coral advice

  1. Imnotjakeyv

    Red Acan randomly shrinks

    Just got home from work and everything was puffy and nice, I’ve been sitting here the whole time and and nothing bothered it or touched it in general now it looks like this! It’s just the one polyp but that one is the biggest one of them all. Do they normally randomly shrink from time to time...
  2. SkyDoodles

    Can anyone tell me what this is???

    LFS gave this to me as a mystery frag...well it is a mystery to me for sure...I do t know what it is where is should go or how to take care of it. When I called back and asked her she did t know either...slightly annoyed...
  3. Nagra92

    Brown & green & Other algae

    Hello guys, i am new in Reef world , my tank is now 3 months Old , and i have this 3 different alagae in my tank Now it is 80 gallaon tank Now can any body guide me how to get rid of this alage ? Is there any Fish ? Or snails ? Or crab which can clear it or i have to do my self ? Or it will...
  4. H

    Do I remove Skeleton Wall hammer

    So had this wall hammer just over a week. And it’s completely melted off. Stripped back to the Skelton. No idea why, because got a frogspawn at the same time and that has been thriving. my question is, do I get rid of the Skelelton or is there a change of regrowth?
  5. smokey667

    Unidentified coral?

    Somebody gave me this coral frag but neglected to tell me what exactly it is.. Or what is wrong with it I've only had it a couple of days now
  6. H

    New Hammer coral help

    Got this new coral last week. And it’s been like this for a few days. It has reduced and opened more but just seeing if there’s any cause for concern.
  7. B

    Frogspawn polyp bailout

    Hi all, Would someone please help me identify what could have possibly caused my Frogspawn to bailout. I thought that everything seemed to be pretty healthy but I'll include some pictures of the rest of the tank and corals for reference. One head ejected 8/7 and one last night/this am 8/10...
  8. _Grim_Reefer

    Nano Build H2O box 35.1 Marine (1st Tank)

    Hey y'all, wanted to share my first tank with the community here! ✌ My name's Andrew, and this is my foray into reefkeeping. Excited to be around such knowledgeable and passionate members! Cycled the tank with the Microbacter Start XLM. I carelessly didn't read the instructions and ran live...
  9. wolt

    Just got some new corals

    Just got some new corals. Let me know if they look healthy or not :)
  10. Darthanakin3334

    Zoa hasn't opened in weeks and has started to disappear! Need Help!

    Hello, I've been having trouble with my zoas. They've been closed for about 2 weeks, and a couple days ago I noticed it's been disappearing. I've tried to keep the Nitrates low and have been performing a 25% water change every week to keep the water quality clean. By changing the water, the pH...
  11. lazycouch

    growing coral help?

    hey guys, i’d just like to grasp an understanding behind the KEY(vital) elements when it comes to growing LPS and SPS, maybe softies in the spectrum of farming corals. i.e conditions you’ve maybe experienced or read about where corals have grown the fastest whether it was the light, specific...
  12. Ocean_dreamer89

    Toadstool not opening up all the way

    Hello! I’ve had this toadstool leather for about 5 months. It looks like it’s doing well and has grown considerably, however the polyps are not opening up all the way. They are extended but the green part has never been visible since I brought it home. When I picked it out at the LFS it had the...
  13. J

    What's wrong with my flower pot coral?

    Hi guys! I've had this for 3 weeks now. You can tell the lower part of the coral is extending fine, whereas the top part is less open and more stiff. I've moved it around the tank and it's the same result... I've also had a red flower pot in the tank before and it didn't last for more than a few...
  14. g.knight

    Coral noob- aquacultured??

    Hey, R2R! Back with another noob question. I’ll start off by saying I apologize if this has been asked and answered before, but I couldn’t find the answer if it has been. Just getting my first beginner corals and selecting them from I see that many of their corals are listed as...
  15. taylorn13

    Adding Corals to a Beginner Tank

    Hi! I’m new to saltwater aquariums! I currently have a 20g tank with 2 clowns in it so far. I have not added corals, but I plan to in the future. I used a combination of frtiz turbostart and Dr. Tims ammonium chloride in a bottle to cycle the tank, monitored the progress daily, then in about 11...
  16. JackerVenom

    Moving reef tank!!

    Hey everyone, just wondering how people have moved there tanks in the past and what they did to make it successful? I’m moving 4.5 hours away and my nano reef is coming with me? Just would like some tips and suggestions before I move it to allow all inhabitants the best chance of survival!
  17. lazycouch

    what can i grow on my back wall?

    hey guys i was just wondering if it was possible to grow anything other than gsp on the backwall? can you basically put any coral on a plug and stick it back there as long as it meets its necessary requirements? any 2 cents helps. thanks!
  18. Zoa_Fanatic

    Zoa closed

    Do zoa close up when they eat? I fed mine some phyto two days ago and the ones that got the periphery of the phyto spray were open today but the ones that got heavy phyto werent. Is this normal? They’ve been in the tank three days. also I had 3 polyps of about 20 break off today. I couldn’t...
  19. lazycouch

    what’s your favorite soft coral?

    hey guys i’m new to the hobby and am trying to stock up on soft coral and start doing some research on any i may have missed! so far i know there’s 1.mushrooms (ricordea florida, ricordea yuma, ???) 2.toadstool 3.xenia 4.zoas 5.cabbage 6.kenya trees 7.GSP 8.finger leathers 9.sinularia...
  20. R

    Frog spawn or torch?

    I’m kinda confused by this coral I thought it was a torch coral but the tentacles don’t really extend like they normally should. I know there’s nothing wrong with it because it just split a couple days ago any ideas?
  21. ZooMontana88

    Torch Coral: Dead our will it recover?

    I had a system crash in June within my DT. Multiple blooms of bacteria and algae. I removed most of my LS to my QT. While in the QT tank, my torch started to close up. On the day that the DT was ready for the LS, I noticed a strange film on the top of my torch. I removed it and placed it in its...
  22. Zoa_Fanatic

    Coralline algea and candy canes

    Hey reefers. I have a small candy cane frag with two heads. It has coralline algea growing on the plug it’s on. I am just now noticing on the places where the coralline is growing up the stalk the coral tissue is receding. The frag is doing fine and is open otherwise. Is the coralline algea...
  23. RickysReefer

    Any Ideas?

    So new to the forums and new to reefing in general and have 1 question that stands out among the others and that question is what the heck is on this frag plug I bought for 5 bucks from my LFS? I asked for some pulsing Xenia as I wanted something easy for now and they have me a big frag plug with a small...
  24. Zoa_Fanatic

    Coral help. Candy canes not opening

    Hey guys. I’ve been feeding these kryptonite canes pellets. I think I’ve been feeding them too much. I was feeding them daily. A few days ago they stopped accepting pellets and since yesterday they aren’t opening as wide as usual. Is this normal? Nothing else in the tank is acting strange. Even...
  25. Zoa_Fanatic

    Candy canes expelling food

    Hey guys I’ve been feeding my kryptonute candy canes daily. It’s a smal frag with two heads. Today they expelled the pellets I gave them. Am I just feeding them too much? They’re doing great, even healing from a small wound they suffered.
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