cycle aquarium

  1. Z

    Cycling 110 Gallon Reef tank - I think I screwed up

    Hi Guys, i started cycling my new aquarium 40 days ago. I first used dr tims one and only but it seems that bottle was dead as i saw no reduction in ammonia 17 days. Went to my LFS and they suggested adding the Red Sea reef Mature kit as they believe the bottle of dr times could have been dead...
  2. DownUnderAqua

    Cycle Performance - No changes

    Hi All, Vitals Below: Ph - 8.0 Ammonia - 0.1 Nitrite - 0.0 Nitrate - 2 KH - 7.0 Phosphate - 0 Calcium - 324 Mag - 1318 Since having the tests run (day 7) through a LFS machine and then testing with RedSea Reef Test Kit at home I haven’t had any movement in Ammonia, or the others… So...
  3. jaime31

    EMERGENCY Switching salts during my cycle

    Hello I need a little bit of help.. my tank is in the process of cycling and it’s actually almost done but I want to change the salt before I add my clowns. I started with dead dry rock. I am currently using the tropic Marin pro reef salt but I won’t be having corals for a while because I rather...
  4. DownUnderAqua

    Aquarium Systems (Dr Tim) - Start Your Tank

    Hey all, I’m about to cycle my new tank for the first time using Dr Tims Aquarium Systems - Start Your Tank. Reading the instructions it says to add fish/coral on day 2… I’m sure the store will have what we’re after in time. I’d like to get a jump on the cycle. Ideally we can start...
  5. L


    This will be week 2 of fishless cycle here are my results will it hurt if I bring my salinity to a 1.025 1.026 ? Test kit Salinity 1.023 Hanna Calcium 421 Hanna Phosphate 0.10 Hanna DKH 7.7 Hanna Nitrate 13.7 Hanna pH 7.8 Hanna Magnesium 1300 salifert Ammonia 0 api Nitrite 0 api
  6. L

    Uv light

    When will it be a good time to add a uv light after cycle?
  7. R


    Day 3 of adding fish after using ATM colony for cycling my tank. The levels are AMMONIA 0.25, NITRITE 1.0 nitrate 10ppm. When should i do a water ?
  8. Z

    Is wet sand (carabsea ARAG-ALIVE) okay for initial cycle with dry rock and a bacteria starter kit?

    Hi First time here setting up a 75 gal mixed-reef. I am getting ready to set up and cycle the aquarium and want to know if I can use a wet sand (Caribsea AragAlive) sand with my initial cycle plan using dry-rock and a Microbacter Dry Rock Bacteria Starter Kit - Brightwell Aquatics. Will this...
  9. Ancarol2421

    Restarting a Crashed Tank

    Hi friends, Long story short, my tank crashed on Friday (3 days ago) - unknown cause, suspect heat swing or water chemistry issue. I noticed something was amiss because a few corals were dead along with all my inverts. I was able to evacuate the survivors into a small sump I had laying around...
  10. N

    Can I cycle bio media balls with live rock?

    Hello I’ve been reefing for several months now and have completed two successful fishless cycles. One being on my 13 gallon the other being my 37 gallon. I recently purchased a new 60 gallon tank and plan to move the contents of my 40 into the 60 (live rock, livestock, etc…). Obviously, I need...
  11. bert236

    Need advice for cycle

    Hello, I have started cycling my tank about two weeks ago now. I started by using 4oz of fritz turbo start for my 65 gallon tank then dosed dr tims ammonia up to over 2ppm. It’s quickly fell and nitrites went up over 1ppm( top limit for Red Sea kit I have) and never came back down. Meanwhile my...
  12. M

    Hello Would this work to start out an aquarium?

