
  1. F

    Month old tank

    So I started my 55 gal tank up in the beginning of the month, and I’ve been posting updates every now and then. This is my third attempt at starting a saltwater tank, and so far I haven’t had any catastrophes yet. I just did another weekly 4 gallon water change, and all of the brown algae is...
  2. H

    <= 0.25 ppm Ammonia, 0 Nitrate and 0 Nitrite, 30 Gallon

    I set up my tank a week ago and I followed the BRS guide and bought a clown as well as Dr. Tim’s One and Only Nitrifying Bacteria and put both in the tank. I’ve been checking every other day for the levels using the API Saltwater Master Test Kit and those same levels are practically stagnant. I...
  3. diverjm

    Moving 4 month old reef tank

    Hey guys, I’ve had my Biocube 32 setup now for about 4 months. I started my tank with 30 lbs of TBS live rock and 20 lbs of TBS live sand. I’m moving 5 mins away from my current apartment. I’ve done some research about moving reef tanks and wondered if I could get some insight regarding the...
  4. jvaughan1355

    Skip Cycle with Live rock and Life Rock ?

    Hey guys, I just started up my second reef tank. Waterbox Cube 20, I built a life rock reef scape and am adding in live rock, some in my mid chamber and some in the display to skip cycle. I know this isn’t a pure skip with the life rock but can I swing it as a skip because of the Live I have in...
  5. S

    New to Reef, Cycle Day 8. Am I stuck ?

    Hi All! First post, new to reef aquariums. Been reading a lot and watching lots of videos (BRStv!) I have a AIO Fluval Flex 32.5 Gal. I started the fish-less cycle last Wednesday. So today is day 7 according to Dr. Tim! In the tank I have RODI water. Dry rocks and CaribSea Arag-Alive...
  6. K

    Should I Cycle if I have Premixed Saltwater, Live Rock, and Sand?

    I recently bought the Red Sea Nano max Perninsula along with Premixed Saltwater from my local store, live rock, live sand, and a heater. Should I be adding anything extra to the water?? Should I be letting it cycle??? Or am I good to go?? I am soooo new to this and have done a good amount of...
  7. J

    40G First Time Cycling

    Hello! My first post on the forum, I've read countless threads, watched days worth of Youtube (BRS mainly) and still don't feel like there is a clear path to success when starting. It seems a lot of videos/threads will contradict themselves based on how old they are. I'm just looking for a...
  8. G

    High Nitrites in Fishless Cycle. Will Copepods Survive?

    This question has two parts: 1. My first tank (40 gallon) has been running for about a week and a half. I've seen lots of change in my nitrite levels culminating in a spike last night, however my ammonia and nitrate have been borderline undetectable the entire time. Is this normal? 2. I...
  9. K

    Live rock now dead

    So I purched a 180 tank used that came with 180 pound of rock that used to be live. That guy said the tank was used for less than a year but has been stored in a garage for years ever since with the rock just dryed out in a box. My question is can I just rinse off the rock and put it in the tank...
  10. V

    Cycling and When to set up the Refugium

    Hello there! So I just started cycling my aquarium, a fluval 123l (32.5 US Gallons), used dead rock, Caribsea Ocean Direct Natural Live Sand and a bottle of Dr Tims one and only, thrown 130 drops of Dr Tim's ammonium chloride (4 drops per gallon) and 6 days after I'm with 0 Ammonia but 2ppm...
  11. MariahP

    When to add chaeto?

    Hi team, I have a biocube 32 that I’m about to get up and cycling. I bought an InTank fuge basket. Do I wait for cycling to be over before I add in the chaeto? Thanks in advance!
  12. JGMeredith

    Tank Won’t Cycle… HELP!!

    I’m beyond confused. I’ve been in this hobby for almost 20 years and this has never happened to me. I sat up a 32g AIO, 2 months ago. RODI water, plenty of rock, and used Fritz Turbo Start (like I have many times before) and introduced a couple gobies to the tank. It’s been over 2 months now...
  13. JGTPA

    Best Way to Transfer livestock from old tank to be tank?

