coral advice

  1. Zoa_Fanatic

    Help with stocking

    Hello reefers. I posted on here a while back asking about LPS ideas for my 32 gallon biocube. I have trumpets and candy canes (I know they’re probably the same thing but they have a slightly different look to each so I call them differently). I was recommended Acan lords and Leptastrea. I’m...
  2. Scubaguy10

    Help with Coral

    Hey everyone so I recently got my 55 gallon going and I have a few frags in it and after about a couple weeks they aren’t looking so well. I have 2 zoa frags and one finally just opened today and the other has not opened since I put him in there. I also have another frag that is starting to lose...
  3. Zoa_Fanatic

    New candy canes help

    I just got these kryptonite candy canes a few days ago. They split between the pollops after bringing them home and now the tissue is receding. I’ve moved them higher in the tank where the flow is less and they’re about 8” directly below my light to get some good light. What can I do to help...
  4. Zoa_Fanatic

    New candy cane help.

    Got some new candy canes after nuking my old ones. Just blew some sand off them and it looks like they have a tiny bit of tissue damage betwee where the heads are splitting. Will they be ok?
  5. A

    Coral has white hole?

    So I purchased a watermelon favia coral a month ago and it seem to be doing well and all of a sudden today it got a hole so I got worried and wondered if they were hitchhikers or a disease or something else I just don’t want to worry my self over the coral if it’s dying Any info would be helpful
  6. J

    Need a little help Reef Friends

    Hi there! I hope you’re all keeping safe and well. Okay so I need a little help and advice (sorry for the long post in advance). I’m new to the reefing world and I’m starting to lose my enthusiasm for it as my aquarium isn’t doing so great. Just to be aware I’m in the U.K. which might make a...
  7. Mwydr02188

    Coral help! Ricordea Florida

    Hi i am seni new to the SW world. I have limited experience with ricordea. It seems my ricordea Florida has detached and is floated around the tank. The coral itself is very stiff. Still has its fluorescence and slim. I hope there is nothing wrong
  8. Janesreef

    Redoing aquascape after big move

    **ATTACHED PICS** I have a 75gal reef tank with live rock, 3 fish (coral beauty, clown, mandarin goby), 5 coral (three of which are attached to rock) and a clam that is also attached to rock. I did a big move into a new home and because of the pandemic I wasn’t able to hire movers for my tank...
  9. Bento

    Damaged Scoly Recovery Advice

    Hey, I've just got a Scoly that has some damage/recession that has exposed some of the skeleton. I'm just after any advice in what I can do to give it the best chance of survival. I will be getting some dip in the day or so. It will be getting place in a position with low/med flow and light and...
  10. multsh

    Duncans and Seahorses

    I recently came across Duncans and were interested in adding in the tank. I’ve read mixed reviews online with some people mentioning no issues and others cautioning against. From all I’ve read they are peaceful so was curious to understand if anyone kept or any info if they are compatible with...
  11. Garcia2460

    Coral stopped opening up.

    Hey everyone, just recently purchased a Coral pack from WWC. I have three thathad no issues acclimating and opening up as soon as a I put them in the tank. Another which is a zoa arrived looking a little weird and has only changed slightly.. (I think). The last coral I have an issue with is a...
  12. welshd24

    Lobo not looking good

    My lobo in the past week was fine to no color and the skin receding ive had it for a month so far. parameters alk is 8.9, salinity 1.025, calcium 415, temp 81 degrees Fahrenheit, phosphate around .1 i feed him mysis and reefroids a couple of times a week.
  13. Lord Gold

    Losing euphyllia... HELP!

    Hello all! Hopefully this is I'm the right place... If it is not, please forgive me. I've been seeing a decline in only my euphyllia recently, and I'm at my wit's end as to what could be happening. I've tried everything, and checked all parameters (listed below). Everything else seems to be...
  14. Vg1

    Water lvls for coral

    Hi I just brought a water test kit to make sure my lvls are right and iv been looking on the internet and it's mixed messages so looking for some advice. I currently have two clown fish and some coral tank has been set up for almost a month and is going through the uglies at the moment. Can...
  15. Vg1

    Should I clean this coral

    I'm about to do a water change and notice the coral has some brown fungas attached is the healthy or should I be removing it the coral comes out still but not as much as it use to.
  16. Accidentalreefers

    Feather duster worm under mushroom cap

    So I have a mushroom with a feather duster worm almost underneath it, it currently split in two halves and I have a feeling it may have been irritated by the feather worm, I have another mushroom on the other side that is doing extreamly well that also has a duster worm underneath it but its...
  17. A

    What is this?

    Hello guys we have just found this in our saltwater tank. We have just took it out, but if its safe we want to put it back in.
  18. imarino326

    cleanup crew for small tank

    I haven’t really had a need for a CUC yet, but I’m getting worried as to what I should put in. Any suggestions for a CUC for a fluval seaevo 5 tank? Tank is below.
  19. Alex C

    What is this?

    I’m sure this is super obvious but can anyone tell me what kind of coral this is? Sorry for the crummy photo, it’s at the LFS and they’ve got it all dark with blue light in there.
  20. Sakosreef

    Anyone know what’s goin on with my Acan?

    Hi everyone, hope you’re all doing well. Anyone know what’s goin on with my acan? I’m new to keeping acans so I’m not sure if this is normal or not, i bought this frag with about 3 heads on it and since I’ve been feeding it, it sprouted a couple new heads and it’s been plump and full since I got...
  21. Carebearsss.x

    Hello Newbie

    Hello! My names Caroline, I’m 19 years old and have been in the aquarium hobby for about 2 years (freshwater only). My boyfriend knows SO much about reef tanks! Me, on the other hand, I’ve recently became more interested in reef tanks & was wondering if anybody has some helpful advice?
  22. the.introvertebrate

    Nitrate Control - The natural way (Help needed)

    Excuse the long post, I am going to try and give you as much information as I can to help figure out the core of my nitrate problem and how to resolve it. My nitrates are slowly killing my corals I have 3 Trachy's and a bunch of other LPS corals which are slowly starting to show skeletons and...
  23. Sakosreef

    How to properly feed an acan colony?

    Hi everyone, hope you’re all doing well. I have a few questions regarding the proper way to feed an acan colony. I tried feeding my acans some reef roids but they didn’t seem to like it, they secreted some mucus. I have an acan colony that’s about 20-30 heads, I try to feed them about 3 times a...
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