
  1. Lacrette1991

    Aquarium update

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted! Just thought I’d share a few photos of my 26 Gallon. Thanks to the advice from a few of you my aquarium has never looked better!
  2. marioannou

    Clownfish Losing Color

    I got two black ice snowflake clowns about a year ago. One had a darker orange and one was lighter orange. The lighter one lost all it's orange and became black within a couple months. Didn't really mind because it helped tell them apart and looked good. However, I'm starting to notice the other...
  3. tjclapp

    ISO Breeding clowns!

    If anyone has any breeding clowns or mature clowns... respond with pics in this thread if you’d consider getting rid of them. I have tons of coral I could trade or I can pay cash.
  4. KJones90s

    Are they pairing?

    I have a misbar black clownfish and a caramel clown, the black clown is much bigger. Ive noticed they've started sleeping in the same area of the tank. Is that a good indication that they have paired? They’ve only been together for 2-3 days at this point, and I’ve heard it can sometimes be hard...
  5. Santiimari

    Super finicky Clown - What to feed?

    Hey guys, I have two clowns, and the smaller one is a super finicky eater. He does not get excited about food, he will either swim up to food and then let it hit the ground or instantly spit it out. He is SO much skinnier than the bigger clown, and I am worried he's going to be dead soon. I am...
  6. Gatoreefer94

    Black ball hanging off clownfish gill

    I’ve had this clown for over a year now and I woke up this morning to a black ball/sack hanging off her gills. Lately she’s been more recluse then usual but I didn’t think anything of it. I can’t seem to find anyone with something similar online Can anyone please help me identify this.a
  7. redwhiteandink

    New York WTB WTB Picasso Clown

    Hello everyone I’ve been looking for some Picasso clownfish for awhile and can’t find any just wondering if people here have any for sale
  8. Deathling

    Young Clownfish with Ich

    Hey, so after introducing a new flurry clown to the tank - I had no idea this fish had ich, must have been hidden in the white patches - it passed away not long after. Now im not sure the best way to manage this situation. This is the female that was also in the tank, she is still eating and...
  9. Micaeltercer

    Clownfish fin rot ID possibly velvet?

    Hello guys, I have a clownfish and diamond goby in a 20g QT tank. 2 days since purchased. They’ve been getting light feeding and seem okay. The goby is shy and stays hidden behind PVC. The clown has some tissue degradation. Looks like skin peeling, on his tail, and fins. I’ve started dosing...
  10. deeb

    Nano Build deeb's Nano Extreme-Shallow Reef Tank Build (45x24x16 centimetre)

    Hello R2R friends, I'm new to this forum and I'm very pleased to join R2R. For those interested, my Instagram account is here : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm...
  11. K

    White spots on clownfish?

    Hi everyone, I've just started my first saltwater aquarium and so far I just have a female and male clownfish. Recently I noticed that my female has two white spots on the same place on each side. Anyone know what it could be? The male doesn't have any at all. I'm still going through the cycling...
  12. GJevstachi

    Multiple Clownfish Pairs Within Same System

    Hello! Just a question for future (just have one small 10 gallon tank now, my first saltwater) wanted to get input on tanks with multiple pairs of clowns! Can you do different varieties of clowns? Or better to keep all the same? Territory? As well as is it one pair per anemone that will host...
  13. Oscar’s25Gal

    Nitrates are high?

    Hello guys, so I have a 25 gal. I have no corals, except a very small shroom colony and a RBTA. My ammonia reads 0, pH 8.1, Nitrite 0 but my nitrates are 35. I have 2 clowns, a wrasse and a juvie blue tang (i am upgrading my tank in a few weeks.) Can anyone tell me why my nitrates are so high...
  14. G

    Clownfish swimming head up

    Hi, after two weeks of cycling and having normal water parameters I added to clownfish (drop method). They were swimming near a rock at the bottom of the tank yesterday. This morning they are swimming head up near a corner. Is this normal clown behaviour? New to saltwater tanks. :(
  15. Jennydinh143

    Clownfish ich?

    Hi! Im new to saltwater keeping! I saw my clownfish rubbing its side on the sand and thought it was just playing, upon more research I realized it could be ich. Im not really sure... im new to saltwater keeping so every literally thing i find off, i google them. I could just be paranoid but i’ll...
  16. KameronManning

    Clownfish parasite ID

    Hey all! So I just bought a black storm clownfish today from my LFS. I noticed some black spots on him that seem unusual and was wondering if there something I should get a head start on. I live in military dorms so I’m not allowed to have more than two tanks or else I’d have a quarantine setup...
  17. Lillmoya

    Temp & Drip Acclimating Simultaneously

    I bought my first marine fish yesterday, a beautiful pair of ocellaris clowns! One yellow and one a picture perfect Nemo orange. I’d had plenty of freshwater fish in the past, but this being my first marine fish... needless to say I was nervous. I didn’t have a container to drip acclimate them...
  18. Beng2003

    Update on my tank. Please help

    I recently posted about my experience with my first tank and how the first clownfish I brought home looked to have ick. Some time has gone by with no response and Wyoming white has just passed now. What should I do
  19. RobberyinCSharp1824

    Lost my DaVinci clown...Why?

    My DaVinci Clownish just died unexpectedly after having him for about 4 months now in an established 120g tank. He was the sole resident of that tank (aside from turbo snails) while my sailfin tang and anthias are in QT (didn't want to create a bioburden surge in my DT). I had posted a few weeks...
  20. KameronManning

    Help pairing clownfish

    Hey guys I have 1 juvenile orange storm in my tank ( 1 inch ) and I’m waiting for my Lfs to get in a black storm. With my current orange storm being so small should I grab a bigger or smaller black storm. The orange storm is so young and small that I feel I wouldn’t be able to find anything...
  21. Beng2003

    First ick encounter

    A few weeks ago I decided to try my first saltwater tank. After getting everything set up and letting the tank cycle for a couple of weeks I decided to add a small clownfish with some turbo start. The next morning I noticed some white dots on its fins but they seemed to go away and his diet was...
  22. HildebrandRarity

    Suggestions for beginner starting with Anemone?

    Good evening all and hope everyone is doing well! I just paired a wonderful clownish couple and was thinking my next step to get a anemone for them? I have a great local fish store that I will buy from and was wondering if you have any good tips for the pair and anemone top thrive? I have a...
  23. Fellersjohn6

    Ich Velvet or simply fighting sound?

    Hi, I have these two mai tai clownfish and what is going on is that my tank passed through a wipe out of ich/velvet (I’m not sure to be honest) and all my fish end up dying so I just left the tank empty for 7 weeks the fallow period and just two weeks ago I bought these two clownfish (they...
  24. Santiimari

    New Tank owner - Is my Clown sick?

    **Edit- link to clown video Hi guys- cycled a 30G tank for a month. Got two clownfish on Sunday. Did a water change Thursday. One clown spit out all his food, and he’s little so I thought it couldn’t fit in his mouth, I crushed it up and he would take little bits. Went back to the store I...
  25. M

    Clownfish getting ready to spawn?

    Hello I have noticed my clownfish acting different and was wondering if they are getting ready to spawn, I have had them for about 1 year now and they changes colors about 6 months after I got them