
  1. Kiorayla

    Orbiculate Batfish with Cloudy Eyes

    Good Evening! My dad has been running is Marine tank again for just over 2 years now! I help him a lot with the tank, I have noticed that the batfish he is keeping has really cloudy eye on the Left side and a little cloudy on the Right. The fish are currently undergoing quarantine as his...
  2. gobybryant

    USA WTB Latz Clownfish

    Hey all- As the subject suggests, I’m looking for a Latz clown. These have been really hard to track down the last few months. Thanks!
  3. A

    Does this clown look healthy

    I’ve had this clown for about 13 days in qt, with copper power and GC for prophylactic ich/velvet treatment, and for intestinal parasites(stringy white feces). Originally it refused to eat, but after dosing gc in wc, he regained his appetite. I’m now feeding medicated food and is eating very...
  4. C

    EMERGENCY Is my anemone ok? Please help?

    Hi friends, I’m fairly new to the care of an anemone and am looking for some input. I just got this anemone about 4 days ago and have been witnessing some strange behavior patterns, just wanted to make sure it’s normal with pictures to elaborate. So acclimation process went pretty smooth, temp...
  5. C

    EMERGENCY New Tank Mates = Death?

    Hey another question, definitely have an emergency on my hands and need to know what to do ASAP. As much input as I can get would be appreciated. I have a 29 gallon tank about 3 months old housing two ocellaris clowns and a bunch of mushroom corals. 3 days ago we added some new tank mates 4...
  6. A

    Should I search for a possible dead fish? Advice needed

    Hi everyone Im assuming my female clownfish killed my male clownfish. She was attacking the male all day(Monday) and by the next day(Tuesday) the clownfish was missing. Even though they lived in harmony for 4 months my theory was the male was too small(a baby when I got him) and could not live...
  7. Emlxn

    Clownfish white patch on mouth! Help!

    Hello :) 6 weeks ago I set up my first ever reef tank. I have 2 banggai cardinals and two clowns (and some corals and other inverts). A week ago I added a six line wrasse which seemed very happy, no sign of disease or illness at all! However I woke up to find it had died two days ago :( The same...
  8. NanoReeferAlex

    Dying Rbta?

    Hello! my anemone decided to walk behind the rocks about five days ago and I just yesterday moved the rock so he was facing to the light, and this is what he looks like now. I can’t tell if he’s dying, and I don’t know what to do for him! if anybody could give me any tips on helping him...
  9. A

    Clownfish gills slightly flared

    I got an occelaris clownfish today, and it looked very healthy at the store in 0 copper and 1.022 specific gravity and my qt is at 1.023 so the acclimation jump wasn’t very large. It’s currently in qt at around 1.15 ppm of copper power. I’ve been gradually increasing dosage by .05 after...
  10. KeiraHachiko

    Clownfish has an injury

    Hi! This is my first post and I’m fairly new to the hobby! I have a 90litre tank with two ocellaris clowns and a lawnmower blenny. I have come home and found my female to have this injury. Anyone have any idea what it might be? Should I treat it? What with? Based in Australia, my closest...
  11. gobybryant

    Clownfish ID: Clarkii Complex

    Having trouble IDing this I crazy or this just regular ol A. clarkii?
  12. chadfish

    Black Splotches on Clown

    I've heard that black splotches can simply be nips or stings from coral or an anemone. Can anyone confirm that this is probably that? Hopefully not something more sinister. I keep adding coral. I dip in Bayer but I'm nervous that I'm putting my fish at risk.
  13. Joseram95

    Clownfish spawn issues.

    How are you all, I’m just new to the world of clownfish breeding so I had couple of questions. first my clownfish started spawning like 6 weeks ago, this is by far the third time spawning,( however they all without success) so I discovered, when the female lay the eggs, somehow they’re not the...
  14. Diveks

    Clownfish lost mate and clown behavior

    Hey everyone, I have decided to get my clownfish (male) a new mate since the female died in qt. The male clown is very adventurous. The tank is around 50 gallons around 3 feet long. They are 4-5 cm .The new clown is almost the same size and when i plopped him in he old clown went straight for...
  15. aeo29067

    Ocellaris or Percula?

    Hi guys, been a while since I posted anything but I wanted to ask a quick question. I bought a new clownfish the other day. It is almost pure white with a tiny bit of black on the edges of the fins. It was sold under "premium clownfish" and the guy that was working said it was a frostbite...
  16. LukeWolf

    Missouri Bonded pair of Mocha Storm clownfish first sale!

    Hello all, I am breaking down my tank due to moving off to college, so all of my livestock is for sale. I’m going to post the bigger more expensive fish individually then all the small cheap fish in one post. If anyone is interested I also have a 8” naso tang, 8” Hawaiian black longnose tang, 6”...
  17. M

    Clown Behavior

    Hey all I have a 90 Gallon tank and from the beginning my first fish were two clowns. They are quite small but all the other fish I’ve bought have been juvenile to keep them from finding themselves by far the smallest things in the tang. However one fish I have is a blue diamond watchmen goby...
  18. H

    EMERGENCY Black Storm Clownfish NOT EATING

    Hey Everyone, New to this page and was hoping to get some insight or advice to help myself out. I recently purchased 2 captive bred baby black storm clownfish from my LFS. Size is around 1 Inch or less so super small and my first fish to introduce into the tank. I purchased them back on Friday...
  19. Mich16

    I have had 2 clowns and 1 watchman goby. One clown died overnight.

    I bought a pair of clowns from a lfs. I had a qt setup. They seemed to have worms because of stringy poop, so I treated them with focus and metroplex for 10 days. Symptoms left and they seemed happy. I didn’t see a reason to treat copper so I transferred them to the main tank 90 gal with 30 gal...
  20. Johnhunterwork84

    Newby with lots of questions

    This is my first tank... looking for tips and a few questions. I don't have a sump or skimmers or any of that fancy stuff. Are they mandatory? Also since i have fish and coral what do i need to test? Can i add an anenome for clownfish?
  21. L

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Eye - Popped Out and Cloudy

    Hi All - Thanks in advance for the help. One of my clownfish's eye has been popped out and cloudy for the past 3 days. Otherwise he looks healthy, eats and swims around the tank. I have read that this could be an abrasion that can heal on its own to a more serious issue that I may need to treat...
  22. I

    Clownfish won't host anything?

    I have a 10 gallon mixed reef with two adorable captive-bred Ocellaris Clowns (purchased from my local Petco), and so far, everything's gone smoothly with them. However, my they seem to be disinterested in being hosted by anything. I had an orange tip BTA for awhile and they wouldn't touch it...
  23. B

    Rapid colour change on percula clownfish

    Hi, This is my first post, but I've been observing this forum for a while and it's amazing. I'm fairly new to saltwater and I purchased an already established fluval evo from a friend a couple of months ago. It's been going well, and my water parameters are pH = 8.0, ammonia = 0, nitrites = 0...
  24. codi-saltwaterguy

    Clownfish looks sick

    So my girlfriend bought this pair of clownfish a week ago and today one of the two started showing signs of what looked like ich. It was weird because literally the day before hand he looked completely fine. Now he looks on the brink of death. He has spots on his body and fins. His eyes are...
  25. M

    Breeding Clownfish

    Hello All, I am getting into breeding clownfish. I have 2 in a 75ltr/22g tank that are breeding on the back wall. I have a hatchery tank setup with same sal/temp. I am now setting up the roti/Phyto. My first question is, I want to add a tile so I can take it out. Do I put it where they...
Pacific East