
  1. Nemguy123

    New York Live Goods Super Rainbow carpet anemone

    Hi I have a really nice 5-7 inch rainbow carpet anemone
  2. Danielsj

    Possible swimbladder disease?

    Hey everyone, so my tank finally finished cycling after about a month and i just got my two first fish yesterday which i'm very excited about! But im now noticing that my smaller clownfish is generally swimming at an angle and it's making me a bit worried that he may have something wrong with...
  3. M

    Multiple clownfish pairs?

    My tank is finally done cycling and I'm looking to start with clownfish for my tank. It's ~360 gallons (8' x 30" x 30") with a 120 gallon sump. I know with clownfish, unless you get a harem, eventually the female and her bonded male will likely kill everyone else. A lot of people seem to have...
  4. Ariahsart


    Would it make sense that one of my clownfish is getting larger now that I added a smaller one to the tank. It hasn't been growing at all but ever since I added another clownfish my first has increased in size and It's pretty noticeable.
  5. S

    Shutting down tank. In Sydney region.

    I have a decora Gobi, bangai cardinal and a clownfish that I'd like to sell. As well as some zoas and a mushroom coral. I've also got salt, suppliments and test kits that id sell for cheap. If anyone is interested.
  6. C

    New Jersey SOLD Anemone clownfish pistol shrimp and more!

    Hello. I'm looking to sell what's left in my 50 gal cube. 2 clownfish, 1 banggai cardinalfish, 1 six line wrasse, 1 yellow watchman goby paired with a pistol tiger shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 1tuxedo urchin, 2 corals. 1 black widdow anemone. Im in monmouth county,NJ. Trying to get rid of by the...
  7. karamreef117

    Anemones: Lighting and Wave Maker Discussion

    Hello Everyone! I wanted to create this thread to show some of my results and see opinions out there about these amazing anemone creatures. I have an up and running anemone tank that has been established for a year and a half. I did move it to school and back home once. so the tank has moved...
  8. J

    Which species of clownfish is this?

    Lfs just calls these guys African clownfish. Are they clarkii or allardi? Or something else? Thanks
  9. A

    First Fish - Clownfish Fin Rot?

    Hi guys! So picked up this pair on Saturday. Acclimated and popped them into my 180L tank, where they both hid in the rock work. Noticed this morning that one seems to have rather damaged fins, not sure if fin rot or is just from stress or perhaps bullying at the LFS? Is not eating but then has...
  10. D

    EMERGENCY Sick Clown, Medicating Advice

    Hi everyone, you can skip to the third paragraph for the short version of this. I bought two clownfish and a randall's goby two weeks ago and added them to my aquarium (20 gallon long), these are my first fish. About a week ago one of my clownfish stopped eating, the next day it was having...
  11. I

    EMERGENCY Leaving Fish for Vacation

    This summer I am going on a 2 week vacation. I am wondering what to do with my fish tank. I have to ocellaris clowns, a shrimp, and an astraea snail. To have an automatic fish feeder I would have to take the lid off, which would result in way too much evaporation. My choices are to put them all...
  12. J

    New Here! First saltwater tank

    Hey guys! New to this so take it easy on me LOL. I just added two clownfish to my tank after a first cycle with a few hermit crabs and a clown (sadly the clown did not make it, terrible recommendation from the local Petco, will admit I did not do my due diligence beforehand, definitely shouldn’t...
  13. violetjones

    Phantom Snowflake Clown Pair

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Phantom Snowflake Clown Pair. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  14. Soey

    EMERGENCY Help! Got a pair of clownfish, one is stuck at the top of the tank and is always sideways. Not sure what to do.

    Hello. I got a pair of clownfish for a 13.5 gallon tank yesterday, and one of them has been acting strange since I got him. One of my clownfish is really active and loves swimming around the tank, and eats his food. The other is always sideways and is just opening and closing his mouth. He is...
  15. V

    my clownfish laid eggs for the first time. What next?

  16. R

    A lot of aggression from ocellaris clownfish! Advice needed

    Hello reefers, I need help pairing ( or at least calming down) my clownfish. To give some background: a week ago I got 2 clowns ( from the same LFS, same tank, both ocellaris, one black, one orange). After a lot of fighting (black one bullying orange), I isolated a black one in the breeder box...
  17. I

    One of my clownfish is acting weird.

    One of my clownfish (wild caught) (that i bought 4 weeks ago) is acting weird. It is not coming up to the surface for feeding time and is swimming mostly at the bottom. I don’t know if he is exploring or something. He is just staying around the microalgae. Also this may be unrelated but both my...
  18. mia424

    New clownfish rubbing on PVC pipe all day

    Hello, I just got these clownfish yesterday and today they have been rubbing against the same spot on a PVC pipe in the QT tank all day long, I have not seen them leave it at all. They are eating but won’t leave the pipe to go get food, they’ll only eat the food if it comes to them. I am unsure...
  19. mia424

    New Clownfish Pair!

    Hello, I am new to the hobby and just wanted to share the new clownfish I just got today! I got a black ice and an ocellaris and they are already swimming with each other and getting along well in QT with my Banggai Cardinalfish that I got a few weeks ago. Let me know if you have any tips/advice...
  20. zoe11032

    Clownfish Swimming vertically on sides of tank

    Hey all, I’m new here! I have 2 mocha clowns, who I just got 2 days ago. I also have 2 hermit crabs in there. I have a 13.5 gal fluval EVO which I’ve been cycling for 6 weeks. Last night around 1am, the fish started swimming vertically up and down on the corners of the tank, this morning...
  21. imanivdhorn

    All my fish keep dying.. help!

    Hi, I have a 60l saltwater aquarium with one shrimp, two snails and two clownfish. In the past, I had two other clownfish but they died after a month of adding them to the tank. When I first got them I noticed white spots on their fins. I didn’t know what ich was, so I ignored it, thinking it...
  22. J

    Saltwater fishes for sale before i part out tank

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Saltwater fishes. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  23. fdevans

    Clownfish Eye Problem

    Seems one of my clown fish has an eye problem. Not sure if it's curable or if it just becomes "One-Eyed-Jack" now, but any thoughts would be appreciated.
  24. CoralsAddiction

    Clownfish Gill Red

    Hi, I received a pair of wild caught clowns. One of them came with a pretty significant sore on a gill. Does anyone have any recommendations for treatment in addition to clean water and low stress? thanks
  25. R

    Clownfish Spots PLEASE HELP

    Hello I'm currently deployed and my wife sent me these pictures of one of my clownfish with large spots on it and is resting at the bottom of the tank alot. Im fairly new to the hobby and would like help so I can help her. She is really worried about killing my tank while I'm here overseas...
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