cycle aquarium

  1. Leon Gorani

    Cycling question & Dr. Tims One and Only came not refrigerated in mail? is it okay

    I bought Dr.Tims live nitrifying bacteria online and it was sent to me in just a regular box, not cooled with cool packs or anything. Is that okay to use? I have now put it in the fridge but should it have been sent in the mail with a cool pack or something? I am going to be cycling my tank...
  2. P

    Live rocks has been in sw bucket for 6 months no flow or heater

    I have had about 30 lbs of live rocks sitting in my buckets full of sw w lids on from the tank i used to have 6 months ago. I sold and tore everything apart, live rocks were the only ones left to me and I am planning to start a new tank. I already bought a new live rock from the lfs to cycle my...
  3. R

    I may be in over my head on this...

    I have been wanting to start a reef tank for quite a while now. In fact, around 3 years ago I purchased everything I needed to start an all in one around a Biocube 38. I ended up moving due to work and selling it as a serious steal to some lucky craigslister. Now I am back at it...and I'm not...
  4. J

    Which parameters do you think need to be or are worth being constantly measured?

    Ive posted here before and Im sorry if im taking too much of your time guys but youve been really helpful. Brief background behind the question is that my bachelor thesis is about designing a smart aquarium. **Some more elaboration on the question:** It doesnt really make sense to have 20...
  5. O

    Turbo start 900 and Dr Tim’s ammonia

    I have a 25 gall water box doing the first cycle so I poured turbo 900 in and now want to add dr Tim’s ammonia. I have exactly 20 gal of SW in the tank but don’t know how much ammonia to add the bottle says 4 drops per gallon I’m feeling that that might be so much how much you you all...
  6. O

    25 gallon tank cycle

    I’m starting a new tank cycle however I’m kinda confused as to what to do next I have added turbo 900 bacteria and purchased Dr Tim’s ammonia but I don’t know how much to dose the bottle says 4 drops per gallon after sand an aquascape I’m at exactly 20 gallons of water how much ammonia to put...
  7. K

    New cycling tank

    Been lurking on this forums for a bit and want to start by saying THANK YOU! This site has ben very helpful. I've wanted to get into saltwater for the longest time and i finally was in a spot to jump in! That being said, want to get your opinions on if I'm on the right track or if i need to...
  8. J

    EMERGENCY No ammonia source - help

    We set up our salt water tank tonight with a combo of dry / wet (live) rock, sand, and salt water. Everything is good to go, but we have no ammonia source. We thought there was frozen shrimp in the freezer, but were mistaken and now stores are closed. We are afraid of messing up the cycle we...
  9. ChristieM

    EMERGENCY HELP! I think I messed up, BIG TIME!!

    I am relatively new to saltwater. My original tank has been up and running for almost a year, no problems since the first cycle. I am now upgrading to a 75 gallon. That first 75 gallon started to leak, 4 days after I started it. LFS said I could keep the live rock in a tote with the water to...
  10. M

    New Tank Cycle Need A HELP :/

    Hello everyone, I am a new guy for salt water tank and I need a little bit help for cycling. I was setup my tank and last monday I added to bacteria which is Prodibio Start Up for 12 pieces (biodigest and stop ammonia). After than I waited the cycling but I never seen any changed on my tank. I...
  11. M

    New Tank - General Cycle Process and Question on Lighting During Cycle

    Hello all, I am a returning member of the reef community after years off, and new to the site! Please excuse me while I learn the etiquette and how to ask what I'm thinking in my head. I've set up a 20G Nuvo Peninsula tank in my office and so far here is what I've done. I'm mainly concerned...
  12. Donnyreefer

    Cycle question and progression

    Hello im brand new to this and its my first go around and am currently doing a fishless cycle, i have a 20 gallon long with live sand , dry rock , 2 filters and some decent flow with what i have for now . I filled it up with rodi water and added fritz zyme 9 and a raw shrimp in a mesh bag , this...
  13. R

    Any reason not to add fish to new tank?

