a few days and stuck at around 5.0 Nitrites for like a week and unsure what to do as it seems I...
  10. JSkeleton

    Cycling Update *HELP* (<0.25 Ammonia; 1.0 Nitrites; 160 Nitrates)

    I apologize for all the cycling posts lately, just want to be sure I get all of this right! ICYMI: 55 Gallon cycling for 2 and a half weeks having used Dr Tim's Ammonia Chloride to bring ammonia to 2.0ppm once and added Brightwell MicroBacter XLM 15x Nitrifying Bacteria. 42lbs arragonite, 20lbs...
  11. Mity Sergio

    Cycle week 3 Question!:)

    Hello everyone! I’m currently going on my 3rd week of cycling my tank I just wanted to reach out and see if these are normal parameters for going on the 3rd week of cycling! Thanks for the help! Ammonia 4.0 ppm Nitrites 0.25 ppm
  12. iFunnny

    Cycling Questions With Seneye

    Hi all, I have some questions regarding my cycle. I've read ton of them on the forums but I was hoping some of the more experienced reefers here could weigh in. I am week 3 into my cycle with primarily using the Seneye and Ammonia Alert badge as well as salifert kits for ammonia, nitrite and...
  13. MichaelFita


    How’s it going reefers ! Recently just snagged a AIO Nuvo 40. I am going to try out the BRS/WWC Hybrid cycle method as seen on their YouTube channel . It is now about week 5 and some white particles have been on top of the water column for about 2 weeks now .How can I get rid of it ? should I...
  14. N

    Final phase of Cycle in new tank?

    Hi all, I have a 75 gal with sump. Lots of macro in sump and some in main display. Tank is 120 days old. Went through the high ammonia phase, went through the high nitrates phase, the Dino bloom, then into the bright green algae phase. I feel like I should start to see the bright green about to...
  15. Uzair Aiman

    Cycling Questions

    Hi, I'm setting up a new 16x16x16inch tank soon. This is my second tank. I've few questions in regards to cycling since its been a year or more that I did my last cycle and I just wanted to be sure I still remember how to do it properly. Last time I have Microbacter7 to dose with some ghost...
  16. melbournedan

    waterbox 15gal peninsula - cycle thoughts

    WaterBox 15gal Peninsula running for just over a week, bare bottom, with dry Liferock branch’s, half a box of nano tech bio spheres (1/2 a kilogram), Dr tim’s one and only, ammonium chloride keeping ammonia at 2ppm, 27-28 degrees celsius, salinity at 1.020-1.021. how are these results looking ...
  17. T

    Overdosed Dr Tims Ammonia

    Hi All! I currently started cycling my new tank 9-10 days ago using dr tims one and only and dr tims ammonia. Since starting my ammonia has been off the charts! I think I just realised why.. it’s because I over doses the ammonia.. my bottle said treats 394 litres and my tank is 640 litres so I...
  18. BleachedCoral

    How do I go about adding copepods to my aquarium?

    Hi, my aquarium's cycle seems to be nearing its end as the nitrites fall and the nitrates rise, and I'm looking into adding copepods & other small critters to my refugium and DT because I hear they're useful, especially since algae is beginning to grow on the rocks. Where do I buy from however...
  19. C

    Tank Cycle

    Recently, I just finished setting up my first tank (Marineland 5 Gallon Portrait), and now I am getting ready to begin the cycle. However, I have a few questions regarding the cycling process. I am planning on using Fishless Fuel and TurboStart 900 both from Fritz Aquatics. 1. Does the order in...
  20. N

    New Tank, holding at .5 ammonia. Need I worry?

    Hi all, Posting here as a new member, and like many new posters, I have an immediate question that I can't quite seem to find through the countless threads posting 'similar' questions; so my apologies for any redundancy. I set up a new 75 gal salt water tank 4 weeks ago, with 20 gal sump. sump...
  21. toddb93

    Cloudy/green water during cycle

    Hi, I have started my reef tank just about 2 and a half weeks ago. I’ve had 2 diatoms blooms so far which seem to cure themselves, but noticing the water now has a cloudy ness with a slight green tint. Any advice of whether I should wait this out or not. Nitrites and ammonias are at 0 and...
  22. I

    Some cycling questions.

    To start off with what I know, I have been working with reef tanks for many years and freshwater tanks for much longer. My knowledge on the cycle is pretty good, but my reef tanks were never great, and now I want to change that. I am starting out with dry sand and dry rock which is very...
  23. M

    Controversial Cycling Method

    So I was talking to another reefer the other day and we got into the topic of cycling methods. When I got into saltwater, my LFS introduced me to a very effective and quick method that is seemingly uncommon. He would add a cap full of pure bottled ammonia from Walmart per 20G and add in a piece...
  24. L

    EMERGENCY What color?!? Ammonia

    What color am I looking at? Nitrates came down last couple days and so did nitrites just need ammonia to hit 0.
  25. notMrDurden

    Abnormally fast cycle?

    First off, the title is misleading... I have no idea what is and isn't abnormal . I just filled and started my cycle last night. At 9pm, In my 16 gallon cube I put 4oz of FritzZyme Turbo Start 900 then brought my tank up to 2.0ppm of ammonia. This morning before I left for work at 4:30 am, I...
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