    I'm going to be upgrading from a 2 year old 90 gallon system to a new 170 gallon system that will be going in the exact same spot. I'm planning on transfering all livestock & rock immediately to the new tank (I'm completely replacing the sand with new). Is this safe or do I need to figure out a...
  14. th365thli

    Cycling with live rock

    I have a Red Sea 650 system I'm bringing up. It currently has dry rock, coupled with some live rock from the LFS, (and some hermits). The live rock is 5 pieces. According to the LFS, it's shipped from a place in Florida that leases a section of beach. The rock comes from there (and new rock is...
  15. MariahP

    Live Rock and Cycle Kit Overkill?

    Hi all, I’m likely going to use live rock for my upcoming ‘scape. I was also considering getting the Algaebarn ultimate aquarium cycle kit. Is that overkill though? Would there be any negative impacts there? Here’s a link to the kit...
  16. A

    Freckles on my Stones!!

    Hi there, My rocks have tiny red/brown "Freckles" they popped up almost all at once. It's a new system water in tank early October. Have you seen or know what these are?
  17. yanni

    How long until add a RFA?

    hey all, I’m currently about to restart my tank, and my LFS has some RFAs I’d love to purchase. I know they’re relatively hardy, and once my tank cycles again I’ll be adding established bio media and some live rock. How long should I wait to add a RFA, will they be okay once my tank cycles, or...
  18. yanni

    Cycling with corals, opinions?

    Hey all!! so I’ve reached wits end battling lobophora algae in my nano tank, so I’ve decided to completely restart, well almost. I’m keeping my livestock in a quarantine tank (glorified bucket on the floor) while I completely sterilise my tank, and add fresh rock and sand. I’m going to cycle it...
  19. diverjm

    California Media Drygoods Free Algaebarn Nitrocycle

    Hey guys, I have a bottle of Algae Barn Nitrocycle that I barely used to cycle my aquarium. I feel bad throwing it away and figured I’d see if someone was interested. I’m willing to give it away but the lucky person will need to cover the shipping cost or local pickup in the Bay Area. Cheers!
  20. D

    0 Ammonia 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrates

    Hi all I am new to the hobby. I started my fishless cycle on the 1st of December. I added dry reef, coral sand, decor (I believe resin; LFS said it is safe for saltwater tanks), a heater, a wave maker, and a filter with an active carbon filter. I filled the tank with RODI saltwater I bought...
  21. MichaelFita


    Good Morning Reefers ! I am writing this thread in order to help out the brand new reefers within the community . I have combined my knowledge and experience into a step by step guide in setting up your brand new reef tank . The goal we all have while setting up and keeping a tank is...
  22. H

    Home made aquarium rocks question!

    Hello I've been in the hobby for quite some time and actually my very first tank I set up I used fast setting quikrete. I didn't cure it or anything in the tank it went! To everyone's surprised I never had an issue with it mind you that tank is long gone, and I'm finally setting up another tank...
  23. CMarieDennison

    Build Thread First big tank, 125-gallon

    I originally started with a 125-gallon, 4-foot tank at the beginning of the year. My husband started filling it with the RO/DI system attached to my sink directly into the tank while I was at work. It was forgotten about and flooded...the stand was pretty warped so I didn't trust it to hold the...
  24. CMarieDennison

    Upgrading Cycle Question

    Good afternoon, I feel like I should be considered a "new" reefer- I have been studying and reading and watching videos for years but only recently set up my first tank. It was a 20-gallon Tideline AIO. It has been running since May of this year (2022). I have an emerald crab, two peppermint...
  25. JLReef

    Build Thread 16gallon aio on tap water + refugium camber

    happy to show of my blue marine reef 60, a poppulair beginner tank here in the netherlands. its a AIO kit that comes with al the basic needs. only thing i did was hook a light inside the second chamber to grow cheatoband microfauna like copepods. first chamber ive got a small skimmer witch...
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