
  1. cac0ethes

    Wyoming White Clown EMERGENCY

    Hello, I picked up a young Wyoming White Clown a few days ago. Just a few minutes ago I checked on the tank and he is swimming nose down I thought maybe the return pump was a bit to strong as he was swimming down right below the overflow. I turn it off it has been about 20 minutes and he still...
  2. J

    Clownfish waving its tail at sand?

    2 days ago I purchased a pair of adult clowns from my lfs, and today I saw the female go down to the substrate and start “fanning” the substrate with her tail, she wasn’t scratching or anything like that, is that normal? Or just a random thing they do?
  3. Chowder3

    Next steps with tank after all fish die?

    Hi everyone! So on Monday night all my fish died except my electric blue hermit crab. So sad. My tank was established on May 10th of this year. I was doing the BRS 5 minute video set up. So far so good ~no issues until now. In my tank we’re 2 pairs of clown fish and the blue hermit crab. Monday...
  4. A

    Pennsylvania Clownfish

    I raised some hatches of clownfish. I am in no shortnage of premium all black onyx and onyx. I also have extreme picassos. Located just south of Pittsburgh pa PICKUP ONLY! premium all black onyx $70 each ($120 pair) Regular onyx $30 each ($50 pair) Picasso’s 100-250 each depending on markings...
  5. ItsNiQi

    Is it Brook, Velvet or Ich?

    I first noticed about two weeks ago that my young Photon Clownfish showed a slight difference in appearance. Since his eating habits haven’t changed and his overall demeanor was the same I said I would just look over him for the next week or so. Today I looked at him and it seems to have gotten...
  6. Salemsoul

    Thought it was brooklynella, now I think she's being bullied

    Hey guys I need some help with my clownfish Videl. She came half dead & with an insane injury to her head. Its been 2 years and while she recovered from the original injury, she never been a strong swimmer and tends to go on & off feed. This started with what I thought was brook on her, but my...
  7. j.register3

    New Reefer Feeding Question

    Hello all, I’m a new reefer getting my first pair of clownfish & im curious about their diet or just fish diet in general from experienced reefers! My plan is to feed a mixed diet of frozen mysis shrimp & pellet food. Would it be better to feed pellet or frozen food in the morning? & which one...
  8. DQM5

    California Selling 1 snowstorm clownfish!

    Hi reefers, I’m trying to re-home this beautiful snowstorm, I got from Cultivated reef awhile back. Super healthy, eats flakes, pellets and frozen food. I’m asking for $80 local pick up only Located in Orange County
  9. Cfellini91

    HELP! Introduced a Platinum into tank with black clown. Black clown is not happy! WHAT DO I DO?!

    I traded some frags to my LFS and used the credit to get a new fish. (Currently I have a 6-Line wrasse, coral beauty angel and a black clown in 30g tank). I picked up a platinum clown. I asked the guy how he think she'd do with my black clown I have had for a year and he said as long as the...
  10. Luke 29 Gallon

    Clownfish identification with Pictures

    Hey all, hope all are well. I have had my clownfish sense they were juvenile and still mostly orange and white but to this day I can’t figure out why they don’t act like all other mated pair I’ve saw. They are two different kinds I remember that but I that they were both ocellaris so they would...
  11. _Grim_Reefer

    Nano Build H2O box 35.1 Marine (1st Tank)

    Hey y'all, wanted to share my first tank with the community here! ✌ My name's Andrew, and this is my foray into reefkeeping. Excited to be around such knowledgeable and passionate members! Cycled the tank with the Microbacter Start XLM. I carelessly didn't read the instructions and ran live...
  12. thebenjibenji

    Need help IDing this

    Lymphocystis/Velvet/Ich/Brooklynella? It seems blue/purple but that may be due to the lights
  13. Micaeltercer

    Juvenile Ritteri Questions + Help!!