    I want to start an aquarium and I need to cycle the tank. I have heard best practice after cycling the tank is to run the aquarium without the lights on to help keep the bad bacteria at bay. I want to get this started before I move to a new apartment in a couple months… I want the tank to be...
  13. tech_reefer

    Tank Cycle

    So I want to setup a small frag tank. I have cycled media from my bigger tank. Do I still need to wait the full month to cycle the tank? Or can I keep seeding the frag tank with Microbactor 7? I’m not putting any fish immediately, only soft corals for now until more bacteria grow?
  14. G

    Cycling tank progress

    Inherited a bio cube 16 about a month ago and have been cycling it for the past few weeks. Recently started growing the brown algae. What’s next and am I where I’m supposed to be?
  15. sunshineb

    Cycling a Biocube 32 Gal. - Water Params

    Tested my water today with an API kit, Tank has been up and running with live rock, live sand, and pre-mixed salt water purchased at LFS for about 1 week. Water params: pH: 8.2 Ammonia: about 0.25ppm Nitrites: 0ppm Nitrates: 0ppm Noticed a bit of brown algae growth but LFS says there wouldn't...
  16. N

    Cycle question

    Ok so I finally started my tank. I have a 45 gallon tank put in two bags of live sand and rodi water with salt. Have a wave maker and hob filter. I have been monitoring amonia but I have yet to see an amonia spike. The tank is hazy and cloudy. I’ve read that’s the bacteria bloom. I have 20lbs of...
  17. J

    Detected ammonia in established tank

    Hello, I have a 100g tank with a 34g sump. I've had it going since October 2020. Recently, I've added a new dry rock and 2 media bricks. I haven't tested ammonia in a long time. The red sea kit I have, I purchased in July of 2020. I just tested ammonia because a firefish I have, I haven't...
  18. SigmaVX

    When To Add Live Sand On Fishless Cylce

    I have a new tank cycling with a bare bottom because the Microbacter Start noted that the bacteria may compete with bacteria in live sand. Questions: 1) Is there merit to this claim or is a diverse set of bacteria actually a good thing in the long run? 2) When should one add live sand if...
  19. BamBam98

    Cycling Confusion

    I'm very new to reefing, this is my first ever salt water tank... It has been up and running for around 4 weeks now and has been dosed with microbacter quikcycle and a few doses of microbacter start xlm... My ammonia and nitrite levels have been a bit all over the place but have been holding...
  20. ClownFish664

    Help With Cycle

    Hello, I have 2 clowns currently in my new reef tank (3 days old right now). I am using the ATm coloney method for cycling the tank. I have done a water test today that shows 1.2 ammonia, no nitrites but 0.2 ntrates. Is this right? As I am concerned the amonia is going to cause harm? Any help...
  21. Leon Gorani

    Looking for help on my new tank cycle and what to do next. Not sure if I should dose more ammonia or not.

    So I am cycling my new tank and I have some nitrites, no ammonia and a lot of nitrates. but I need help on what to do next to make sure it is actually cycled or not. I am listing my levels for the past 10 days: I am using the Red Sea marine test kit for reference to numbers/colors. Day2 May 21...
  22. B

    Nano Build Water for new nano tank?

    Hello, I set up a 15g nano tank last week to hold two fish sent by my son (firefish and a neon goby). I used two pieces of live rock that I purchased plus a sponge from my established 45g. 50% water from established tank and 50% new water The LFS said I could put the two fish in right away...
  23. ChandlerTingle

    Cycling Process

    So I’m on the 3rd day of cycling for my 38 gallon tank with the products Dr. Tim’s Ammonia Chloride and API QuickStart. First Day the Ammonia was on 2.0 ppm and has been for the 3 days but Nitrites have not gone up. Should I be worried or is this normal, Which day is usually when you see the...
  24. S

    Preventing Dinos from taking over

    Hi Everyone, Hope everyone’s doing great. I want to understand how can one prevent Dino’s from taking over the tank eventually? Current I battled dinos in my 10 gallon and it wiped out all my corals. I am planning to switch to a 50g lagoon tank but kinda scared to make a move cuz I think I’ll...
  25. M

    Confusing readings during cycle?

    So Iv been cycling for about 1 week and I have some cured live rock and dry rock in the tank I’m using seachem stability and dr Tim’s ammonium chloride yesterday my ammonia was 2.0 nitrite and nitrate both 0 I added more ammonium today as I dosed a lot less than recommended and now all my...