    First: I have been reading the discussion boards of this awesome forum for a few months now and just recently decided I should be adding to the great community here. Looking forward to paying it forward! Long story short: I am a long time aquarist doing my first saltwater tank (35G). I spent a...
  14. DACFSU29

    AIO Build New 40 Nuevo AIO build!!

    Been out of the hobby for awhile but getting back into it finally. Plan on doing a mixed reef. Tank has been up for about a week so have a long time to go. Tank - Fusion Pro 40 AIO Custom Stand Light - Hydra 52 38lbs base rock 40lbs live sand -NuvoSkim DC AIO Protein Skimmer (Midsize) -MiniMax...
  15. nanonøkk

    test kit off?

    ok as some know i’ve been cycling my tank and all was going well then something happened ok so i had a shrinp in the tank for almmonia but it stopped going up for almmonia and stayed at 0.8 but with a picture it looks like 1.2 so i’m conflicted should i add the bacteria in now or should i...
  16. nanonøkk

    cycling question

    ok so ik this has been asked a lot and i need this cleared up for me. ok so i have a shrimp i’m my tank for almmonia am i supposed to let it rot till it hits 3 ppm almmonia. my question is though can it just be two ppm because my test kit only tested up to two parts. and just to clarify...
  17. T

    5 Gallon Help

    Hi. This my first saltwater aquarium and I would like some tips and feedback. In the end, I would like to have some coral and maybe a couple clownfish. I got some live rock from my LFS and took a shot at aquascaping it. In my mind, it looks good, but I don't know if it will work for fish and...
  18. B

    Beneficial bacteria die off?

    I am cycling my current tank with the help of 3 live rocks and a bit of sand from a mature aquarium sitting in a pantyhose at the back of the sump. The problem is I didn't have a heater for a day and the water was really cold, will the bacteria have died and how long do you think the cycle will...
  19. Z

    Freshwater scrub goes Saltwater: Algae identification

    Hey Reef Gang, I am new to the salt water game coming from freshwater. I am starting with a Red Sea Max Nano. 20lb Carib sea life rock, 10 pounds Fiji pink, 660gph wave maker, running skimmer 24/7 with filter sock, bunch of marine pure bio balls, red sea carbon, Red Sea coral salt pro, tank...
  20. kramerjusc

    Cycle and questions

    Hi everyone, New reefer here and I’ve finally made it to the point of adding water. I’m doing my sand and scape this week and making Rodi water as we speak. I have been building this tank since May gathering the exact equipment I wanted and even built my own custom stand, and hard plumbed the...
  21. Dloy90

    Dr Tims Cycle

    Hi folks, I've set up a Reefer 250 for my other half. She's wanting to keep sea horses with a few other compatible fish. We are using Dr Tim's one & only to cycle the tank and are looking for suggestions on what fish, other than clowns to use to cycle along with the Dr tims as . I was told a...
  22. Anthrilliel

    Tank is not cycling?

    Hello everyone, My tank does not appear to be cycling. I have a 20 gallon with 20 lbs of carib sea life rock, 20 pounds of carib sea live sand. I am running an aquaclear 30 with a stone and bio rings in. I added one bottle of dr. Tim's one and only then added the ammonium chloride. I...
  23. SarfCharlee

    Dry Rock & Sand Cycle: What to expect?

    Hello Reefers, I'm new to the hobby and super invested. Just wanted to make sure I'm on the right path. Below are my tank details: Used Fluval Evo 13.5 G- Rinsed & Cleaned Dry Rock & Sand (Store didn't have live sand) Temp: Between 76-78 Degrees - Trying to get this leveled out So to start my...
  24. J

    Cycling with Dr. Tim's and Ammonia

    Hello, I am setting up a 24 gallon cube AIO tank. It is going to be used to temporarily house my 2 clownfish that are almost out of the hospital tank, while my other tank is fallow (ich). I am trying to cycle it so that I can move them in the next week or two, but would like to not put them...
  25. Swimjam

    Ammonia spike

    Hi everyone, It’s been awhile since I have started a new tank. I added Dr. Tim’s one and Only it’s been about two weeks. When can I see some sort of ammonia in the tank? I am doing the cycle with no lights keep in mind this is a small innovative marine tank 20gallon. The filter sock is starting...
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