    Hey guys, I just got a new young ritteri from my LFS. It was the only ritteri that shipped to their location fully healthy. It looks a little like a BTA but I was told this is because it is still young and an Indonesian Ritteri. It is strong brown/purple base and tentacles with white tips. It...
  14. jp98777

    Lump on female clownfish cheek

    Hello all, I am new to the saltwater hobby. After months of research and preparation, I found a great deal on a secondhand, established 45 gallon with a 15 gallon sump. It came with 2 bonded clowns, 3 damsels, pajama cardinal, anemone (of which I’m not sure the species; I think a sebae?), and a...
  15. wolt

    Need help with clownfish

    My two clownfish are fight and I don’t know why. I got them as a pair
  16. A

    Stocking a 55

    Hi! I have recently acquired a 55gal tank and i feel like im ready to try saltwater. Ive had great success with my 4 freshwater tanks. Basically i need stocking advice. I KNOW i want a pair of clownfish but thats all that im certain thay i want. I honestly would do an only clownfish tank but i...
  17. Andrew Schubert

    Buying ClownFish Clutch ???

    I'm setting up a 2nd tank that is going to be a clownfish harem with anemones. In my research they recommend to get all the fish from the same clutch so to avoid aggression. However, I am failing to find any place where I can buy all the fish from the same clutch? Anyone have any experience or...
  18. T

    Number of clownfish in a tank

    Hi, I recently got into the hobby with a modest 33g reef tank. Everything has been running smoothly for the past few weeks, and every tank inhabitant seems to be doing well. In my tank dwell 2 clownfish (a Black ice and a Darwin) as well as the good old cleaner shrimp and a few other cleaning...
  19. mattybecks

    Allardi's enjoying breakfast shrimp

    I havent posted about my pair of Allardi's for a while, so I thought I would share some videos of them enjoying one of their larger breakfasts. I have decided not to risk keeping cleaner shrimp or peppermint shrimp in my aquarium anymore, as mine keep disappearing. I think they have developed a...
  20. H

    How many BTAs for 20 clown harem?

    I’m thinking of a harem of 20 clowns for a 125 gallon tank, how many BTAs would I need and how many could comfortably fit? Also are they compatible with SPS?
  21. N11morales

    Wyoming white dirty tail clown “smooshed” face

    Hello I just got this dirty tail Wyoming white clownfish and I didn’t realize his face is like short? Or smooshed compared to my other clown. Will his face change as he gets older? Or do some clowns just have different face shapes. His face is flat
  22. S

    Mystery algae killing my corals?

    Hi everyone, First and foremost, here are my tank specs: Fluval Evo 13.5 AI Prime 16HD running BRS's AB+ schedule at 40%, mounted 9 inches above the water surface, and 20 inches above the sand. It is run at 40% intensity for 6 hours a day with a two hour ramp up and down. 10 lbs of live rock...
  23. Lacrette1991

    Build Thread Kenya Tree vs Bubble Tip

    Hey everyone, just thought I’d share some more photos of my aquarium. stocked with 2 ocellaris clowns, 1 pink skunk clown, 1 blunt head wrasse, 1 cleaner shrimp, various clean up crew. Corals are Kenya Tree, Bubble Tip Anemone, Pulsing Xenia, Green star polyps, devilsfinger, forest fire...
  24. lazycouch

    does your oscellaris do this?

    hey guys i was wondering if there’s something going on with my clown. he’s about 1.5weeks in and he does this every now and then but i can’t seem to tell if he’s trying to get oxygen or if he’s hunting for pods somehow?? i’d think low oxygen levels would make him more desperate to reach the...
  25. Jess89264

    Clownfish Diagnosis - Red inflamed spot on fin

    Rescued this little guy from LFS, he was beat up badly and owner did not seem concerned ('JUST GLAD TO HAVE FISH DURING THE PANDEMIC!" - quote) ! - Slight overbite to assuming from inbreeding. I have him in my QT / Hospital Tank on Myxazin for his fins. I noticed this red spot on him - any...
World Wide Corals