
  1. Danielsj

    Sudden Deaths

    Hey guys so i have just lost both of my clowns today. I have had them for about 2,5 months and they have been thriving eating and not showing any signs of sickness at any point until today. So this morning when i got up my smallest clown was laying on the sand breathing heavy, i fed the tank to...
  2. B

    Clowns pacing in tank

    So quick question on this, I had dinos BAD and my clowns got sick, took them out to bring to my lfs, while they were gone, I rearranged rocks to give more swimming room (90 gallon tank) no other fish except neon goby. I got the dinos pushed back My lfs cared for them and they sat in a qt tank...
  3. Shawaiz_106

    EMERGENCY Clownfish suddenly stopped eating #fishmedic

    Hello, So I made an emergency thread a week or 2 ago too and I'm having a similar problem again. The back story: on 20th of August I got my 15gallon fish tank that had been sitting running for a few months with no fish at my LFS. They told me that the water parameters were good so I got a...
  4. anabechara

    Sick clownfish

    Hi all! Please help me. Last week I posted about my clownfish in quarantine getting sick after a herbtana dosing. I ended up doing a progressive water change in a 24 hour period. on 08/25 I thought he might be dead but when I tried to fish him out of the tank he darted up. He looked really...
  5. The_ReefB0y_FOX24

    Looking to get into Clown breeding

    I want to get into breeding and I was wondering if anyone had tips. Also I need help choosing a mate for my Wyoming White Clown to get the coolest offspring.
  6. J

    What clownfish is this?

    On the order list its listed as RED Percula. I noticed it has the orange eyes like true percs and also 10 dorsal spines like true percs. The other occys in the shop had the normal more black eyes and the 11 spines. When this fish isn’t stressed out like in the pics, its dark red like a maroon...
  7. J

    Maroon clownfish with white strands coming out of her chin

    What are these white strands coming out of her chin? They were not here yesterday night. Only thing new i did was feed her medicated food for deworming. Theres 5 white strands coming out like when you pop a pimple. Shes 4 inches long so its very noticeable
  8. UkiahTheTurtle

    My YouTube video on Clownfish Care

    This is my new YouTube video any tips anyone has for it and if you don’t mind a sub would be nice;)
  9. B

    EMERGENCY Is there something wrong with my clowns?

    I just had to remove a ton of rock to get out a very aggressive fish. But now my clowns are acting really weird. Doesn't seem to be any parasite issue but they aren't eating which I assume is from the stress as they ate happily the day before I removed the aggressive fish. It's been a 16 hours...
  10. P

    EMERGENCY Is this ich or nip mark?

    My hail storm clownfish has one white spot on its body and I’m concerned it’s ich. Do I just have to wait and see if it is ich or a nip mark from the female clown? (I’ve already done a FW dip and there was no “debris”)
  11. An_Enemy

    Raising my clown's eggs for the first time and getting some interesting patterns!

    My clowns have been spawning for years and I finally decided to try raising them. Glad I did, there's so many interesting ones appearing! :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:
  12. Davar93

    What fish for an Anemone tank?

    I am thinking of switching to an anemone only tank with Bubble tips, carpets, and mini carpets. What fish can I keep? Clowns? Other damsels?
  13. melbournedan

    AIO Build Waterbox 15gal Peninsula

    Tank: Waterbox 15gal Peninsula Start date: 18/7/2022 Planned Stock: pair of designer Ocellaris clownfish, CUC (snails, peppermint shrimp) , 2-3 different types of small BTA, hardy soft corals. Location : Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Aquascape: Caribsea life rock belize branch (4)...
  14. B

    Clown Fish Not Pairing

    Have had 2 gladiator clowns for almost 3 months now and are still fighting. Similar in size but one is slighter smaller and gets picked on through out the day. He turns white as well. But overall health is good and eats. Got him out the back chambers about 5 times now even with a guard over the...
  15. Hordearii

    First Fish Quarantine Help Please!

    Hi everyone, I'm starting my first reef tank and I've finally gotten to the step of adding my first fish and I need some help with quarantining. I was planning on doing the 80/20 quarantine recommended on the BRS TV series with Elliott.. but I only found out this weekend that Furan-2 has been...
  16. samanolandon

    EMERGENCY Clownfish does not look well!

    What is happening? one is dying, other three look normal but two have discoloration in the face… Please help!
  17. W

    Hello Hello everyone!

    Hey everyone! New to this forum but been keeping tanks since I was a kiddo. I just recently decided to take the dive into anemone propagation after keeping various nems over the years. I'm located in Utah and will be a vendor at the local coral shows! My website will be up whenever I can get...
  18. gobybryant

    USA WTB Looking for WC a. sandaracinos (Orangefin Skunk Anemonefish)

    As the title states, I'm looking for a WC orangefin skunk anemonefish. Rather hard to track down. Thanks!
  19. mel_ociraptor

    Bully Clowns—Can’t remove the male

    Hey there! New to saltwater but not new to the aquarium hobby—we have a 90gallon (4 month old) reef tank whose inhabitants are 2 emerald crabs, roughly 6 hermits, 8 snails, and 4 juvenile Ocellaris clowns (2 black ice and 2 bulletholes—they’re orange). We got the original four because they were...
  20. samanolandon

    Build Thread Beginner Saltwater Tanker!

  21. nsauer3

    Cat w clownfish

    My cat just looking at the clowns
  22. Ariahsart

    California Live Goods Ocellaris clownfish

    Have a bonded pair of Ocellaris clownfish for sale. Female is 2 inches and male is an inch. They were kept in a 14 gallon cube, and bonded within 3 days, female is a year and male is a 6-8 month old. Located in Hesperia.
  23. samanolandon

    My clownfish has its mouth stuck open!

    I got my clownfish on Sunday, and one has it’s mouth open! I realized this about a day ago! What can I do to help?
  24. J

    Maryland Live Goods Emergency sale Maryland, tank broke. Fish need homes ASAP

    Rehomed. Please close
  25. T

    Lymphocystis on a sea urchin?

    So I've had lymphocystis in my tank now ever since I introduced this urchin (I saw the white stuff near his mouth when I took him out of the bag) and now my clowns have it. Been like that for a while and besides the things showing up on the clowns every once in a while nothing had has happened...